Top 4 Actionable Marketing Tips for Facebook

in social •  3 years ago  (edited)

Top 4 Actionable Tips for Facebook Marketing-01.jpg

Surviving in a competitive business world is a big challenge, especially for small businesses that compete in a localized market. To broaden your scope of trade, you need to bag your position in a bigger market and strive against the leading brands of your niche. The easiest method to do it is to use social media as your marketing tool and Facebook comes first in the line. You get to send your message to a wide range of audiences from all over the world here in the most cost-effective way. As reported, Facebook has 2.85 billion active monthly users so far, being the largest social networking site on earth.

Moreover, it provides some amazing features for business owners to promote their trades, both paid and unpaid. It provides provisions for targeting a wide range of demographics, including gender, age, education level, economic group, and location. There are even some small businesses that sustain and grow by marketing only on Facebook. It helps them to get a loyal customer base. If you use your creativity and follow some tips, it will not take long for you to make a strong digital presence. In this article, experts from Digital Marketing Agency Jacksonville will assist you with some valuable tips that will make your Facebook marketing success. Put efforts on the factors discussed in the article and enjoy the fruits in terms of increased sales and consumers.

Top 4 Actionable Marketing Tips for Facebook

1. Set up the Facebook page perfectly

Be very particular about your company's Facebook page. Make sure it, along with each content that you post, is social media optimized. It is advised to have the company logo as the profile picture. As you probably know, videos can move people more easily than static images. So you can be creative with the cover photo and add a video cover, featuring all the specialties of your business, be it the ideal customer service, the awards, and recognition it has received, recent events in your company, or its social face. This will tell the unique story of your business, and answer the query of your audience,' Why should I choose this brand over similar others?'

Your profile page is the only place for a first-time client to know your business and decide whether to buy products or services from you or not. So, add as much information about your company as possible. Keep in mind that the page should make the audience know more about your business, and compel them to scroll till the end. It is especially important if you are a new entrepreneur and your brand does not have a strong presence in the market. Put the address, official email id, phone number, and the links of your website on this page. Make sure all your contact details are always updated. If you want to know which customers are calling you after seeing your Facebook page, you can use Google voice instead of your phone number because it is trackable.

After having 25 followers on your page, you can select a vanity URL. It is the custom page address of your business page. You can choose the business name itself, or if the name is already taken by some other company, you need to select some phrase that is closely associated with your business.

2. Utilize the free features of Facebook

Most of the active Facebook users enjoy its story feature a lot. So it is a great way to reach them. Stories can portray everything that your target audience should know about your business like who you are, what your business is about, what it represents etc. in an informal manner that hooks the audience. Moreover, this feature is free to avail. You can create a short, entertaining video loosely related to your field and put it in the story, or have a poll. The key idea is to have engaging stories to keep the audience glued to your post, and make them share it as well.

Audiences enjoy seeing the person they are following in real-time. So come live often and tell people about your journey and mission. You can post these live videos on your page so that people who come across them later can watch them. Another important tip that you should follow is posting content preferably at late night because it is the time when most of your target audience is online but less active on Facebook. At this time, the notifications in their news content are low, and they are most likely to go through your content.

3. Follow social media optimization guidelines

To make the best of your Facebook marketing, following the Social Media Optimization rules is a must. As per the Jacksonville social media marketing experts, posting your content schedule-wise is a key social media optimization rule. So, maintain a social media calendar for this purpose. It will help you to be more organized with the content topics too. You can choose a google spreadsheet or calendar, or a scheduling tool like PAO that will post your content on the planned date and time automatically. Of course, you cannot follow your schedule when you have to post new content on a trending topic urgently but stick to your calendar at all other times.

Keyword research is another important aspect of social media optimization. You can use Google Trends to know which topics are on-trend. As you create your content based on the most searched topics, people will find you easily. After researching the most used keywords, create content on the relevant topics and add these keywords to it naturally. Facebook Creator Studio will help you to post, schedule, and manage all your content. Facebook pages help small scale, local businesses to grow fast because nowadays more and more customers turn to Facebook first to search for a local business, than Google. So, optimize your page to be top on their search results.

4. Post your ads in specific groups

One of the best features that Facebook offers to you is the ability to post your ads in target specific groups so that your potential clients simply cannot ignore them. Posting an ad to only the groups where you are sure of finding your target audience, will save both your time and cost and hit the mark of sales. This is an excellent tip that very few marketing experts, like Jacksonville social media marketing experts, will tell you.

To do so, first of all, hide the ad from your business page. Otherwise, everyone will get to see it on your timeline. Then share the posts with your targeted groups only. You will only receive comments from genuine and potential customers. One thing that you must do is reply to every single comment. Try to interact with them in every way possible. Following the tip mentioned above, you would create the best content which will grab the attention of the members of the group. They will share these posts to their circle and you will have a good organic client base eventually. You can contact the people in the comment section who are interested in buying your products /services personally.

This trick will help you to achieve a high social media conversion rate, i.e. the number of people who click on the link on your content, visit your webpage, and take some action on your page like subscribing to a course you offer, downloading pdf, commenting on your web content, etc. against the total number of visitors in that webpage. Whatever marketing campaign you choose; you need to take some measures to count your success. It will help you to revise your strategy based on the feedback.


Facebook marketing is an essential part of internet marketing for any business in this digital age. Spending a small portion of your budget skillfully will surely give you very high returns. The best way to utilize most of Facebook marketing is to use both free and paid methods. Facebook enables you to observe your competitors' strategies and modify your marketing plan periodically. Make sure to check the Facebook metrics weekly as well as monthly to review your plan. Not all the tips stated above will do equally well for all kinds of businesses. This is why it's important to examine which ones are working fine for you, and which are not giving satisfactory results.

If you work consistently upon the tips mentioned above by Digital Marketing Jacksonville experts, clients would soon find you, and you will be in a far better position than those of your competitors who are not into Facebook marketing or are not doing it correctly. As 80% of the businesses across the globe are shifting to internet marketing, and most importantly, to marketing over Facebook, what are you waiting for? Seize the opportunity to get to 67.4% of people from all over the world with your message with a single click.

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