Hello there!
Let's talk about a common issue we encounter all too often which is having good night sleep most of the time. This often due to a number of factors which might not necessarily have to do with health issues. This situation can be avoided to a greater extent by modifying our lifestyles.
Generall, the following tips would help you improve your night sleep:
Turn of the lights. Radiation from electric light or gadgets can occasion you discomfort. Turning off lights enable your brain to rest well.
Minimize sleep in day time: As much as possible, save your sleep for night times. But if you must nap in the day, try keeping it minimal - say 20-30 mins.
Use the right pillow size just enough to support the curve of your neck. Otherwise you might find yourself tossing all night and might have stiff neck.
Use a good mattress devoid of dust, mite droopings, bedbugs, and other similar dirts/microbes. These can really tale a toll on your sleep in addition to causing allergies.
Avoid sitting on bed to work, surf, or watch television. Your bed should be for sleep
Do your best to retire for bed early and wake up early also at regular times each day/night.
Avoid intake of caffeine and tobacco in later parts of the day otherwise you might find yourself tarrying throughout the night.
Avoid heavy meals in the night time. These weigh down your digestive system and in essence your body as a whole and can rob you of sound sleep.
Avoid drining at least two hours before sleep to reduce your trips to the toilet by night when you should be sleeping.
Keep your pets off your bed! They not only cause you inconveneience during sleep time, but are potential carriers of allergies as well.
Put off worries and heavy thoughts in the night. There are enough hours in day time to brood over every issue that might bother you.
I hope you find this useful