Good evening steemit .. maybe all this time we are also on already know all about the dangers of smoking ... but why the audience is still very much ,, when very clearly smoking can kill yourself ... ???
Honesty is an important aspect of the life of the learned, grappling in the world of knowledge, to seek the truth.
In addition, cigarette advertisement posters on display in the streets, also displays horror images about the dangers of cigarettes, and added a warning: 18 + which means cigarettes should only be consumed by adults.
In addition to vulgar words (Warning: Cigarettes Killing You), the government also through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia also prepared 5 "horrible" images that must be affixed in each cigarette box to give a real picture of the serious illnesses that smokers will encounter.
- Cancer of the mouth
In the first picture, there is the word "WARNING" written in Arial Bold capital font size, size 10, white and black background block. The picture shows the mouth of a smoker who looks pathetic due to mouth cancer. And beneath the picture is the inscription "SMOKING CAUSE OF CANNED CANCER"
- People smoke with smoke forming a skull
Similar to the first image, any cautionary pictorial on the cigarette pack must include the words "WARNING" at the top of the image. In this second picture, it appears a smoker who holds a cigarette while breathing cigarette smoke billowing to form a skull. And under the picture is the inscription "SMILKING KILL YOU"
- Throat Cancer
The third picture is no less terrible. There was a cigarette addict who had throat cancer with a hollow neck and a very disgusting lump of cancer. And under the picture there is a big article in the form "SMOKING CAUSE OF THROAT THROAT CANCER"
- People Smoking With Children Nearby
The fourth picture emphasizes the danger of smoking for others, especially children. In the picture, it appears a smoker who smoked his cigarette while carrying a small child. Underneath the picture is the words "SMOKING NEAR DANGEROUS CHILDREN FOR THEM"
- Lung Cancer and Bronchitis
Smoking is very harmful to the lungs. But many smokers are not afraid because they have not seen it themselves. In this fifth picture, the pictorial memorial shows clearly how the smoker's lung is blackened by cancer. Underneath the picture is the inscription "SMOKING CAUSE OF CHRONIC LUNGS AND BRONCITIS"