"How to carry on a conversation with someone totally different than you?" seems to be the most common question for newlyweds or those who are undergoing a significant life change. While many people will accept the fact that it's not easy, but a little reflection and self-examination can go a long way in making your conversations more interesting and successful. The following are a few tips on how to improve on your interactions with people who are completely different from yourself:
First, try to think of the person who is talking to you as you would like to be treated. This doesn't mean you should treat them exactly the way you would like to be treated, but by keeping an awareness of your inner thoughts and feelings during the interaction. For example, if you're having a conversation with someone who is speaking generally in a lower register, try to speak normally, but at the same time, letting your inner voice come through. If the person is speaking normally, but they're also using too much jargon, then it's important to talk slower, as though you were listening to them directly.
Second, don't give away your own thoughts and feelings in the first conversation you have with a new acquaintance. Even if you feel attracted to this person, don't tell them so. By doing this, you're essentially telling them that they're of less importance than you, and this is definitely not the way to start off any sort of relationship. To sum up the conversation correctly, make sure you are in the position to clearly state what you are thinking at that particular time.
Third, if the other person keeps interrupting you, do your best to politely ignore him or her. Don't say things like " Shut up!" or "Don't talk that way." Instead, remain in control of the conversation by refraining from making rude comments or interrupting.
Fourth, always speak to people in their own language. While it may seem tempting to speak English to a stranger, it will often result in them becoming completely unaware of what you're trying to say. If you've been speaking in English for a while, you probably know how people speak in the language. If there's no need to learn their language, then simply choose to speak to them in their native language whenever possible. This is one of the easiest ways to make friends with people who are completely foreign to you.
Fifth, practice your conversation skills on a daily basis. Don't set yourself up for failure by being afraid of failing in an important conversation. Failure in any situation is never a good thing, but having an attitude of "I'll try" goes a long way towards helping you overcome the fear of failing in a social situation. Taking small steps towards improving your conversation skills on a daily basis will help you overcome any fears you may have about speaking in public.