Beg Post <Example>

in socialgrow •  8 years ago  (edited)

Здравствуйте & Welcome To My Pitty-Party Beg Post! This isn't the traditional start to a beg post but it shows how easy they can start off. Almost anything goes in this form but as always, the easier the post is to read the better it normally will do.
Keep in mind of everything already said previously (M+A=R=F). So be kind and work on your setup. I'll continue with the example but I wanted to point out that I was born premature. The late 1980's was not the time to be a preemie maybe this was a sign. I grew up with everyone else and no-one would mention it until the Navy.
From Kindergarten through school I spoke with a thick heavy British accent. I took speech therapy almost my entire school career. My parents and most of the people I spoke to couldn't understand any word that left my mouth because of my accent. I quickly learned to listen more than I spoke.
I listened and watched how everyone interacted, spoke with their friends, family, family friends, enemies, teachers, police, random strangers, opposite sex, opposite race, opposite social class...I mean everything. I implemented my findings online and using a #sudoNAME I learned how to keep people's attention in chat rooms & forums.
I joined the Navy at 17, barley 17 btw. I had a rough time the entire year+ I was in the delayed entry program (DEP). Taking my ASVAB was a mistake; it started an hour-ish before I got out of school, USB scout an hour drive to the facility for the test. 2 hours late and I still scored over the national average. I never finished the ASVAB test, I wasn't half way through when I had to stop. I want given a physc test, they didn't do it back then for all entries. In other words, my score was "low" but not "too low". My job assignment, Dental. I chose a good job with officer possibility...maybe I did something wrong.
Boot Camp, I struggle with boot camp and before the final ceremony could take place I have a panic attack. My first major breakdown, I have blimps of memory from this but my real memory doesn't return until a few months after my first major breakdown.
I was in a release program for 30+ days before actual release.
I was in a work program prior to release.
I returned home alone and safely.
I saw doctors after I returned home.
I was 18 when released from the Navy now I'm 30, father of 3 kids, married, a terminal diagnosis, a brain disease, a neurological disorder, hyper-thyroid, multiple mental-disorders and I never thought I'd live this long. I thought I'd be dead by 28, I decided this when I was 10. I'm not sure why but I honestly thought I'd never make it. At 20 I was told I sold have been dead, I was given 3 months to live. 3 months later, a different doctor did more scans and checks than gave me 3 months to live.
3 months later I realized they know nothing about what's wrong with me. Years later a doctor confirms many diagnosis but removed a few than explained them.
"You was born before your lungs, brain & eyes was ready. This caused, your neurological problem & your brain disease is genetic. These two caused deformity on your person, your ribs, teeth & left side." This opened up doors for me to get help.
I'm 30, working full time for a Training & Rehabilitation program. I have 3 kids, I pay child support for 2 kids whole my last kid loves with me and my wife. I work hard but I canny seem to be able to share with hard enough! I'm here asking, all of you for $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 of more of your money, cryptocurrency, upvotes or likes! Please please, help a father prepare his family!

Notice how I give detail of what's wrong?
Notice my use of descriptive words?
Notice how I hook you along?

Only at the end do you want to pitch your asking of money so they'll feel connected to you first...which might help you get donations! The easier it is to donate, the easier it is to get donations! I wish I could say this is just an example page but it's not. That story about me is true, I have to wear a mask most of the time each day to help me keep from getting a type of sinus infection within my check bone.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Nice @digi3d
Shot you an Upvote :)

Thank you, i rtf