> Porque, si ustedes perdonan a los demás el mal que les hayan hecho, también les perdonará a ustedes el Padre celestial. Pero, si no perdonan a los demás, tampoco el Padre les perdonará los pecados que hayan cometido. Mateo 6:14-15 BLPH | > For if you forgive Gr anthropoi.others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins], your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14-15 AMP |


Necesitamos ser perdonadosNuestra naturaleza humana siempre nos lleva a juzgar y condenar a los demás, y mas aun si el daño ha sido en contra nuestra, miramos a los demás para señalar sus errores y defectos como si nosotros fuésemos perfectos, hasta el momento en el que cometemos el error y debemos pagar por él, es cuando recordamos la palabra perdón, solo cuando debe ser utilizada en nuestro favor. Debemos entender qué es el perdón y reconocer que lo necesitamos porque como seres humanos fallamos a cada instante. Pero antes vamos a comprobar que todos necesitamos el perdón de Dios. |
We need to be forgiven< Our human nature always leads us to judge and condemn others, and even more so if the damage has been against us, we look to others to point out their mistakes and defects as if we were perfect, until the moment we make the mistake and must pay for it, it is when we remember the word forgiveness, only when it must be used in our favor. We must understand what forgiveness is and recognize that we need it because as human beings we fail every moment. But first we will see that we all need God's forgiveness. |

Revisemos juntos la situación, y presenta tu defensa para demostrar tu inocencia. Desde el principio, tu primer antepasado pecó contra mí; todos tus líderes quebrantaron mis leyes. .
Isaias 43:26-27 NTV |
Remind Me [of your merits with a thorough report], let us plead and argue our case together; State your position, that you may be proved right. “Your first father [Jacob] sinned, And your spokesmen [the priests and the prophets--your mediators] have transgressed against Me.
Isaiah 43:26-27 AMP |
Creemos que somos personas buenas que de vez en cuando hacemos cosas malas, pero es todo lo contrario. Somos personas malas que a veces hacemos cosas buenas con la esperanza de recibir algo a cambio, lo que nos hace 100% malos. Dios no miente, conoce el corazón de cada uno de nosotros y sus intensiones, sin embargo dijo:
Ahora bien, ¿llegamos a la conclusión de que los judíos somos mejores que los demás? ¡Para nada! Tal como acabamos de demostrar, todos —sean judíos o gentiles o griegos.— están bajo el poder del pecado. Como dicen las Escrituras: «No hay ni un solo justo, ni siquiera uno. Nadie es realmente sabio, nadie busca a Dios. Todos se desviaron, todos se volvieron inútiles. No hay ni uno que haga lo bueno, ni uno solo. Lo que hablan es repugnante, como el mal olor de una tumba abierta. Su lengua está llena de mentiras. Veneno de serpientes gotea de sus labios. Su boca está llena de maldición y amargura. Se apresuran a matar. Siempre hay destrucción y sufrimiento en sus caminos. No saben dónde encontrar paz. No tienen temor de Dios en absoluto»
Romanos 3:9-18 NTV |
We believe that we are good people who occasionally do bad things, but it is the opposite. We are bad people who sometimes do good things in the hope of receiving something in return, which makes us 100% bad. God does not lie, He knows the heart of each one of us and his intentions, yet He said:
Well then, are we [Jews] better off than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks (Gentiles) are under the control of sin and subject to its power.10 As it is written and forever remains written, There is none righteous [none that meets God’s standard], not even one. “There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God. “All have turned aside, together they have become useless; There is none who does good, no, not one.” “Their throat is an open grave; They [habitually] deceive with their tongues.” “The venom of asps is beneath their lips.” “Their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.” “Their feet are swift to shed blood,
16 Destruction and misery are in their paths, And they have not known the path of peace.” “There is no fear of God [and His awesome power] before their eyes.”
Romans 3:9-18 AMP |


Salvos por graciaDe manera que nadie hizo lo que debía hacer para merecer la salvación, sin embargo, Dios en su infinito amor envió a tiempo a Jesucristo para que muriese en nuestro lugar pagando la deuda de muerte que teníamos por pecadores, de esta forma somos culpables por su sangre, aunque no estuvimos ahí tomamos parte en su muerte ya que por causa de nuestros pecados fue que dio su vida. Pero gracias a su muerte y resurrección es posible obtener el perdón por nuestros pecados para con Dios, Cristo ha creado un puente para reconciliarnos con Dios y Dios esta dispuesto a perdonarnos si con corazón sincero nos acercamos a El dispuestos a abandonar nuestros malos hábitos. Luego en un sentido de humildad, si Dios nos perdono la vida misma poder considerar a aquellos que nos hacen ofensas para también perdonarles esas ofensas, de lo contrario, como leímos al principio Dios no nos perdonara a nosotros las ofensas que hacemos contra El. Es pues necesario que vivamos una vida de humildad y armonía para con los demás, buscando cada dia mas de Dios y practicando el amor y la misericordia para con los demás. |
Saved by graceSo that no one did what they had to do to deserve salvation, yet God in His infinite love sent Jesus Christ in time to die in our place paying the debt of death that we had for sinners, so that we are guilty by His blood, even though we were not there we took part in His death because it was because of our sins that He gave His life. But thanks to his death and resurrection it is possible to obtain forgiveness for our sins with God, Christ has created a bridge to reconcile us with God and God is willing to forgive us if with a sincere heart we approach Him willing to abandon our bad habits. Then in a sense of humility, if God forgave us our very lives to be able to consider those who offend us to also forgive them those offenses, otherwise, as we read at the beginning God will not forgive us the offenses we do against Him. It is therefore necessary that we live a life of humility and harmony for others, seeking more and more of God and practicing love and mercy for others. |

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Recuerda votar a @cervantes como testigo para impulsar las publicaciones en castellano, otro testigo que tambien recomiendo votar es @good-karma quien ha aportado bastante a la comunidad steem

Very well!!
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A new money based on forgiveness. With your focus on forgiveness I think you will find yourself interested in RemedyCoin. We monetize situations where the injury/damage is documented - we confront the perpetrator with an offer of forgiveness so long as there is no dishonoring of the financial instrument which commemorates the act of forgiveness. We then take the tokens to market as an experiment to see if the markets will validate the cause of the injured party buy purchasing shares.
It's called RemedyCoin.com. I'm boostrapping this startup so progress is slow but steady. I'll need people to help by performing duties of correspondence witnesses. Those witnesses will certify non-response by the perpetrator which will engage the terms of the notices allowing us to move ahead to sell shares of the forgiveness. Follow @RemedyCoin to see how we progress.
I find that this forgiveness will be particularly useful to change the behavior of institutions which are tyrannical. The result I think is that the reputation of the perpetrator is amplified by the resulting market price of the asset.
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A very interesting profile. Regards! :)
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You're doing fine! thank you for helping us keep the platform clean.
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The word of God expresses and is very clear, you must forgive who has offended you 70 times 7 so we live only to forgive and it is there where we have our greatest blessing before God.
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