INTRODUCTION: The progressive rate at which website/app is being developed is devastating. Nowadays, people turn to apps for most things. These apps connect them to counterparties thereby adding costs to the businesses and customers. They don't own companies or industries, they simply connect these customers to the preferred business they would like to carry out transactions with. Every app has its main purpose just like etc. Apps usually have the same model thereby making customers have a wide variety to choose from especially the ones that are cost effective. Keeping customers loyal to a particular app is quite difficult because of the way a handful of apps are available to them.
ABOUT: SPACE-iZ makes it possible for customers to get connected with businesses. This platform doesn't increase the cost of the products or services that businesses offer their customers like other apps. They decrease it and make it even possible for customers to save through the facilitation of business transactions on the SPACE-iZ platform. They encourage the trust and loyalty of their customers by making them feel they are a part of the system. They reward customers who have massively invested in its operation. They also help local businesses get in touch with capable customers.
SPACE-iZ has designed an ecosystem that is made of three(3) components: a SPACE-iZ token, a decentralized app and token holders. It's motion is to draw the attention of property owners and capable customers interested in co-live/co-work and short-let domains. Using blockchain technology is a means to share the benefit with the community by creating a token to allow its holders gain and partake in a community of spaces and services. SPACE-iZ will make it possible for non-holders of their token to participate in their project. Token holders can rent co-live spaces at a low-priced rate and gain from lending their tokens to token borrowers to receive an income.
TOKEN SALE: 13.8 million US dollars will be boosted by SPACE-iZ in the first stage and 150,000,000 tokens will be made available for token sale. The funds raised will be used to develop a platform where landlords can maintain co-live/co-work spaces and short-let domains. Once the hard cap is reached, SPACE-iZ will build and tailor a co-living site with accommodated amenities and services while developing the app. After it is completed, token holders can now rent it so as to create a firm basis for their ecosystem.
Token holders will receive three main benefits:
- Token holders have the potential to lend tokens to token borrowers and earn income by just lending.
- Tokens will be confidently dispensed by making use of the blockchain technology.
- Accommodation will be made available at a low-priced rate.
5,000 tokens will be first given a discount with the highest discount at 22,500 tokens(not fixed). Any customer that finds it difficult to accumulate enough tokens to receive a discount will borrow the desired number of tokens from the smart contract.
Lending and borrowing options will be integrated in the app and will be outlined as a single click process via smart contracts.
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