Unexpected beauty

in spanish •  7 years ago 


I am forbidden to look at myself in the mirrors because I acquired the habit of self-hypnotizing myself.
When he used to, he possessed an exquisite weapon of earthly detachment.
The last time, as soon as it began, it came to pass that from the soul of the mirror a great number of wolves and birds of prey appeared, which devoured my eyes, nose, and lower lip successively.
When I tried to flee, I realized that my feet had become ants, they devoured me with anxiety, they ascended quickly, eating their skin to the bare bones, and when I reached the face, the mirror showed me a beautiful skull.


Me tengo prohibido mirarme en los espejos pues adquirí la costumbre de autohipnotizarme.
Cuando solía hacerlo poseía un arma exquisita de desprendimiento terrenal.
La última vez,apenas comenzaba,ocurrío que del alma del espejo brotaron gran cantidad de lobos y de aves de rapiña que me devoraron sucesivamente los ojos,la nariz y el labio inferior.
Al tratar de huir me di cuenta que mis pies se habian convertido en hormigueros,estas me devoraban con ansiedad,ascendian rapidamente,carcomiendose la piel hasta dejar los huesos desnudos,al llegar al rostro el espejo me mostró una hermosa calavera.

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Written by @jesskue

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love this creative writing style =D It reminds of something's I write myself!..
so I am going to keep my eyes on your blog
Upvoted and Followed :D

Thank you very much for your support and it makes me very happy that you like what I write! I follow you :D

I just read it again , as I love how it has so much imagery :D Keep writing :)

Oh look at that I already follow:)

I love your use of language @jesskue! Followed!

Thank you very much! I try to express myself as best as possible 😃

Just fantastic.

thank you very much :)