chili pepper due to wereng disease

in smarphotography •  7 years ago  (edited)

m cayenne pepper in dry season then the curly leaf disease will easily attack your chilli plants. The causes of curly disease are actually many such as nitrogen deficiency crops, aphids attack and gemini virus infection.

The most common cause of curly leaves is the attack of aphids that have been carrying gemini virus.

Chilli plants that have curly leaves will be difficult to treat but we can prevent it by controlling the vector ie thrips, lice kebul, and aphids.

To control the vector then you should routinely spray insecticides made from active abamectin or dimetoat at least once a week. Use also systemic insecticides with active ingredient imadikoplorid at least 2 weeks. Expected by controlling vectornya leaf curly disease image imagem cabe rawit dimusim kemarau maka penyakit daun keriting akan mudah menyerang tanaman cabe anda. Penyebab penyakit keriting sebenarnya ada banyak seperti tanaman kekurangan nitrogen, serangan kutu daun dan infeksi virus gemini.

Yang paling sering menyebabkan daun keriting adalah serangan hama kutu daun yang sudah membawa virus gemini.

Tanaman cabe yang daunnya sudah keriting akan sulit untuk diobati namun kita bisa mencegahnya dengan mengendalikan vektornya yakni thrips, kutu kebul, dan aphids.

Untuk mengendalikan vektornya maka anda harus rutin menyemprotkan insektisida berbahan aktif abamektin ataupun dimetoat minimal seminggu sekali. Gunakan juga insektisida sistemik berbahan aktif imadikoplorid minimal 2 Minggu sekali. Diharapkan dengan mengendalikan vektornya maka penyakit daun keriting

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