A website, who has many attributes of a social network, is known as Diigo. This is an abbreviation of Digest of Internet Information, Groups, and Other stuff. It is similar to the original website and structure of Digg. Users on this website can clip any parts of any website, and create their private collections of bookmarks. At the same time, users can also highlight parts of websites, while using the website. Furthermore, users can attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to the whole page. Unlike Digg, users cannot follow other users. Nevertheless, users can make their collections public or private. At the same time, users can create groups, or join other groups in the website community. In addition, there are two versions of the website, one free, and another paid. Free version has limited features, such as a limit on bookmarks and highlights. The paid version has unlimited usage of highlights and bookmarks. In addition, paid users can import their PDF notes and highlights. At the same time, they have unlimited access to store images. Of course, it is a useful website for storing items, and collaborating with other users. Nevertheless, I do not have much time, and I seldom spend time on this website. At the same time, the version, that I use is free version. So, I cannot give more details about features of the paid version.
Here is the link to my profile -