Today, I would like to explain a little bit about this issue that is echoed in Venezuela because of the current situation. In the midst of so much clutter, long queues for food purchases, cash withdrawals from banks or even for the use of public transportation and stop counting, I have heard conversations in which some Venezuelan brothers are pointed out for opening their minds in search of new horizons, say comments; such as "It's weak-minded,""It doesn't deserve to be called Venezuelan,""How easy it is to leave and GIVE in the face of problems,""It sure comes back when everything settles down... coward, he doesn't love his family." But I have always considered that everything depends on the crystal with which you look at the things and desires that inhabit your heart, it is easy for no one to leave a "stability of life", to get rid of what he loves most, to leave those places that invade his mind of beautiful memories with respect to his childhood, to leave the rich aroma of mom's coffee in the mornings, the advice of daddy, the absurd fights with the brothers that ended in a "ve".
Ahora, no considero que eso sea rendirse. Si, considero que en sus pensamientos esta la idea de que está dejando una nación que en su tiempo de abundancia le dio todo pero que hoy por diversas razones no le permite vivir como antes, le niega la posibilidad de como joven tener aspiraciones (En el caso de la población juvenil que esta emigrando), le cortan las alas y le quieren ofrecer migajas de lo que merece, ofreciendo igualdad para todos, claro pero bajo el criterio de proceso de un mandatario, mientras los más “astutos” se enriquecen a causa de su esfuerzo. Rendirse va más allá, es doblegarse a la voluntad de alguien y darle el señorío sobre tu vida, que tu manera de pensar sea tan pobre que te vuelves conformista sin importar que la situación te esté asfixiando o privando de alcanzar tus metas, solo piensas en complacer al otro.
Now, I don't consider that to be surrender. Yes, I believe that in his thoughts there is the idea that he is leaving a nation that in his time of abundance gave him everything but today for various reasons does not allow him to live as before, denies him the possibility of having aspirations as a young man (in the case of the young population that is migrating), they cut off his wings and want to offer him crumbs of what he deserves, offering equality for all, of course but under the criterion of a leader's process, as long as the people do not have the same rights. Surrendering goes further, it is bending over someone else's will and giving them lordship over your life, that your way of thinking is so poor that you become conformist regardless of whether the situation is suffocating you or depriving you of reaching your goals, you only think about pleasing the other.

Tell me, if you go in search of a better future to a place where they offer you possibilities of real progress with the intention of helping your loved ones and growing as a person, even gives you the opportunity to form your own family with a stable job, a comfortable home, the possibility of offering your children those memories that you treasure so much of what was your childhood (you know that not in the same environment, but if with tranquility that you are well and you are not lacking...).
He presenciado y me he despedido de personas que con lágrimas en los ojos prometen volver, incluso algunos de ellos profesionales que van con el objeto de surgir económicamente y personalmente sin importar las condiciones de trabajo mientras sea de manera honrosa, mostrando cualquier tipo de antipatía a prejuicios o humillaciones.
I have witnessed and said goodbye to people who, with tears in their eyes, promise to return, even some of them professionals who go with the purpose of appearing economically and personally regardless of working conditions as long as it is honorable, showing any kind of antipathy to prejudices or humiliations.

I do not call this a surrender, I could categorize it as a sacrifice... you tell me that it is not persistent, I think the opposite, it persists in reaching its goals and fulfilling its personal demands even at the expense of their happiness. That's why I ask for support for all those who are in that constant struggle for self-improvement, even for people who are closed-minded so that they can see the other side of the coin. God continue to bless them greatly and if you want to comment, you who read this small fragment of one of my thoughts, do it. Give me your opinion that I also want to read you and know what you think about it. Greetings.