SMTs and the Emergence of New Steem Business Models

in smts •  7 years ago 

Towards a Smarter Web

Last month, we began discussing the many features of the Steem blockchain that could be focused on for multiple applications. Though not immediately visible and accessible in Steemit's current interface, we will see new companies and SMTs that take advantage of and creatively utilize the blockchain's features – beneficiary rewards, staking, feeless transfers, adjusted curation, post timing, etc. - to establish new business models and expand the influence of Steem.

We want to emphasize that these are not just quirks or slight variations of what Steemit is now. Instead, revealing and mix-matching a number of key components could help establish wildly different models that motivate distinct types of content. In today's post, we'll look at two upcoming SMTs and round out the discussion of creatively using the Steem blockchain for distinct professions and problems.

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VICE and Paid Viewership

One previously unthinkable aspect of content consumption is the idea of rewarding the viewer. Ultimately with any form of media – blogs, articles, videos, tweets, pictures, advertisement, and art – the audience is what validates and maintains the equity of that specific creative form. The audience drives the economy of production. And yet, the audience isn't rewarded for being a part of that market demand, despite the legwork a consumer may do in purchasing the media, sharing it with friends and colleagues, and other ways of maintaining that value.

Of course, Steemit and its media derivatives such as DSound and Dtube subvert this assumption with curation rewards, implicitly redistributing value to those who provide their engagement and support. Curation values might be up to the SMT creators to play with the idea of rewarding the consumer how much and for what.

That's where the upcoming token VICE takes this feature and creates a whole new marketplace for... ahem... creative video content. You will be paid to watch pornography. No matter what you think about the subject material, the concept that you receive a piece of the ultimate value a video would produce is astounding and flips the typical YouTube model on its head. No 3rd parties and no add-on monetization. Value would be distributed as per the 'equity' of its audience.

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This sets a precedent for other video forms such as advertisements (as we see with the Basic Attention Token), news, and so much more. Being rewarded with token payouts is one very clear benefit of the Steem blockchain, but creativity in the curation systems opens up whole new avenues to incentivize particular forms of business.

It makes sense to empower your audience directly with micropayments that connect them to the content they watch and support. The value creation and distribution of the Steem blockchain could come to the forefront with VICE.

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Bob's Repair

At first glance, Bob’s Repair seems like a Steemit model applied to a specific forum and topic, but this SMT is highly focused on one aspect offered – the reputation score.

Forums typically have embedded rating systems or at least a counter with total number of posts, date joined, etc. but they generally lack a rigorous, non-centralized ways to verify ratings and reviews. They can typically be taken advantage of and the final number or reputation is rarely faithful to the account.

This is especially pertinent to a manual service that has historically not been so integrated in digital databases. How do you know if your plumber is reputable? Or if your locksmith is trustworthy? These professions have operate most on interpretive word-of-mouth but now can be verified and supported by a blockchain network.

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This empowers both the raters and the rated. Fraud or incomplete work can be flagged. More helpful advice and community engagement can be upvoted. Steem proof-of-stake protocol could be revolutionary for domains that have had little to do with the digital era and relied mostly on elbow-grease and the Yellow Pages. Again, by taking advantage of and elaborating on an existing functionality of the Steem blockchain has allowed Bob to create a new ecosystem for feedback and posts.

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More to Come

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the depth that will be made available with the release of Smart Media Tokens. Virtually everything online is in some way a creative or informative expression and by simply tweaking the functionality of Steem’s blockchain, we as a community could begin to rethink traditional industries.

We’ll be sure to do more analyses like this as SMTs come out of the woodwork and we’re excited to be a part of the movement!

Explore Smart Media Tokens and the whitepaper, here.

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Neither the VICE token nor Bob's Repair are planning to use SMTs. I have talked with the head of the VICE token project and he confirmed that they will be forking the Steem blockchain code and running their own separate chain and not using Steem or SMTs in any way.

They are doing an airdrop of tokens to Steem token holders however, so any of us who held STEEM back at the end of December should receive some free VICE tokens when they launch.

Bob's Repair is a bit more complicated. If I remember correctly they are going to be primarily using an ERC-20 token and some Ethereum smart contracts for their primary business but will post user reviews on the Steem blockchain.

In one of the posts on initially announcing the project I asked if they were going to use an SMT and someone who was associated with the project - might have been @virtualgrowth - don't remember offhand, said they were not planning on creating an SMT.

Nevertheless, they say imitation is the best form of flattery, so while the VICE token project may have the technical ability to start their own chain, many other projects may not and will hopefully opt to use an SMT instead (when/if they are actually released - i think that was probably a big reason behind VICE choosing to make their own fork).

Interesting, Vice wants to start their own Steem blockchain...

Get paid to watch Porn man will never get any more work done ever again lol.. looking forward to all the new things that will be developed on steem blockchain... the internet is changing people.

Get paid to watch porn sounds like an interesting idea. It will get people's attention until they realize whatever you get TINY compared to the inflation needed to sustain this reward system

HR MANAGER: Tell me about yourself.

ME: Screw that! I watch porn for a living. You're fired!

Love it!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

vegeta yes now all steemians are officially involved in the adult industry

Whether they want to or not lol... they can always give me their stake if they don't want it.

There's only so much porn you can watch at a time. An industry will bloom to develop tools to give the impression that you are watching porn continuously to earn the tokens.

doesnt matter thats not how steem works man, on steem do people get paid just from getting views? NO we arent selling ads, people who earn vicepowet get to upvote content and produce more vic tokens to pay the contest producers like dtube

Another token to power up and HODL.

Doesn't matter you and the content producer gets paid, so it's a win-win.

Agree. Blockchain is the future in every part of the industry :D

I can get free bitcoin.

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They are doing an airdrop of tokens to Steem token holders however, so any of us who held STEEM back at the end of December should receive some free VICE tokens when they launch.

Most of us don't have liquid STEEM anyway. Will the air drop includes those who only hold Steem Power?

This is all the information there is about the airdrop:

Vice Industry Token Inc. will airdrop 400,000,000 (10%) of the genesis tokens to
STEEM token holders as of block number 18,500,000 on the STEEM Blockchain. The
airdrop to STEEM holders will be distributed by January 1, 2021, and possibly earlier,
in a manner and time period of Vice Industry Token Inc’s choosing.

So I don't know, and it seems like we wouldn't even get them for 3 years for some reason...

Oh shit! A lot of things can happen by that time. Blockchains are everywhere and nowhere. Nevertheless, I love the idea of ditching our employer(s) to become a full-time porn consumer.

Since you are reading this anyway, I'd like to take this chance maybe you could support my proposal to put every sexual activity on a blockchain. That way we could reduce heartaches brought by cheating in a relationship.

How do Steemit users hold VICE tokens?

they will be airdropped so i guess you will wait for vice wallet and login with your steem active or owner key to redeem vice tokens like bitcoin and bitcoin cash

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


Does this go for steem power ? now does an airdrop work with steem I am sure if its here on steemits wallet its not going to be supported?

There's really not much information about it. This is what it says in the whitepaper:

Vice Industry Token Inc. will airdrop 400,000,000 (10%) of the genesis tokens to
STEEM token holders as of block number 18,500,000 on the STEEM Blockchain. The
airdrop to STEEM holders will be distributed by January 1, 2021, and possibly earlier,
in a manner and time period of Vice Industry Token Inc’s choosing.

No idea why we won't get our airdrop for 3 years? lol. Anyway like I said I think in the end it's all good press for Steem.

If they would have used SMTs it would have been fantastic... now there is just a new fork... diverting attention... but as said... I think the no-update-situation means that there are massive problems and we better should not expect SMTs anytime soon.... :(

Thanks for clarifying this @yabapmatt. It seems unclear what is going to come out the other end with both of these and we'll update this @sndbox article once we get more info.

Thanks, i'm guessing you're somehow involved with @sndbox? Any way I could get in touch with you? I saw you guys did an event at Temple in Philadelphia recently and I'm involved in the local Philadelphia Steem group, we have meetups once a month, and would love to maybe work together to grow the platform in this area. Let me know!

Oh that sounds great! Yes, I'm part of the team and feel free to message me on I'll let you know the next time we might arrange a social meetup there with the class (likely later this spring or early summer).

upvoted. nice post

Thanks for the info... When I read the whitepaper I was not sure either if they just had used the wrong term "forking" instead of "SMTing"...
Appics has removed all the references to SMTs as well... As no updates are coming through, I assume the best thing is to forget about SMTs altogether.. It seems like they are stuck and so all the other projects drop or never intend to use SMTs anymore...


Nice right up

Will VICE be using the Steem blockchain? There seems to be some confusion around this project. Last I heard they were not using it any longer. I have not had time to dig into this further as I am traveling right now. @sndbox

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @thejohalfiles - to give you some background, I work full time in the blockchain sector, specifically with ICOs.

VICE published this article a few hours ago talking about how they will be using an ERC20 token for the ICO.

I imagine that they will move to an SMT, once they are launched. ERC20 tokens often have network congestion issues, due to bloating on Ethereum's network. I would think that VICE are ready for ICO, so decided to get it started right away by using and ERC20 token, but when they want to scale they will move to SMTs, so that users can benefit from fast transactions, the reward pool, and all the other positives of SMTs. Otherwise, VICE would have to build a whole rewards pool smart contract with all of SMT's consensus mechanisms in order to reward users for watching etc., that would also interact with IPFS - I don't even know if such complexities are possible with solidity, as I don't know the language too well.

I hope this helps, I would really appreciate your feedback on my latest project!

Edit - see @sndbox's reply, VICE have forked Steemit's code.


But does forking steems code mean that they will use an SMT? If they get all the benefits of the graphene architecture, why use an SMT?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great question @thejohalfiles, the VICE whitepaper still highlights Steem as a basis for utilizing the rep-scores. However, we've heard conflicting reports and are also seeking more information about this.

Comment EDIT - it looks as if VICE will be forking the Steem code to provide this functionality. See their tweet below:

Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 6.51.27 PM.png

so basically @viceindustry won't be using the same Steem blockchain we're using, and won't be an SMT.
From what I understand the Steem blockchain is not fully open source... I think the dude will get sued if he forks the Steem blockchain without permission from Steemit Inc.

The Steem code is open source, the license was changed quite some time ago:

It kind of seems like a bad move to me. Like divided we fall. Would make Steem and Vice stronger to just join forces.

Not everyone wants porn. Steemit added the 18+ content block to deal with it temporarily. I like this, it will allow VICE to be Steem porn and Steemit to be quality proof of brain.

That's why they'll air drop their tokens to steem holders. Like compensation.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

My understanding (see comment here from @sndbox) is that they are forking the Steem code and blockchain. This means that VICE will have its own chain, rather than using an SMT on Steem's chain. The fork also means that users with cash in their Steem wallet at the fork snapshot will be getting equivalent VICE tokens, though there's been some confusion about how far back in time the snapshot occurred.

I think block 18.500.000. But tokens will not be given until 2021 (latest date)

@thejohalfiles - as others have commented, i confirmed with the head of the VICE token project that they are not going to be using an SMT. Also neither is Bob's repair as far as I understand. I provided some more details in my reply to the original post but wanted to respond to your comment also so you would see.

Youre right it is hard to find information on them bu for me it is clear that they must use steem, how else can they actually play for content like steem does? They will have to fork steem and have their own image and video and dlive style front end where you can upload videos, earn vicepower and vice backed dollars actually an amazing name lol and it will just work great, you earn vicepower and vice backed dollars to sell , yu can power up vicepower or power it down and you can use your vicepower to upvote other vice creators, JUST like dtube/dlive and steemit NSFW section just advertised to the adult industry audience so it has GREAT potential and we get the airdrop free anyway ...

They just have to wait for HarFork20 to fork steem so they get all the great new features and no account creation bottleneck and hopefully communities maybe even SMTs :D

why is your acc worth $5.1M wtf

I'm amazed at the ceaseless innovation occurring on this platform.

Thanks for sharing this @sndbox, and thanks for letting us know about some upcoming SMT based projects. I can imagine that a lot of smaller companies will flock to SMTs, as they offer a very simple solution to creating a token for an ICO.

I actually did a post about two hours ago overviewing SMTs, and will be doing a technical post over the next week or so, explaining the technicalities behind them, and analysing the mathematics from the white paper. I'd appreciate if you checked it out!

You will be paid to watch pornography.

When I hear such things, I understand that crypto-currencies really change our life !!! LOL, the next step is to get paid for having sex)))

It is exciting to see SMT to be functioning!

Just holding Steem and wait for SMT to bring steem to moon!

Informative thank you

Vice is making a mistake trying to become a Blockchain company instead of focusing on their core competency.

From what I've seen and heard it doesn't look like they have any competencies


Wait so SMT are released now? I seriously cant keep up/understand SMT yet there just seems to be a lack of info or hard to find.

Yeah, I don't quite get it myself.

Yes, the more we know about it the complicated it seem... so just clarify all these stuff in easier way. Make steemit and its blockchain more clear.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

SMTs will be a meta-token platform for the Steem blockchain. Think ERC-20's on Ethereum but better and useful.

Yeah... SMTs seem to be a ghost... No info at all regarding progress... one has to wonder: is there no progress??

These are all great ideas. Not sure there's a need for multiple coins although competition is always good. Hopefully a day will come when all these platforms adopt the approach DTube took and just jump on the band wagon...

Could have used any examples (especially when you consider that VICE is apparently not using SMT), but went with pornography. Nothing says progress like naked cocks and tits.

2017-10-13 12.25.23.jpg

Taking Steem to a new level.

I think that all of this technology can and will become a big roll in the social media space in the future.

I love the idea of paid viewership. Been joining all projects with paid viewship concept e.g. refereum, Theta network etc.. because I think its a gamechanger in streaming and also mining. Cos mining will now be user streams on their CPUs rather than high end equipment. According to Cisco report in 2016, 67% of internet traffic was video streaming, and it is still increasing, estimated to be 81% of internet traffic by 2020. Alot of future in paid viewship technology!

이해하도록 노력해보지만 여전히 어렵군요.

These newly added features will definately improve steem blockchain.Actually we are waiting for actual implementation of all these features which are currently not accessable

“That's where the upcoming token VICE takes this feature and creates a whole new marketplace for... ahem... creative video content. You will be paid to watch pornography. “
I’m afraid this could turn our generation in to couch potatoes. I guess eventually you could get paid for anything not porn only since third party would not be involved.
“At first glance, Bob’s Repair seems like a Steemit model applied to a specific forum and topic, but this SMT is highly focused on one aspect offered – the reputation score.”
I love this idea since I’m a general contractor and I belive this would help many honest people.
Interesting post!

Agreed im a contractor my self an is excited to be part of this blockchain proof of stake generation

God.. the future of business is bright in the future..

yes It is.. I agree with your statement.. Let's follow each other..

Smart media token news specially about steemit article just a mind blowing dear. Your understanding style so good and your example also good which have done to understand easily how does work steemit as a media token and in basis of which it depends.

Yeah as long as the tokens work well enough.

getting paid to watch porn. that's not gonna last to long!
especially for men who easily fire off after 5 mins.
getting paid to star in porn makes more sense.

Haha, yeah, or after 30 seconds, Bob the Blower, yes we can.


Why wouldn't all of these services and outlets just use Steem?

I wish they would. Seems like everyone would benefit by joining forces.

Nice post brother @sisajol

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I wonder how this VICE blockchain is going to work. I mean, how are they going to struggle with cheating. If they have auto-play function I can switch on this porno marathon on my computer in the morning go to work, than come back in the evening and get paid as if I really have watched hundreds of porn movies this day.

In this case there should be some control questions at the end of each session, for example asking how many women or men were in the previous movie, or what porn category the previous movie best fits for, so they really know you actually watched it.
The other way to control the watchers is to get access to the cameras of the users, so this way even better as they can actually watch if you watch the porn or sleeping in your chair. With this feature even some masturbation bonus rewards may be applied. And beside "upvoted" (or "liked" ) counter there will be "masturbated" counter. This is how we all know the true rating of particular video.

Trying to imagine how VICE porn whale will be looking like.

Didn't want to harm this guy from photo, still think he has all the potential for start making good money soon.

Wow Great
Upvote It

bitcoin is amazing and very workable in the current world. upvote and resteemit done

great things! I'm looking forward to fork!

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nice content take a look on my posts as well, need lot's of your upvotes :)

Wow! We can't wait to see that, 8t will also be a great one ,am optimistics this will contribute positively to the blockchain.

Wow very good post!!
Keep it up!!

Nice post

Nice post...i like...very good..follow and vote

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Great overview of these projects. I have heard about both, but can't say I understood the purpose or objectives very well. I like how you related them to the Steem platform. I'm excited to look into them more and get involved with both! Your post reads well and I love to see people taking time to make sure they put out quality material, not something thrown together in haste. Thanks for the post. 👍👍👍

Good post

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upvote ..

i just follow u my buddy...!!

i need mercy ..!!
please vote my post..


we're hopeful go ahead

your post is very useful for others .. my some posts I read there I add science ..thank

good idea

Great ! Thanks for clarifying .

appreciate this informative post

Nice @sndbox. Don't forget upvote @sevenmuklis

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This is really interesting stuff. It seems that porn pushes technology to the next level no matter what. I'm hoping this pushes the value of steem even further.

I enjoyed your post. Wow the all the best, congrats, and heaps of adoration from the core of my heart, I am with you and will be there.plz give me one upvot

I enjoyed your post. Wow the all the best, congrats, and heaps of adoration from the core of my heart, I am with you and will be there.plz give me one upvot

Steemit is very good platform for bloger. Only things, Steem coin's price is not still increase. I need its price more 10uds

I'm excited the Christmas tree @sndbox. I can't wait to get started..

nice work

nice work for us steemians friends

I want to set up a website

As a writer myself, i envision a platform mixing wattpad with crypto. A site where you could create short stories, novels or chatstories that could be rewarded by the community. Also, actions like sharing or commenting could be rewarded too, by the author. At the same time, bringing new users or getting high reputation would be rewarded by the platform itself.

This is a very crude idea in my head, but i think it is actually possible, and very needed.

nice post,

sound interesting and tough

This is a winning business model that is being proven by Steemit. There are some other likely contenders coming up also, such as Current simply due to its powerful backers. (They can waste a lot of time and money and make a lot of mistakes getting going with so much money and influence behind them.)

Thanks for this post. You introduced me to a couple here I hadn't heard of before. I'm waiting to invest in anything other than Steemit coins until I can see a bit more proof of achieving network effects.

I'm totally new here on Steemit (in fact, this is my first comment!) but I'm happy to come across useful posts like this one.

I need skills here. I want to make it biggerly here.
Kindly help out.

salute for all steemit development, may always make the best for all steemit members in the world

SMT's are going to be the revolution in web

Sounds like Steem's unique take on ICOs

Sounds like a great way to make sex addiction rampant :) But for the rest, I can’t wait!

If the project is successful. This is very profitable between users. Good luck @sndbox

There's definitely a shift in the world of what we accept as tolerated with advertising. I think everyone is getting quite fed up with the Google way (and the copy cats like FB). Time has come where the people have power and will use it. We are more interested in pure content, not content that has been filtered or force delivered. We are fed up with commercial censorship. Advertising that is blatantly racist.

This SMT is a perfect concept and will give the power back to the people. Awesome stuff!

Neither the code nor the Bob Repair decide to use the STS. I even have spoken with the pinnacle of the project vis-a-token and confirmed that it'll continue the icon of the steam blocker and run their own separate series and not use the steam or STS in any approach.

They are dropping the air from the icons to the homeowners of the steam code, however anyone folks United Nations agency command the steam once more at the tip of Gregorian calendar month ought to receive some free Facebook icons once they area unit free.

Fixing Bob could be a very little a lot of sophisticated. If I bear in mind properly it'd be within the initial place victimization the R-20 code and a few sensible contracts for his or her core business however the user comments are going to be denote on the steam blocker.

In one in all the posts on at the beginning of the project announcement I asked if they were aiming to use the CMS and somebody United Nations agency was related to the project-may be virtualgrowth-I do not bear in mind his hand and same they did not arrange on making a CMS.

However, they are saying imitation is that the best variety of compliment, therefore whereas the project's token is that the technical ability to start out their own series, several different comes might not, and hope to decide on to use rather named it (when/are truly released-I suppose it in all probability was an enormous reason behind your brother Stream face to form their own fork.)

Good news for the @steem community

This kinds of dynamism that is with steem is what makes me to continue to log in and navigate despite the disappointments. Keep up with the good work, although I don't really get the grasp of the whole thing sorrounding cryptocurrencies, but you do mean very well for the steemian community. Thanks.

So it seems these two arent SMT'S at all. Its been kinda hard to find any actual smt's or documentation on how to build one. This is a major shortcoming that the devs need to address. The steem ecosystem can only grow if smt's are as easy to make as ERC-20 tokens. I hope this happens soon. Else we may be seeing more steemit forks soon.

Apparently, SMT is close to it's launch date
Positive feats has been featured on the Steem blockchain recently.
SMT the Blockbuster!!!

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Anyone else a bit worried about the lack of good SMT projects announced so far? Appics is the only one I've seen. There needs to be projects launched sooner or we risk losing out to other platforms such as EOS


So is this going to be an extension of steemit or an entire new ICO?

It's an innovative program on Steemit
It's gonna be great

Steemit is actually just one-single window into the Steem blockchain. (One of many!) SMTs will allow everyone to create their own token built atop of Steem (they can ICO tokens on top of Steem). Very similarly to how ERC20s are built on top of Ethereum. This will bootstrap a huge new universe of applications that will all be part of the Steem family tree.

So it's sort of like smart contracts where they have to pay small steem fees to enforce the contracts?

i used to build model cars from car kits when I was a teen..and even a shaker trike.... They were fun! But... This is more than just building a model car! The detail in these models defy description! Honestly... It looks as though shrink juice was applied to a full-size car, from a car show, and labeled as a model...... They are THAT good!! Great Job GSL!!! :D ummmha

@sndbox thank you.. I always wait update your article.. a lot of your posting have change my mind. and I always recomended your posting to my friend. I say to them that in your posting there are many knowledge


I like a post :D good info

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So I will be paid for watching pornography? Interesting!!
should grab a bunch of Vice Industry Token. Seems like it has huge market

innovar sin perder las perspectivas ,siempre con la vision y mision de mejorar.

Steem will go to a new level..

thanks for the post support me @angeGonzalez

these 2 very low quality projects do nothing but drag down the value and rep of steem -- we can only hope their are quality projects ready for announcement.

So Vice will hard-fork the steem chain? Overall very curious about the SMT's. Good read! thanks!

please help me play steemit, i am new beginner

Hello @sndbox
I realized that you are a good will person..your mind is so high..I feel in always time.. it is my changing in my life... in a middle I need a many contribution ... I hope that I always time help getting for you.. everytime I am following for your post becesue your post imformative for us......

I will try.. I always time.. I followed you and other persons I inspired in your post.

i will always upvote and resteem
enjoy it
your one 100% upvote changing my life

You will be paid to watch pornography.

Hell yeah! Sounds like an idea of the century was born. So the next time my friends ask me where do I work, I will simply say porn marathon.

Since you are reading this anyway, why not hop-over and check out my recent proposal to decentralize sex.

SMTs will bring more success for the Steem blockchain. Every content creators will get benefit from it outside of Steemit. Every website on the internet will get another opportunity in terms of Monetization. Some of the big website with having good traffics and active users like Medium, reddit, Mashable and Smashing Magazine can integrate SMTs on their website, but I am not sure that they might use it or launch their own Cryptocurrency.

But still if we think, there are possibilities that some of the big websites will use it, due to the popularity of Steem blockchain and Steemit.

The Project of SMTs will increase the number of transactions on the Steem blockchain and the number of transactions will help the Growth of Steem and steem prices.

Thanks @sndbox for the article.

Smarter Web to earn money

Nice post
Please vote me

nice post....i just upvoted you>>>please tell me what to do so that i can get many upvotes like yours

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Mucho gusto !! es un placer si te gustaria seguirme excelente soy nuevo por aca Espero te guste mis publicaciones

Thanks for sharing the information with us @sndbox

Congratulations @sndbox!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 2 with $ 545,23

Stay focus and complete the journey.

Greetings @sndbox,

Some discord steem users advised me to contact you to present my project. (on francosteemvote community discord)

Please be kind enough to check out my last post "the full guide to lebastion project" on my blog.
I would like to know if this kind of project could be one of those you support.

Thank you for what you do for steem. I hope i'll see a comment from you.

Nice post

@sndbox saya duka dengan postingan nya
Rasanya saya ingin mengulang kembali membacanya karna ada mamfaatnya bagi saya lucky1001.