The Indonesian NGO Alliance and Humanitarian (NGO) Organizations will send 30,000 food packages to Gaza residents, Palestine. The shipment of basic necessities was done after three Israeli military and blockade attacks over the past 11 years.
Coordinator of the Alliance of Indonesian NGOs and Humanitarian NGOs, Amrozi M Rais says two million Palestinians are currently living in improper conditions.
"They are humans like us who need decent work, health care, education and ease of transportation," said Amrozi in Depok, West Java, Wednesday, January 31, 2018.
Humanitarian aid to be given to the people of Gaza in the form of 30 thousand packages of basic foods, worth USD40 per package, equivalent to Rp536 thousand. In each package contains basic food and clothing required by the needs of Palestinians.
"I hope the people of Indonesia can support this campaign to create a decent condition for the people of Gaza," said Amrozi.
On this occasion, Opick and Melly Goeslaw will again step in to support the movement.
"God willing, 30 thousand food items will be delivered soon because we know 2 million people in Gaza need a lot of power, let's join hands to help!" Opick exclaimed.
"Everything we gather is our affection for them, whatever their help, I am sure will make them stronger because they know there are many who love them," said Melly.
So far, 10,000 packs have been collected. In the future such assistance will be collected and given regularly to Palestinians.
Currently, Amrozi said, the poverty rate in Gaza reaches 80 percent, and 65 percent of them are below the poverty line. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate increased by 50 percent. Half the unemployed are youth and university graduates.
In addition there are 21 thousand orphans who did not get compensation due to the prohibition and closure of accounts of NGOs by Israel. In the industrial sector there are 80 percent of factories that can not operate due to the ban from Israel.
Meanwhile, as many as 40 percent of Palestinian settlements are flat with the land in Israeli military aggression in 2014.
This movement is also supported by humanitarian agency from Turkey Hayat Yolu.
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