$martFund: Solution For Investor and Developers Project

in smartfund •  6 years ago 


Hi friends, see you here again ...
this time I will discuss Cryptocurrency Guys.
cryptocurrency is a digital currency that will dominate the world, we know that nowadays Cryptocurrency is very famous in the world, especially Bitcoin (BTC), in some time ago bitcoin experienced a significant price increase, besides Bitcoin, we also know there is another coin called Alternative Coin .
so many alternative coins nowadays, some have high prices or even a lot of rubbish, they die on the exchange. Altcoin uses the ETH or ERC20 platform on average.
there are several factors that cause the death of the altcoin, namely the Initial Coin Offering (ICO), ICO leaves a lot of problems, especially if ICO does not reach the Soft-cap, then the possibility of dead Tokens is very large, to achieve a soft-cap, a project requires good management of investors, and developers, usually many ICOs fail because they lack investors or developers stop halfway.
there are many reasons Investors are not interested in ICO, investors do not find excellence in tokens, they are afraid that if they then invest in the project they will suffer losses or they will lose value after being registered on the exchange.

well, to answer all the problems above, we offer you an altcoin based on the Banco platform by using smart contract ethereum as a place for new investments, namely the $mart Fund ($FD):

$mart Fund offers a start-up based on the Banco Protocol and uses Ethereum as a backup. this is the difference between another token and $mart Fund, using Ethereum as a backup gives the possibility of stability, and can move up every time a transaction occurs and will form a price dividend between the price at Exchange and the purchase price of $FD.
in addition, $FD uses an open fund system, as well as limits the speed of purchase and redemption, and keeps the award funds continued.

The $mart Fund ($FD) uses a smart investment ecosystem, which means that this ecosystem consists of Smart funds and a number of DAPP projects invested. $mart Fund is fully decentralized using voting, and also invests in the DAPP project which allows getting benefits such as the ethereum model and real-time dividends.


Now, the question is what is the solution provided by $mart funds?

  1. for investor
  • with smart funds, investors will easily recognize good and rare projects, and investors will know the information, when is the best time to invest at the start of the project.
  1. For Developers project
  • the solution from Smart Fund, developers will know how to raise funds for the Getting Start- Up Project.

Eight characteristics Problem solving of the Smart investment ecosystem

This is your chance to join the $mart Fund, what are you waiting for?
with various advantages that exist, you will forget the problems you faced in the past. all will benefit if you join the $mart fund.

For further information you can click:
Website: http://1smart.fund/
telegram: https://t.me/onesmartfund
Whitepaper: https://1smartfund.github.io/static/$mart_Investment_Ecology.pdf

$mart Fund Token Detail:
Token Name: $mart Fund
Total Circulation: 36,248,234,64 $F
Benefits to Distribution: 19.03 ETH
price of 1 $FD (estimated): US$0.0383 (if the price increases you can get 2x ETH)

Besides you can invest, you can also take part in the $MartFund Bounty Campaign, benefit from joining the SmartFund community.
Everything is easy, with $martFund you will be the best investor, are you a conservative investor, a stable investor, or are you an aggressive type investor? it's time for you.
join the community below:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fund_smart
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onesmartfund/
Telegram: https://t.me/onesmartfund
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5166396.0
Invest Now: https://coinx.exchange/#/

Bitcointalk Username: indriasyifa
ETH address: 0x8C7c940105372b45E1bf2179d7383091C2c32D01

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