On Oct 1-4, your soul whispers...
This weekend's energy is about choosing to say yes to opportunity! You've been wanting to shake things up in your life, get an infusion of new energy, but wrestle with doing anything that might make you feel unstable. You've asked for an infusion of passion and creativity to bring fresh energy to your life, but that doesn't mean that you must abandon everything that you know, or sacrifice the ground you've gained through hard work. Find a way to understand that it's important to be open and flexible to change. So there's no need for all or nothing thinking. There is an opportunity for you to align with your greater values by reaffirming your partnership with your Spirit Divine. Your ability to be more open will guide you toward more, and might as well bless you with an earthly partnership. As above so below. Divine love manifesting on Earth, as in Heaven. Magnificent.
So this weekend, don't ignore the possibilities. See that you are being given the opportunity to relax and experience life a little more passionately. Don't grip your reality so tightly. You've got it, and you're not in danger of losing losing it. You're being encouraged to recognize that this is the love of your own Spirit trying to fulfill some desire within you, that could as well manifest not only in your partnership with it, but possibly help you anchor an earthly partnership in your material world. Walk towards the path of possibility that is opening to your desire. Move forward with courage, and a knowing that you rest in the power and security you have already achieved, and that you are divinely supported for new missions, new adventures, new potential creations, new partnerships. You've asked in your heart, now see that you are being blessed.