MHR the hard work, sweat, sacrifice, and risks involved in building your dream home for yourself and your loved ones has an entirely different MEANING to the same sacrifice, risk, effort, and sweat invested in building your own prison, your own work camp, your own torture chambers, your own extermination facility. But imagine if you could trick the workers into building thinking they are building the first, when they are actually building the latter?
Reflexivity refers to the fact that the ‘meaning’ a thing has IS its relationship to all other ‘things’, and the meanings THEY have, is their relationship to THIS individual thing. Mobbing and bullying occur among the ‘meanings’, so that groups of meanings (noetic structures / belief systems / models/ maps / dogmas / ‘first imprints’ / association-nodes / metaphoric systems ) tend to ‘push around’ the individual meanings, and force them to conform to THEM i.e force THEM to SUPPORT them, in the usual ‘human’ ways, and most individual items then do adapt themselves / conform / change / submit to this tyranny…so the individual ‘meanings’ corrupt themselves / censor themselves…and comply…pretend they are something else, so as to ‘go along to get along’…and so the ‘bully’ meanings become hegemonic…and end up ‘framing’ EVERY OTHER MEANING’ in the system…i.e EVERY OTHER MEANING is distorted / twisted / spun / deleted / squashed etc until it appears to REINFORCE the hegemonic meanings … in effect we end up ‘not believing our eyes, ears, nose, taste, hands’ and instead ‘believing’ the hegemonic definitions / meanings ascribed to things. So sex is bad, being kind is weak, beauty is ‘unfair’, intelligence is a threat, freedom is evil, … all the ‘perverse’ meanings that arise when meanings interact, and the most ‘powerful’ are given hegemonic rule over the individual impressions / meanings…even the ‘sense impressions’, the ‘sights, sounds, touches, tastes, smells’, which ideally would have an ‘override’ feature, and be given the highest priority as ‘data’ and ‘information’ for the cybernetic systems, are ignored, pushed to the background, distorted, filtered, deleted, to avoid making the hegemons ‘uncomfortable’ and challenging their hegemony, their ‘truth value’, their ‘power’ over the entire system. As above, so below. AS in our personal cybernetic systems, so within our social systems.