Major News: SMA partners with SolarCoin

in solarcoin •  7 years ago 



Yes you read it correctly, SolarCoin via its affiliate SolarLux are now working with SMA, here is the press release:

If you dont know why this is significant, you probably arent that familiar with the solar energy industry, SMA is a major player in the solar industry, its a German company that makes a critical component used in the installation of solar panels, the inverter. Solar panels generate direct current (DC), but all our homes and businesses run on alternating current (AC), its the inverters job to convert the DC to AC so it can be used in the average home or business. However modern inverters also do clever things like recording generation history and providing it in a simple webpage, for SMA this is their Sunny Portal. Accorting the CEO of SMA, they are considering 'direct access to SolarCoin via the Sunny Portal', wow! So every SMA customer would then potentially have easy access to claiming SolarCoin, directly from their solar systems managment page!

We also should not overlook the fact that this announcment was made at Intersolar, the worlds most important solar industry event.

Im bullish on SolarCoin, but then its been obvious to me for quite some time that this idea has traction.

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SMA has 300k customers on the sunny portal and have 25GW they monitor which is 5% of all global installed solar energy. ...

Yes indeed, let's hope some more manufacturers realise what they can do soon.