I stopped smoking... but gained 6 kilos in the process :(

in sndbox •  7 years ago  (edited)

I am a smoker, I´m always going to be a smoker

You know what they say, once a smoker, always a smoker... and you know what? That is right, I have stopped smoking several times, sometimes for months at a time, but I always go back, I always smoke again.

That is because I like it. I have a pleasant time smoking, I enjoy the taste, I appreciate the sense of calmness it gives me and also, I love to feel like a Marlboro Cowboy.

But it goes deeper, this is not about my smoking habit or me trying to quit. It is about my addictions.

In fact, I am addict. It doesn´t matter to what, but I need to be addicted to something all the time.

I think you know people like me, you probably have in your life someone like me. Yeah, those people who become obsessed with something until they are either the best at it or find another obsession. Those guys who find something they like and they dedicate body and soul to that.

Whatever I do in life I become addicted to the point that it may be considered an unhealthy obsession.

I´ve had major obsessions in my life that took at least 40 hours of my week - without counting school or my job depending on my age - that span from playing Magic:The Gathering to playing American Footbal; from playing Tomb Raider video Games to going to the gym 3 hours a day; from drinking 4 bottles of Coca-Cola to going to the Cinema everyday; at one point I used to read on every free second I had, now I do Steemit 8 hours or more a day.

The point is, it doesn´t matter to what or when, whatever I am addicted at the time, takes all of my attention and I can´t focus on anything else.

Right now I am addicted to adrenaline, Steemit and eating.

I managed to stop smoking a bit more than three weeks ago but I needed to fill up that space and food came to save the day. I´ve gained 6 kilos (around 12 pounds) since I stopped smoking.

I guess Gym time is calling me...

I will probably smoke again at some point, I´m just trying to be healthy for a while and to prove to myself that I still have control over my addictions and not the other way around. Actually, around 7 months ago I stopped smoking when I was in Honduras, I started to smoke again when I was in Belgium in late October. It comes by seasons.

The tiring life of being an addict

As I said, I am addicted to addictions. Whenever I find something appealing, amusing, that is new for me and I like it, odds are I will become addicted to it.

It makes me a selfish person because I don´t do anything else until I become an expert in the field but I don´t mind, I love being an addict.

What are you addicted to? I would like to see I´m not the only addict around.

This is me 1 month ago. Slim, happy and smoking.
This is me, 6 kilos above my normal weight and sad because I miss smoking.
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As they say

Something will kill a man

But I dread painful that comes with some kind sickness.

About smoking (i mean cigarette because the the other one is non negotiable). It comes in phases from phases for me too. I have been in phases I thought I will die if I missed a day without it, right now I am in phase I can't stand the smell. It's like that with me just need need a trigger I guess.

One thing about addiction that always work for me is when I am having too much thought about my current one, I replaced it with a new one or an old one I have abandoned.

Currently my top addiction like most steemian is steemit, still have another one or two but they don't have much hold on me right now because of steemit.

I wanted to say replace your food addiction with gym but fuck it...live however you want. After all said and done, we all live to die.

Oh yeah, about the other one, it is a delicate subject and there will always be opinions in favor and some against...
I get the phases part, it is the same for me, sometimes it is very easy and sometimes it is too hard for me to nost smoke that I have to get out of a room if someone is smoking there.

Yeah, replacing an addiction for another one "less harmless" is a good idea, especially if you are trying to quit once and for all.

i want to go to the gym but for my it is kind of pointless, I enjoy playing sports but going to the gym to run in a machine and push some weights... meh, its not for me man.

I was close to writing a similar post to this recently.

I know how you feel man, and 'addictive personality' they call it.

Check out the lovely @abigail-dantes's recent blog regarding addiction (where I commented with a similar list to you!)


It’s time to go to the nearest gym wherever you are now and register. 😊

Mi adicción son las galletas, cuando compro un paquete de galletas no logro saciarme hasta que el paquete este vació, no importa el número de galletas. por lo mismo hago deporte, porque sé que no son muy saludables. Te cuento que yo fume por aproximadamente 15 años, pero tengo una obsesión con el cuidado de los dientes, eso me llevo a dejarlo, y hace 7 años que no fumo, que ha sido muy bueno porque con el deporte he aumentado mucho la resistencia para hacer los ascensos a los volcanes que visito. Mucha suerte el el gym, es tiempo de tomar de nuevo el control, puedes hacerlo, debes creer un poco más en ti y dejar de repetir "tengo adicciones" recuerda que somos energías y atraemos lo que queremos.

Margarita! Y yo que por un momento te creí de 20 años y ahora resulta que fumaste durante 15! :O No te apures, no planeo sacar cuentas ni nada, tu edad está segura conmigo jajaja.

Tienes razón, a mi me falla un poco eso de los dientes porque cuando estoy en casa los cuido muy bien pero cuando estoy viajando es muy difícil :(

Es un gran motor el querer escalar volcanes... te entiendo perfecto, es horrible cuando se te acaba el aire a la mitad o simplemente ya no puedes debido a tu mala condición física y tu adicción al cigarro.

Oh bueno, es que sé mis límites, además me encanta ser adicto, eso me hace ser el mejor o al menos muy competitivo en lo que sea que hago, amo ser adicto, soy adicto a ser adicto :D

ja ja ja ja, eres de un chiste ja ja ja :P tengo el secreto de la juventud prolongada :)

You do not have to force it so, there is a method slowly .. first you have to reduce your smoking habit, then all you have to do is to do something that keeps you busy. that way you will forget the habit of smoking. and start with other substitutes like candy.
Its beginning feels difficult but after 3 months all will feel ordinary normal.
I was also a smoker and had left the habit 8 months ago.
good luck my bro

For me it works at once, I quit at all, I can´t do it in phases but I guess it depends on the person and their habits :D

I heard that one, that after 21 days it becomes easier and then after 12 weeks it is very much something you achieved :)

Nice that you dropped the bad habit man! Congrats on that one!

Your kids are going to thank you for having stopped smoking ;)

If you need a little motivation, read the next sentence. But be aware, it is nothing for thin nerves.

Around a year ago, when I worked at a lung department of a local hospital, I met a woman at 28 with lung cancer in the final stadium.

She had two kids, four and two years of age. One of the sadest things I ever heard a human say was the following sentence I heard out of her mouth: "I will never see my kids on their first day of school - I will be dead by then. And the sad thing is - it is probably my own fault"

No, fortunately not every smoker gets lung cancer and even more fortunately it's rather uncommon at age 28.

And yes, she probably had a genetic risk of getting lung cancer.

But she also had smoked way over one pack of cigarettes since she turned 14 and at least that's what she blamed in the end.

While I have no proof that the smoking got her that sick - There is plenty of proof it definitely boosted her risk.

Damn, this got a little longer than I wanted it to be. I am not here for telling horror stories - this is just one (and the most impressing) personal destiny associated with smoking I have witnessed live so far. If it is for me, I don't need to see anything worse...

well put....genetic predisposition is a greater risk that smoking itself. after all second class smoking carries higher risk

I do not see a problem on your photos. You look beautiful! Perhaps you yourself know this)). To realize the harm of smoking, you need to be a little pregnant. That's why I do not smoke or drink Coca-Cola. I like playing on the computer, and I also like to grow roses!

You look still great! Don't worry @anomadsoul :)
I think you made the right choice!
I'm happy with your decision :D

Thanks so much :D And ocming from you means a lot ^^
I hope it will last and when we meet again you won´t see me smoking!!

Me - I'm addicted to several pints on a Friday night, pizza and chocolate. Although that's work - when I quit I'll be on the 'straight and narrow again'.

A sociologist called Anthony Giddens has suggested that 'addiction' is simply our response to living in a rootless life in a chaotic world - addictions are the means whereby we root ourselves, give ourselves some stability and express our identities - there are many ways we do this, the important thing is to realize that we are all the same!

On the 'being 6 kilos heavier'... look at it like this....

  • 6KG = approximately 13 lbs.
  • 1 lb = 3500 calories
  • 14 lbs *3500 = 49 000 calories
  • 1000 calories is a 'relatively hard' aerobics session in the gym for about 1 hr 15 minutes.
  • once you get back to eating your '2000 daily calorie limit' yr basically only 50 good gym sessions away from being slim
  • or 2 months to allow yourself a few recovery days in there.

Not so bad: I've got a similar amount of flab I want to lose - it's entirely doable in a relatively short period of time.

As you say, it's just a matter of turning on the gym addiction.

Edit - for some reason I added in an extra 1lb there, maybe go treat yourself to some extra junk food before you 'get on it'!

I read about it also, the roots part. Have you heard of reality anchors? I don´t know if that´s the term in english but in spanish it means *stuff we do in a cyclical way to feel like we belong, like not evrything is changing. Listening to out favorite music, rewatching a movie, visiting those places we felt happy in, those are our reality anchors and they let us not go insane... kind like what addictions are.

Oh hell yeah, I´m planning on eating healthy again at some point, not just yet cause I deserve my fat intake since I´m doing a hard effort here haha, you gotta give yourself treats to feel good about yourself huh?

Hey man, be on the lookout because there is going to be a philosophy sndbox Quest in the near future and I think you´ll enjoy joining.

Thanks fot dropping by my friend!

Reality anchors sounds like something Giddens would recognise.

I'll check out the sndbox thing when philosophy comes round for sure!

Everybody is addicted to one thing or the other. My own addiction for now is steemit. As you said, the most important thing is to be able to control our addiction and not the other way round.
Personally, I will not want you to go back to smoking. Keep enjoying your new addiction (steemit) and for the gained weight, go ahead and resume back to gym

True man, if we find ourselves being controlled by our addictions, we are in serious trouble, that´s why I often try to test myself, to see where I´m at.

Of course, the best addiction so far is Steemit! Thanks for dropping by man!

Don't get emphysema! XD

Maybe you should stay addicted to the gym or rock climbing or something? XD

I probably count as having an obsession as I've been working in the same head-universe for the last 15 years or so and this is continuing for the forseeable future. Otherwise yeh I live with a partner that I would count as being addicted to MtG XD

And ergh steem I had to put a time limit on that as like you I'd be otherwise spending 5+ hours a day on it x_x


Yeah, I know that when I start traveling again I´ll have a bit more trouble to keep non-smoking, but one step at a time!

Hahaha that partner must be quite the quest, with side quests and foes at every corner haha but then again, it has to be interesting to make it work, I can´t imagine being with someone who is not a proper MTG tournament haha.

Its true, right now with the delegatino I have to spend a whole lot more time but if i didnt have it, perhaps 4 hours a days would be more than enough... oh well, thanks for dropping by my friend!

Smoking is actually bad for your health but then so is red meat, and steak and fat and all the lovely lovelies we love munching . So I guess life is complicated. We are told that what we enjoy doing will kill us and that what is difficult to do or unpleasant will sustain our life. But we will all die one day anyway. So what's the point? Smoke if it makes you feel good

I'm an addict too lol. I need my rolled cigi and a glass of wine every night =). The key is moderation I think.

Have you heard of Jeanne Calman? She was the oldest woman in France (she's dead now), but she lived until age 122. She used to have her glass of whisky and cigarette every day . Maybe you can try that!

Other than that I'm addicted to Ginabot and I check my phone all the time for notifications...(pathetic, I know!)

Exactly, if we find a proper balance then everything is ok, the problem with cigarette and me is that when I start, I can´t stop. We have to know our limits and for me this is one, either I stop completely or I smoke everyday a few... Perhaps in a few days I´ll try one when Im having a beer and see what happends, maybe I will manage to only have one or two and not crave one the morning after :D

Oh, I will definitely check that woman out, sounds interesting, thanks for the input Eve!

Ohhh bro... I am in that same boat. I need to stop smoking now before we start trying for a baby tho, so the weight thing for me is inevitable, no matter what I'll be gaining weight.

I wish I can help, I know how hard it is to quit. I quit last year but when we moved at the start of this year I picked it up again.

Regardless.. You are still a handsome devil <3

Oh hell yeah, enjoy those last cigarettes because if you get pregnant and keep smoking it could end very bad :( :( :(
I read that even if you are trying to have a baby, you should stop smoking now because you want your body as strong as it can be for when you get pregnant :D

Ah now you are just making me blush bear :) ^^ thank you for dropping by!

@anomadsoul, I'm a such a big fan of cigarette company. I used over 15 cigs before came to steemit. But fortunately my brother introduced steem blockchain and then really addiction here. Less time to used smoke. But my working time couldn't control my smoke level. Currently I used 6 cigarettes daily basis. If I need to stop this bad habit I know another habit invest for smoke habit. My body was changed lot. I was unfit and my body was down daily. But I wanted smoke those days. But currently I can being without smoke. I used meditation process to control my smoke. Thank you for sharing your bad habit experience. We can take imagine via your content. It's very important to us.

to feel like the malboro cowboy?" lol (that's what I liked, but probably without a beard you'd look a little bit like). I've known steemit for a few months and now I'm addicted to stemmit as well as to discord, it makes me feel a little out of the harsh reality that we live in my country, the sad thing is that probably for being so many hours on the pc I have the same 6 kg more than you! this addiction I like, I just have to control my other "eat"addiction. I hope my translator is helping, happy evening.

That sexy horse rider with a West style hat and his cigarettes... of course I feel like him when I smoke! hahaha

Discord is an addictive app, I always check it when I go to sleep and when I wake up... we better watch out with this app!

LOL, I feel you on this one 100%. I go through phases where I collect coins, build stuff, read, play pool and so on and so on. I get bored, it's never about the time or money it is the focus. I am an attention whore and need something to fill my attention. I hated quitting smoking because it was a constant I never got bored with. Luckily I found the Vape or I would still be smoking. Just drink more beer but avoid blows to the face : )

Lol you should see how many MTG cards I have, or my bag of coins haha, at one point I also started to build small modeling castles, it was awesome; other time I bought a shiton of lego and made my own dragon city (at like 19 years old). I could Vape but I´m trying to see if i can handle it without any smoke support whatsoever:D

Haha no wonder you started smoking again in the Belgium october with all those rain and depression giving feeling! But now, you can be very proud on yourself that you won the fight again, I hope you will never be a smoker again :)


Hahaha.. My husband told me he's going to quit smoking 4 years ago and still telling me he will. I gave up! Cannot stop it if he loves it.

If he stops smoking and gains more weight... 🤔 Omg! He will be a whale! 😂

Just kidding, he's always sexy in my eyes. And no kidding, you look great in both photos. That 6 kilos is hardwork. Be proud of that!

Cheers! 🥂

Sam's Thai grandfather was a smoker and gave up about ten years ago now (he's in his 80s). Once he stopped, his appetite increased and he gained a lot of weight. However, now he feels too old to exercise, so he eats careful. A hearty breakfast in the morning, a balanced lunch and either a salad or boiled vegetables with something small on the side to make it less boring for dinner. It's about managing the addiction too.
We're on the same boat for the Steemit addiction! Where's the rehab centre? 😜

Thats what Ive been thinking, maybe I can eat a lot but healthy stuff... instead of getting those cookies I can get some sugar from a banana or a mango :D

Oh there is no rehab center! Just when you go to Steem Fest 3 please bring a safety shirt ;) hahaha

Never hurts to try eating healthily, huh? Try it out for a week and see :)

Bring a safety shirt? Is this the way we'll identify all the Steemit addicts at the Fest :p hahaha it's like going back to school, where we'll be ordered to eat in the corner away from the rest. ;) haha

You gained weight but in a good way! You still
look good. My friends are trying to quit smoking too and they're trying to revert their attention to something else because they said they're getting worried now about their health. You'll be fine. ❤😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

please do what gives you genuine joy. Life is short. At the end, nobody gets out here alive. So why the restrictions. Just don't smoke around infants and young children. Please! Research shows that it predispose them to asthma, upper respiratory tract infection etc. Reason is that their immune system is very low.

Talking about Steemit addiction, I am with you on this. I've been here for barely twi weeks yet I somehow see myself infront of my PC everytime. My mom is beginning to get worried.

Enjoy your addictions, dear @anomadsoul 😙

I remembered an Australian customer telling me that nicotine is a short term drug. He told me then that smokers are not addicted to nicotine. If nicotine was the problem then you would not be able to sleep 6 to 8 hours straight. You'll have to wake up in between to get your fix. He said the addiction is in the habit. The act of lighting a stick, inhaling the smoke, blowing it out, sometimes making "0" shapes out of the smoke, tapping the ashes on the ashtray - all these are what a quitter misses. With this in mind, I asked for a stick from an officemate (who had this really big smile while giving me the cig) and started to puff on it unlit. Someone once said: "A cigarette is a pinch of tobacco rolled up in paper with fire on one end and a fool on the other." Well this stick I was sucking on had no fire on one end and a macho on the other. Hah! I would tap the unlit cigarette on the ashtray, imagining the ashes spreading on the clean tray, then take a hit again. Phone rings. At least I was holding a cigarette and blowing imaginary smoke. That calmed me down.

This is an excerpt from a post I did more than 2 months ago on how I stopped smoking. Click here if you're interested. I've been off the habit 30 years running. Before I quit I had been smoking for 21 years. Good luck.

I did quit smoking a year ago because of a respiratory scare. Now I don't miss it at all. Maybe because smoking for me was never a pleasure but something I used to do when I was angry and/or anxious. Whenever I was relaxed and content with my lot I never thought of lighting a cigarette. Maybe that's why after the scare I haven't missed it a bit. I even dislike the smell of it. I was chained to it for almost three decades of my life.

But I understand you, and can because smoking was something that gave you real pleasure.

Its funny how sometimes we need something to happen to realize we are making a mistake... I am glad you realized before it was too late and I hope I can keep this complicated quest to avoid smoking :D

I also have a brother who's really into smoking. In fact, he's also an addict. It's never easy for him to stop smoking so what are we doing, we try to divert his attention. I think that's what family has to do, help each other in any way. And here I am, I am also an addict, STEEMIT ADDICT. I can truly say that it's the best thing that happened to me. I have gained so many positive changes. That's why, I am trying to convince my brother who is a smoker to join steemit so that it can divert his attention and learn so many things from people who have the same experiences in the platform.

I have several attempts and quit-start cycles in the past. I am clean for one week again. Will do this, this time :)

You can always lose weight but you can’t take back the damage to your lungs in the long end. Trust me, you made the right choice.

Sometimes I find it funny that things we like to do like smoking can potentially kill us. While things most of us hate to do like exercising can prolong our life. I really wish it is the opposite though. Anyways, I'll just do what I like and enjoy a shorter life rather than doing what I hate and live longer. Thanks for the interesting article.

You can do it!!! I had this problem and i realized some behaviors triggered me like drinking. I might write s post about addiction soon. Keep it up. Also dont replace it with food. Try toothpicks or mints!!

Hi anomad..
Congrats.. You left it but dnt know you ll carry it up or ll start again..
Dont do it again plz.. My hsband also tried many times but he started again after few days or even 2 or 3 months.. I hate smoking as i afraid of it.. It took my fathers health..
So when i saw a smoker i try to convince him to quit.. My husbands health is also day by day down now but he is not ready to quit.. Tried many times although

@anamadsoul you looking handsome . lol.
Smoking is very bad habit . just because the result of that is not good
So best of luck . i hope you can do it .
Just think about yourself . in future you want to be a happy men . or today you want to be .because if you leave smoking you will have a good and happy future .
I do a advise . do some kind of sports in regular bases . like gym or anything else .
Sports is the only thing which make as strong and happy and relax .

Don't ask me why.. But when i finished reading this all i thought about was that song by shakira "addicted to you", i guess it'll fit u to sing it >=).

Now.. If u quitted, means you're strong! Remember what Ben Parker (RIP) said: " with a great power, comes great responsability".. Maybe about trying to quit it for real. One day at time, one step at time.

Also.. Winter is coming, which means we all need some extra pounds :P

I am addicted to smoking and reading.

@anomadsoul sir...
I'm really like you stopped smoking...smoking is bad habbits in our life....
The chemicals in tobacco smoke reach your lungs quickly every time you inhale, causing damage immediately, U.S. Surgeon General Regina M. Benjamin said in releasing the report. Inhaling even the smallest amount of tobacco smoke can also damage your DNA, which can lead to cancer...
Bottom line, Troy, is that no quantity of cigarettes is safe or healthy for our body. But for the millions of people struggling to quit right, don't be discouraged if you slip up and smoke. Smoking one cigarette is much better than an entire pack. And by no means does it mean you're a smoker again...
The tar sticks to clothing, skin, and the insides of our lungs! With the nicotine and tar working together, there are a lot of bad diseases linked to smoking cigarettes. Diseases like throat cancer, mouth cancer, bladder cancer, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and heart disease are all caused by smoking....

Actualy I'm new comer in to this platform...I'm always try learn something with every posts...
Followed now U sir....I'm become ur fan now...I'm always try check ur blog everyday...
Thanks sir..

Even yet I still feel like you are a strong man to have being able to quit smoking. Many have being trying hard to no avail. Just hit the gym to stay in shape

some people find smoking impossible to quit!
as it is impossible for me to quit watching cricket!

Great comparison.
Though I think most of us are addicted to something in our lives..
I agree to steemit and eating.. I've always been addicted to eating though for some reason I don't pick up weight..

Smoking is actually bad for your health but then so is red meat, and steak and fat and all the lovely lovelies we love munching .Smoking is actually bad for your health but then so is red meat, and steak and fat and all the lovely lovelies we love munching .good luck brother

Kudos on making a healthy choice. I too have an addictive personality so I know how you feel. I wasn't able to give up cigarettes until I no longer lived with any smokers. But now I no longer smoke.

Consider herbal smoking blends if you do want to give in... smoking isn't healthy no matter what but there are at least healthier options than tobacco.

Hi Eric,
when u quit smoking, you may gain weight because your body is trying to detoxify and the accumulation of water is necessary to flush out all the toxins you have accumulated through the years. this is only temporary. Once you are fully detoxed, you will regain the once beautiful, healthy and fit body you had before you started smoking.
The weight gain is due to the water retention. it will go away after some time. Give yourself another chance. you can do it !!!

Slightly addicted to weed, mostly for the body feeling and different perspective.. If you'd have switched smoke you'd have gained 30lbs ;)

I know how the quitting process goes. It is never fun.

I live in Honduras, I quit smoking 25 years ago and I stopped drinking alcohol 12 years ago, now I am addicted to chocolate and Coca Cola and of course video poker, also Steemit.

lol...replacing a harmful addiction with a less harmful one.am addicted to pepsi

it's really remarkable whether there is a cure to quit smoking

Well, it's not easy, and you have made it to control yourself in addiction. I'm not able to do it. When I'm into my music, I can't stop until I'm happy with the outcome.

I was a smoker, I'd also gave up several times, I once gained 40 pounds. well 3 years ago I gave up smoking cigarettes and now I vape, I have two of those e-cigs. It's a great way to smoke a little "healthier". Good luck to you!

I've been addicted to smoking but stopped because of my health issues. Been addicted to playing games but no more. Now I'm just a travel addict :)

You are not the only addict. I'm addicted to yoghurt.

Yo soy adicta a los dulces, me costaba engordar y ya estoy teniendo kilos de más, pero voy en la lucha mucha agua y ejercicio jaja. Unos kilos menos no vienen tan mal, luces bien sólo te falta sonreír jajaja.

I admire you for doing this because honestly I am not even trying - I know smoking is bad bla bla bla , but I guess we are not smoking for our health :) But keep it up, even with the extra weight, which you can loose you will be much healthier

You definitely not alone..you on the right track...keep at it...life is about balance..yes guess the gym will help 😎

Bueno compadre pienso que las adicciones son parte de la vida, solo tenemos que saber sustituir esa adicción, o tener conciencia de lo que se hace para poder controlarse y no caer en la popular carrera de ratas "hacer siempre lo mismo". Saludos

mejor gordo que con los pulmones dañados... aun sigo en ese proceso, felicitaciones

Congratulations for stopping smoking. I hope you will never smoke! Enjoy your healthy life...

Yup! I know someone who actually started smoking to lose weight. Nevertheless, smoking i bad so congrats for finally quitting. Gym time !! 😉

discuss about opium as if there is no end, this is because there are many types that can cause someone opium on something.
but that needs to be considered whether the opium has a negative or positive impact on addicts.
I used to get stuck with opium that I think is not good and a bad example.
I used to be stuck with cigarettes, every day I spend 30 to 40 cigarettes in every day I enjoy it so much and so enjoy it. until one day suddenly my chest feels sick and I went doctors and I was sentenced to symptoms of esophageal cancer, heard the verdict of the doctor as if the world would doom and since then I strengthen the determination to quit smoking and ultimately I was able to not smoke anymore. and it is a reminder to me that addiction to cigarettes is fatal and bad.

you're not alone man. been trying to quit too, but still, I always miss the sensation... :(

Ow wow, I totally feel you in this. My boyfriend and I quit smoking the real cigarettes for three years now, we start vaping at that time. But now we thought that vaping was also no good, so we quit vaping as well. And guess what ... we both had no problems for three years, and now ... we want to smoke a cigarette when we are finished having diner, we want to smoke a cigarette when we are playing a game, I want to smoke a cigarette when I'm at Steemit, and yes Steemit is a real addiction for me too, so YES. I'm a real addict too. about the weight, I have four dogs, so not that much chance that I gain a lot of weight, but a few kilo's ... unfortunately yes. I have to admit.

I'm addicted to wasting time watching stuff on youtube instead of being productive :)
Regarding addictions you should try mindfulness, it should help.

lol...we are all addicted to one thing or the other

pc games, reading and writing books, crosswords, watching anime/ tv series, puzzles, chess... At some point in my life I have been strongly invested in all those things. in last few years of school I was completly in love( one sided) with one girl... And I do not think that any of this is a bad thing. All those things gave some sort of spark to my life. Having passions and desires fills our lifes with joy and gives it meaning. Life would be boring and pointless if we would not invest ourselves in to something. Besides even those addictions are the foundation to who we are today and who will we be tomorrow. My current bigest passion is my art. I love myself. I love what I do. Creating colorfull, positive pieces and sharing them with others is one of the best things in the world. If that is an addiction then I will gladly be an addict for the rest of my life.

you're doing okay....don't be bother so much...maybe this is what your body need right know..btw, you look great! cheers..

well staying healthy is function of so many things and none is a guarantee for good health.some smokers due at 90 some non smokers die at 30 from lung cancer. its a complex situation really just take care of your self

as for addiction i dont think its very easy to stop on your own.you will need some form of therapy and support group

The cigarette is not good for health and it will also kill you slowly!

Adicción al café ☕ siempre al café. No regreses al cigarro. Pero si baja esos kilos :)

Think everyone is addicted to something - may it be alcohol or cigarettes but addiction shows different faces. People are addicted to doing sports, playing video games, eating, surgeries or even love. Everything that makes us feel better. The best thing about your story is that you know your addiction and therefore reflect about it and so you still have control about your body and consciousness! As many people said I find steemit to be highly addictive as well, therefore I'm always trying to take a step back and tell myself that it's fine if my post doesn't perform well and maybe another one will perform better. This way I'm trying to keep control of my mind on steemit. Otherwise I caught myself muse al night what I could do better and open my profile again and again :D So as long as you're still reflecting on it and sometimes try to control your mind and body about it you're fine!

Woww amigo imagino lo dificil que debe de er tratar de dejar ese vicio, lo bueno es que lo estas intentando y mira ya estas teniendo beneficios 6 kilos mas Jajajaa pero veo que no lo quieres dejar al 100% de igual forma tienes mucha fuerza de voluntad para evitar eso.

Yo dejé de fumar pos hipnosis, afortunadamente no sufrí de ansiedad que me engordaram aunque no me caían mal unos kilitos de mas jaja

Epa chamo, yo fui fumador también, y eso de que siempre se es fumador, no es cierto. Dejé de fumar cuando concebí a mi primer hijo hace 14 años. Y ya. No fumé más. Ahora le tengo alergia al cigarrillo.
No es saludable reemplazar un hábito por otro. Lo mejor es eliminar la necesidad de tener que llevarse algo a la boca, porque si no lo haces vas a cambiar el hábito de fumar por las golosinas, los chicles, el café, el ejercicio, la comida, o quien sabe qué diablos...
Te recomiendo que practiques meditación vipassana, de manera que aprendas a aquietar la mente y te mantengas en estado de alerta y relajado. Eso va a aumentar todo tu potencial y te va a hacer más feliz.
Un abrazo.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

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Al leer el titulo de tu post te iba a preguntar como hiciste para dejar de fumar, pues también he pasado por lo mismo, creo que lo he dejado y meses después con tan solo fumar uno todo el esfuerzo ha sido perdido... yo soy terriblemente adicta al chocolate, al dibujo donde pasaba día y noche pensando en que podía hacer para luego desarrollarlo, y ahora estoy luchando por aprender el arte del tatuaje lol

Your current addiction of Adrenaline, Steemit & eating is by far better than smoking for sure.
BTW you don't look like you have gained weight, just as much charming! :)

Tu sabes que lo del peso es algo que puedes recuperar con trabajo, respecto a lo de fumar, te felicito por haber dado ese importante paso. No es fácil, pero tu cuerpo te lo agradecerá por siempre 😊

Wow I tried to stopped smoking many time but failed. It is my habit and its a part of my routine. I know it is not easy to stop but you made it. Congrat @anomadsoul.

lol. I can relate, both to the smoking and the addictive personality.
I will quit smoking- when I want to not smoke- more than I want to smoke. Currently I choose smoking, and I won't blame anyone else for consequences I don't like.

I was addicted to cigarettes, dear @anomadsoul, but I managed to quit 5 years ago. I'm lucky 'cause, somehow, I eat as much as I want and I don't get fat.
My worst and beautiful addiction is taking long walks outside. Some people have sweets for that, I get depressed if a day goes by and I don't get out of the house.
Books are another addiction, and I'm not about to quit.
For the last three months I 've kinda become adicted to steemit. I hope it will last :)

Haha, I'm also a drug addict Steemit. I'm also a Photography addict. And I'm an addict to delicious pastries. I don't like doing something half way. If we are to do something, surrendering to the creative process completely.

Really nice and open post. Like it!
I am definitely addicted to smoking.
Like you said I love the taste and it makes me calm down.

Many people compensate the smoking with food.
Did you try to eat a lot of vegetable and fruit instead of replace it with meat and co :D?

Really? I have the same addictions, adrenaline, steemit and eat.
The adrenaline of riding a motorcycle, extreme adventures are the best. Steemit started for me in January of this year, now I spend every day thinking about my next publication. Eat always has been my addiction but not fattening, I still think the same 65 kg (143 pounds)

Sometimes everything starts as a challenge, being the best in what I propose but ends up becoming an addiction.

I think it's not wrong, wanting to be the best at something, should be the purpose of all. @anomadsoul

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Jajaja este post esta increíble, admiro tu sinceridad amigo. Bueno soy partidaria de que en esta vida uno debe hacer lo que realmente se le plazca, debido a que vida solo hay una, pero hay que saber hacer las cosas. Creo que cada uno de nosotros tenemos adicciones, a veces son inconscientes, pero de que las tenemos las tenemos, solo que muy pocas personas saben aceptarlo y reconocerlo. Yo soy adicta al chocolate, al dulce, a los postres, una de mis mayores adicciones son LOS HELADOS, vaya que los amo!! Aunque últimamente no he podido disfrutar tan seguido de ellos, puesto que en mi país Venezuela están muy costosos jajaja pero si no fuese por eso de verdad yo comería helado a cada instante. Ánimos, no eres el único adicto, lo que pasa es que no todos tienen el valor de reconocerlo como tú lo has hecho en este maravilloso post. Un abrazo y un saludo amigo..

Hahaha this post is amazing, I admire your friend sincerity. Well I am a supporter that in this life one should do what he really pleases, because there is only one life, but you have to know how to do things. I think that each one of us has addictions, sometimes they are unconscious, but we have them, only very few people know how to accept and recognize it. I am addicted to chocolate, candy, desserts, one of my biggest addictions are ICE CREAMS, I love them! Although lately I have not been able to enjoy them so often, since in my country Venezuela they are very expensive hahaha but if it were not for that reason I would eat ice cream at every moment. Cheers, you're not the only addict, what happens is that not everyone has the courage to recognize it as you have done in this wonderful post. A hug and a greeting friend ..

I am addicted to eating, too. Not junk-eating, just eating a lot. Fortunately, I am also addicted to work out.

I am a paleo CrossFit insanity certified freakshow. Oh! I am also addicted to anime. Don't make me begin with it...

I believe I am agreeing with you @anomadsoul. My father is a smoker as well though I am not. My father tried several countless times to quit smoking but right, he is back ko smoking again. We allowed him to do so because, there were times when he was still trying to stop smoking, he was like depressed, unfocus. In fact, it was his own decision, no one forced him to stop. He's back on smoking ang he's back on ease. :-)

I lost weight by recording my weight every day. I would be happy if you could refer.

Un saludo hermano, ya se que tu post esta en inglés pero yo no domino ese idioma, así que que te dejo mi comentario en mi lengua nativa.
Llámalo adicción o como quieras, pero creo que esas pasiones que nos motivan a enfocar nuestros pensamientos, a marcar un rumbo tras una meta, para bien o para mal son importantes en nuestras vidas.
No fumo, aunque si aprendí pero no me enganchó la experiencia. No critico que lo hagas, pero tu sabes que es malo para tu salud, es tu decisión continuar en ello.
Puedes considerar hacerlo solo cuando necesites rebajar y no quieras ir al gym, jejeje. Saludos


The sad part is I don´t like coffee at all and if I start drinking Coca Cola again I might fall harder to that one lol

Very well said- addicted to addictions... Gonna remember that when the time comes to explain myself as well. Right now - my addictions are coffee, cigarettes and Steemit. Not necessarily in that order :)
Proud of you for this three weeks, I didn’t even tried to quit yet (maybe I couldn’t bare being unsuccessful at it)... Kilos will go down eventually @anomadsoul 😉

On the other hand, like Bukowski said - Find what you love and let it kill you...

Gotta love Bukowski ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We are so much alike, haha! I think creative people with big imaginations tend to go to extremes, we don't just drone on in life, we dive in. Hunter S. Thompson summed it up in an awesome quote:
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

Have the same problem with smoking . I can not consider not enjoying a dunhill fine cut swiss blend cigarette with my coffee. It think the problem is moderation, if you like a thing, and it's doing harm to your body, but you still enjoy it, do it with moderation, and do something to annihilate the negative effects on the body. Like doing sports, eating healthy, drinking milk .Life is short, if we would stop all the things that fill up our life with enjoyment, life is gonna turn into an empty space.

Congratulations on this awesome decision @anomadsoul! I quit 4 years ago, but I didn't gain any weight, lucky me.
search The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr, maybe it will help
Carry on!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I feel your pain anomadsoul. It's not really a painful thing ;-) but I have a similar thing going on with an addictive personality. I always found that when one addiction became negative I had to try to distract myself from it with another obsession in a more healthy direction. Not always that easy though lol.

Smoking is a good example. 1st time I gave up I replaced it mainly with food, i was pretty happy at the time + I a just ate + put weight on, then ended up going back to smoking. Second time I gave up I'd just gone through a bad break up with my girlfriend at the time. I was so pissed off, I put all that angry energy from both stopping smoking and the break up, into working out, swimming + plying guitar. I lost about 2 stone in 3 months and learnt guitar in 6 months. Also, never started smoking again after that. All I can remember about that time is how I wouldn't give in on anything I started lol now, I'm completely addicted to writing, for steemit, for poetry readings, working on my novel. I have to limit my coffee to 2 cups/day or I end up writing all night :-)

So good to see an alternative approach to addictions than just the same old same old...

As for myself, I've seen people struggle with quitting smoking, so I decided in my young years not to go close to cigarettes, and I never even tried, even when I started experimenting with other things. As many of my friends, I would make myself comfortable in the absurd notion that while a drag from a cigarette could make you an addict for life, you could hit the cannabis bong as often as you wanted without forming the slightest habit.

Then eventually things took a turn, I made the conscious decision to become a smoker. It was New Years Eve of the millennial turn, and I found myself in a highly annoying conversation regarding new years resolutions, and how the year 2000 calls for an especially big one. Right! So I suggested to the group that I'd decided to take up smoking till it formed a dependency. Imagine the outcry, as most of them were already addicted to smokes, and also took my bitter irony for real. So why not, I decided to pull it through, and on the stroke of midnight I bummed my first cigarette from the chick who was most obviously shocked at my resolution. Eventually, at my constant insistence, she gave me a cig and I headed down the track towards the black lunged doom.

Long story short, I kept up my "training" and by June I had acquired a taste for tobacco. I tried all the brands and types of smokes I could, and by the time 2000 came to a close I was smoking a pack a day. Proud accomplishment of a successful new years resolution. Now, to pull off the same thing in reverse for next year? Sure, why not! All you need to do is stop doing it. It wasn't even as hard as I thought. A few days and the cravings stopped, a couple of weeks and I had even forgotten that I used to be a smoker. So much so, that one night while drinking with friends, I realized I was holding a cigarette. Oh well, so this would be the famous back-and-forth then, I thought. But it wasn't. Till this day I can smoke a few cigies at a party, and then not smoke anything for weeks, without any discomfort whatsoever.

Throughout the years, though, my tobacco consume has become limited to the joints I mix it into. The smoke of neither plan has caused any serious addiction. On the other hand, there is one substance I just can't let go of, so yes, I know addiction very well. It is coffee! Sometimes I drink a lot, but even cutting back, my two cups a day are a must. If I go without them, I feel like, look like, and act like a zombie. It may be just me, but there simply is no comparison between smoking and drinking coffee.

Did I just write all that? Man, your prompt made me ramble up material for an entire post! Sorry for clogging up your comments.

I do have a person like that in my life so I totally understand what you're saying... And it could be one addiction replacing another oooor some of them together, at the same time [which is even worse...]
Personally I guess only my phone addiction is a problem - the fear of being offline, the horror of not being able to communicate.
With smoking I had a good run I guess. I tried in school as everyone but I really started smoking [like buying my very own pack, and often] only 2 years ago - after 30 that is. Then I quit for a couple of months, 'cause I was overdoing it, but now I'm back at a 'healthy' smoking lifestyle: 1 to 4 light cigarettes a day. This way I don't feel the pressure to quit [on top of all my stress] and at the same time I don't exaggerate!
You look ok to me though in both pictures! If under 10kg gain, I don't think it shows or is that bad anyway :)

Ha ha ha ha.. Anomad I found My friend know in same perseption in talking about Miss smoking make somebody gain weight, all these time I talking like this to My friends and no body trust me, and I found the Man in same opinion on steemit and that you, I would like to show My friend too about This opinion :D