Happy New Year

in spaminator •  5 years ago 

I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and all the best in 2020. I hope the new year is everything you want it to be and you achieve all your desired goals.

2019 was a difficult year for the counter-exploitation community and for projects like Spaminator. There was a lot of work on the tech end of things that had to be done. A lot of it is still in progress. I also had to fill out delegation forms for the first time and for someone who doesn't normally do paperwork it was tricky to say the least. Looking forward to a good 2020 with all of you.

Want to Help?

If you discover a botnet or systemic exploitation of any type, please let us know. You can report it through the Steemcleaners report form http://steemcleaners.com/reports/new or just on the Discord at https://discord.gg/JnvkJMV Don't try and deal with it yourself as some scammers are very vicious and can be dangerous.

Got Hacked or Know Someone Who Did?

Message @Guiltyparties right away please. Go to the Discord link above and send a Direct Message or reach out in any way that you want or can. I'm on Steem.chat and Slack too. I will do everything in my power to help you.

Getting Downvoted?

Sometimes you don't know why. I'm not going to assume that you are a scammer. If you genuinely don't understand then please come over to the Steemcleaners discord and ask. There are times where others may have used your account maliciously without you knowing, which could have created the type of blockchain transactions that would have gotten you added to the blacklist. There are also people and projects that deliberately mislead others for their own profit.

Now on the other hand, if you do know, don't pretend. If you have 60 accounts you got for free from the @steem faucet and are auto-posting plagiarism on all of them to farm rewards, you know what you're doing and you're doing it deliberately. If you're stealing other people's identities and work, you know. You're welcome to come and chat with us regardless.

Steemcleaners Discord: https://discord.gg/JnvkJMV

Want to Offer Input?


We have a GitHub where you can submit Issues. If you see the Spaminator bot missing something that is on its list and should be getting downvoted, please submit an Issue. You may also use it to submit whatever else you want but be cognizant on whatever use restrictions that GitHub puts in place which are beyond my control.

Feedback Form

There is also a website form where you may offer any feedback you want. It's not the right place to appeal but its for anything else you want to say.

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Happy New Year to you guys and may we be safe from spam and scam.

Happy New Year and may we see exploitation with 20/20 clear vision for the year 2020.

Thank,s you