Small business Saturday

So Alaska (my dog) chewed the vacuum cord to pieces... Obv I had to have a new one. I have a Kirby so parts are readily available but I chose this local business about half way between work and home.

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I once had my brother's cat chew through my Wacom tablet cord. It wasn't unplugable on the tablet end, so before I even tried prying it open I called to see if it was possible to get a replacement. The rep was all, sure, it's simple enough to replace and we can send you a new one for ten bucks. What happened?
I said, this is going to sound like I'm putting you on, but the cat chewed through it.
He laughed his ass off and said, yup, that's a new one!

Alaska is ur diehard follower he pridicted your upcoming post and created this situation to encourage this post, great thought 👍

Lmao.. that's funny right there..