Best exercise to become slim in 30 days (1 month)

in slim •  10 months ago 


  1. Toe Reaches

When starting out, this exercise is ideal for developing a strong core.

Place your feet up and your legs at a ninety-degree angle while lying on your back.
As you raise your upper body off the mat, contract your lower abdominal muscles.

Raising your hands to your toes, pause a moment or two at the top.
Lower yourself back down gradually.
Perform 1-3 sets of 12–18 reps.

  1. Side planks
    Lower your lower leg to the ground to provide additional support. Raise your upper leg as high as you can to increase the intensity, or perform hip dips by bringing your hips nearly to the floor and then back up.

With your right forearm beneath your shoulder, lie on your right side.
Stretch your legs, placing your left foot above your right. Ensure your core is tight.
To make a straight line with your body, lift your hips. Straighten your left arm and raise it.
Bring your left arm under your body and turn your torso toward the floor.
To get back to the starting position, rotate your torso and extend your left arm.
Begin with a single 8–12 rep set.
Continue on the opposite side.

  1. Bicycle crunches
    Make sure to rotate your core during this exercise, and try not to strain your neck or pull with your hips. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and plant your lower back into the floor.

With your knees bent and your heels flat on the ground, lie on your back.
At the base of your skull, interlace your fingers.
Start by contracting your core, raising your upper body off the ground, and bringing your knees up to a straight position above your hips.
Twist your torso while bringing your left knee and right elbow toward each other while exhaling.
Extend and straighten your right leg simultaneously.
Inhale to the beginning position after holding this position for one or two counts.
Then do the opposite side.
This is one repetition. Do 2–3 sets of 8–18 repetitions.

  1. Boat pose (navasana)
    This workout strengthens the spinal and core muscles. Throughout the pose, lengthen your spine and open up your chest.

Lean back on your tailbone and sitting bones while seated.
Stretch your legs aloft to create a V shape.
Raise your arms forward until they are parallel to the ground.
Hold for one minute at most.
Do this two or three times.

  1. Burpees
    This intense workout strengthens your core and aids in fat burning.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand.
Put your hands in front of you, exactly beneath your shoulders, as you squat down.
Step back with your legs to form a push-up position.
Jump your feet back to the starting position after completing one pushup.
As you leap with force, raise your arms above your head.
After landing, return to your squat position.
Perform 12–25 repetitions in 6–10 sets.


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