the new inquisition

in society •  3 years ago 


R: “I’m checking that you’ve not been kidnapped by Democrats.”

My brother got a laugh out of me but he was a little bit serious. I’m sheltering solo to avoid crazy people that are embracing the new dystopian modern day vaccine religion. Pfizer and Moderna has more believers than Jesus has Bible thumpers knocking on doors.

Because, ya know, Covid, is more real than the Devil. And next to the devil are Republicans.

I attended several rallies and lived to inform my concerned friends that I didn’t see any white supremacists. Masks were optional and the vibe was “you do you, Boo.” I’m concerned about losing liberty to live my quiet life free from bother. Forced vaccinations in California is REAL.

How can anyone believe there is no corruption in government and trust that they are not being mislead? I thought everyone knew government is mostly a puppet show with big money interest pulling the strings. The baddies have organized for decades and mastered the public relations game. This lockdown has been a giant power grab.

The world is upside down. For over a year, I watched channels get cancelled and libraries of videos deleted. There’s words to avoid or you will be reprimanded or cancelled. And yet, I have friends tell me there’s no censorship in America and in the same breath agree that certain ideas and people ought to be controlled.

There’s a WORLD of content normies are not seeing because it won’t fit in their algorithm. If there’s ONE video among the banned that I wish my friends to see, it’s this one with Dr Judy Mikovits. I posted it once among friends and got shot down. I kept it up because Plandemic is well thought out. It exposes a very dark side of the world and still is hopeful. And I found that the filmmaker was connected to a friend of mine that I trust.


We are living through a new inquisition. Good people are being threatened and silenced for trying to bring light to truth. Free speech is dangerous? Want to see something dangerous? Watch this and tell me if you think it’s right that a lot of energy is being put in protecting you from seeing it.


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Muh freedoms allowing me to have a baby with measles.

Congratulations @jnetsworld, your post won 1st prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!