I slept 3 hours later than usual.

in slept •  3 years ago 

I slept 3 hours later than usual and woke up 3 hours late. The quality of sleep is satisfactory.

According to Hudy's sleep method according to my type, it is good to use up energy and fall down from exhaustion.

I think I used my energy hard last night with my aunt and little. Watching dramas.. Except for what I endured while sleeping, it's a satisfactory sleep.

Coin - Bountiful, come in!!
Of the minuses of the follow-up.. In the case of Aruna, it is offsetting the damage by giving it straight up. It looks like the intestines are getting close, but I'll wait and see.
Steam going back and forth around 500 won again.. You bastard~~ Stop stretching and now
you're sloppy keke There are a lot of things that look good when you participate. Well, everyone knows what it's like to take a picture and taste it.

Body - Satisfying movement and breathing sensation
These days, it seems to be satisfying to have to do something every day. I heard the yoga studio here is closed on weekends. Can I do something? Let's take a look around. Oh, there seems to be a person doing two sacrum, shall we take a look around there?
I need to do some eye awareness training today!! Class is next Tuesday..

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