in spanish •  5 years ago  (edited)


Hi, Hi, Hi, again, my adorable friends Steemitenjoyers.

I am Zulay Pulido, Excellent Traveler with Philosophical Thought.

This publication is my proposal to participate in the Redfish Rally 500 Contest BUCKET LIST CHALLENGE - Week 2 (RR500BLC).

“ A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” - Lao Tse, Chinese philosopher.

The featured illustration is my own.

Hola, Hola, Hola, otra vez, mis adorables amigos Steemitdisfrutadores.

Soy Zulay Pulido, Excelente Viajera con Pensamiento Filosófico.

Esta publicación es mi propuesta de participación en el Concurso Rally 500 Pececillos Rojos Lista de Viajes, 2da semana de marzo 2020 (RR500BLC).

“Un viaje de mil millas comienza con el primer paso.” - Lao Tse, Filósofo Chino.

La ilustración destacada es de mi autoría.

The Decision

It was very difficult to choose three places to travel. It is not easy to select just three paradisiacal corners, in a world full of exotic natural beauties and outstanding buildings of the civilizations of all time.

To set up this challenge I chose three very different sites in different countries. Each one has its charms and are those that I would like to visit if I had a chance. Sure, after the threat of the Coronavirus passes. For now, I prefer to stay in my city of San Cristóbal, writing for Steemit.

La Decisión

Fue muy difícil elegir tres parajes para viajar. No es fácil seleccionar solo tres rincones paradisíacos, en un mundo repleto de exóticas bellezas naturales y destacadas construcciones de las civilizaciones de todos los tiempos.

Para configurar este reto elegí tres sitios muy diferentes en distintos países. Cada uno tiene sus encantos y son aquellos que me gustaría visitar si tuviera una oportunidad. Claro, después de que pase la amenaza del Coronavirus. Por ahora, prefiero quedarme en mi ciudad de San Cristóbal, escribiendo para Steemit.

First place of my dream trips

The first place has, without a doubt, the Angel Falls or Kerepakupai Vená (its indigenous name), located in the Canaima National Park, Bolívar state, Venezuela. This imposing waterfall has a height of 979 meters and a width of 107 meters, making it the highest natural waterfall in the world. It was named by UNESCO a World Heritage Site in 1994.

This beautiful destination is enclosed between lush jungles and tepuis, which makes access extremely difficult. The most used ways to get there are light aircraft trips, with which you can appreciate all its splendor from the air, when the weather is clear; and in the rainy season, by means of boats or curiaras that cross the intricate river.

I would love to approach by plane over its highest part. See the rainbows that the drizzle forms with the competition of the sun on its long journey and take many photographs and videos.

Then, I would like to sleep in one of the jungle and romantic inns of Canaima, listening to the relaxing sound of the falling water. Take the exquisite gourmet dishes of the camp and enjoy the proximity of colorful species of birds and strange animals that inhabit the area.

Those who have made this splendid trip, assure that it is unforgettable and unique.

You may wonder, why if I live in Venezuela I have not gone? The answer is that this is a very expensive journey and I have never had the opportunity to give myself that great pleasure.


Photographys courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Wikimedia Commons

The map was taken from Google maps

Primer lugar de mis viajes soñados

El primer lugar lo tiene, sin dudas, el Salto Ángel o Kerepakupai Vená (su nombre indígena), ubicado en el Parque Nacional Canaima, estado Bolívar, Venezuela. Esta imponente caída de agua posee una altura de 979 metros y un ancho de 107 metros, por lo que es la cascada natural más alta del mundo. Fue nombrada por la UNESCO, Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1994.

Este hermoso destino está encerrado entre frondosas selvas y tepuyes, lo cual dificulta enormemente el acceso. Las formas más empleadas para llegar hasta allí son los viajes en avioneta, con los cuales se puede apreciar todo su esplendor desde el aire, cuando está el tiempo despejado; y en época de lluvia, por medio de lanchas o curiaras que atraviesen el intrincado río.

Me encantaría acercarme en avioneta por sobre su parte más alta. Ver los arcoíris que forma la llovizna con el concurso del sol en su largo recorrido y tomar muchas fotografías y videos.

Luego, me gustaría quedarme a dormir en alguna de las selváticas y románticas posadas de Canaima, escuchando el sonido relajante del agua caer. Tomar los exquisitos platos de la comida gourmet del campamento y disfrutar de la cercanía de coloridas especies de aves y extraños animales que habitan la zona.

Quienes han realizado ese espléndido viaje, aseguran que es inolvidable y único.

Te preguntarás, ¿por qué si vivo en Venezuela no he ido? La respuesta es que es una travesía muy costosa y nunca he tenido la ocasión de darme ese gran gusto.

Second place of my travel dreams

This position is occupied by a special site, the Steel Dragon 2000; a steel roller coaster located at the Nagashima Spa Land Amusement Park in Mie Prefecture, Japan.

The Roller Coasters are a great attraction for me.

It was Built by Morgan Manufacturing, and opened to the public on August 1, 2000.

Its name comes from Chinese astrology and the zodiac calendars, because 2000 was the Year of the Dragon. At its inauguration, it broke several world records. It became the longest roller coaster in the world with a track length of 2,479 meters (8,133 feet), as well as the tallest and fastest of the full-circuit roller coasters. It is still the longest, and with a top speed of almost 153 km / h (95 mph), it is one of the fastest using a traditional elevation hill.

The excitement jumps at me just imagining myself supported in a small cabin on rails at full speed. What strikes me most is its long journey. Do you know what 2.5 kilometers of ascents and descents would be, to touch the sky with an overflow of Adrenaline? The sensational thing there is that you could scream and cry desperately and no one would find it offensive. It is a journey of downloading emotions for legal consumption.

Surely I would buy several tickets to tour the circuit continuously. I hope they allow it hehe

Then, to visit other emblematic sites of Japan, take the opportunity to learn more about its extraordinary thousand-year-old culture and exquisite gastronomy, in addition to visiting its commercial areas in order to buy a state-of-the-art professional camera.

He would take a tour of Mie Prefecture, within the Kinki region on Japan's main Honshu island, which has vast protected areas and nearly 1,000 km of coastline in the Pacific. In the city of Ise, one of Japan's most sacred sites is located, the Great Ise Shrine, a Shinto complex within Ise-Shima National Park. The park encompasses the Shima Peninsula, including Meoto Iwa (Married Rocks), a pair of sacred sea rocks linked by a ceremonial rope.


Photography courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Shubham Sharan (Unsplash)

The map was taken from Google Maps

Segundo lugar de mis sueños de viaje

Este puesto lo ocupa un sitio especial, el Steel Dragon 2000; una montaña rusa de acero ubicada en el Parque de Atracciones Nagashima Spa Land en la Prefectura de Mie, Japón.

Las Montañas Rusas son un gran atractivo para mi.

Fue construido por Morgan Manufacturing, y se abrió al público el 1 de agosto de 2000.

Su nombre proviene de la Astrología China y los Calendarios del Zodiaco, debido a que el 2000 fue el año del Dragón. En su inauguración, rompió varios récords mundiales. Se convirtió en la montaña rusa más larga del mundo con una longitud de pista de 2.479 metros (8.133 pies), así como la más alta y rápida entre las montañas rusas de circuito completo. Sigue siendo la más larga, y con una velocidad máxima de casi 153 km /h (95 mph), es una de las más rápidas que utiliza una colina de elevación tradicional.

Me salta la emoción al solo imaginarme sostenida en una pequeña cabina sobre unos rieles a toda velocidad. Lo que más me llama la atención es su largo recorrido. ¿Sabes lo que serían 2,5 kilómetros de subidas y bajadas, de tocar el cielo con desborde de Adrenalina? Lo sensacional allí es que podría gritar y llorar desesperadamente y a nadie le resultaría ofensivo. Es un viaje de descarga de emociones de consumo legal.

Seguro que compraría varios tíckets para recorrer el circuito de forma continua. Espero que lo permitan jeje

Aprovecharía luego, para visitar otros sitios emblemáticos de Japón, conocer más sobre su extraordinaria cultura milenaria y exquisita gastronomía, además de visitar sus áreas comerciales con el objeto de comprar una cámara fotográfica profesional de última tecnología.

Haría una excursión por la Prefectura de Mie, dentro de la región de Kinki en la Isla Principal Honshu de Japón, la cual posee vastas áreas protegidas y cerca de 1.000 km de costa en el Pacífico. En la ciudad de Ise, se encuentra uno de los sitios más sagrados de Japón, el gran Santuario de Ise, un complejo Shinto dentro del Parque Nacional Ise-Shima. El parque abarca la Península de Shima, incluidos Meoto Iwa (Rocas Casadas), un par de rocas marinas sagradas unidas por una cuerda ceremonial.

Third place of my dream trips

The third place corresponds to a site that intrigues me a lot: The Terracotta Warriors.

It is a collection of more than 8,000 life-size terracotta warriors and horse human figures: they are 1.80 meters tall, and as an exceptional thing, each one has different physical features. They are believed to be replicas of men who actually existed at that time and who were part of the Emperor's army. Furthermore, they were equipped with different types of weapons that were stolen when the monarch died.

These sculptures were buried near the tomb of the self-proclaimed First Emperor of China of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, in 210-209 BC. C.

They are found inside the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum. They were discovered during works for a water supply on February 2, 1974 (very recent date) near Xi'an (Shaanxi Province, People's Republic of China). UNESCO declared them a World Heritage Site in 1987.

History tells that when burying these statues it was believed that the Emperor would continue to have troops under his command. The Terracotta Army was buried in battle formation in three trenches, one and a half kilometers east of the Emperor's tomb, which in turn is 33 km east of Xi'an. The three moats are between 4 and 8 meters deep. They have been excavated and a hangar has been built in the ruins, called the Army of Warriors Museum.

What strikes me powerfully is to discover how Creativity has been able to create, thanks to the slavery of thousands of human beings, structures as extraordinary as the Terracotta Warriors, only to satisfy the enormous Ego of leaders and kings of all the times. Despite that, they have left us an enormous legacy of wonderful constructions, which allow us to study the thought, culture and technical development of each historical moment.

Photography courtesy of Alan Lee (Pixabay) and Manoj Kumar Kasirajan (Unsplash)

The map was taken from Google Maps

Here you can get the web where I found the information about Terracotta Warriors

Tercer Lugar de mis viajes de ensueño

El tercer lugar le corresponde a un sitio que me intriga muchísimo: Los Guerreros de Terracota.

Es una colección de más de 8.000 figuras humanas de guerreros y caballos de terracota de tamaño natural: miden 1.80 mts., y como cosa excepcional, cada uno tiene rasgos físicos diferentes. Se cree que son réplicas de hombres que realmente existieron en aquella época y que formaban parte del ejército del Emperador. Además, estaban equipadas con diferentes tipos de armas que fueron robadas al morir el monarca.

Estas esculturas fueron enterradas cerca de la tumba del autoproclamado Primer Emperador de China de la Dinastía Qin, Qin Shi Huang, en 210-209 A. C.

Se encuentran dentro del Mausoleo de Qin Shi Huang. Fueron descubiertos durante unas obras para un abastecimiento de agua, el 2 de febrero de 1974 (fecha muy reciente) cerca de Xi'an (provincia de Shaanxi, República Popular China). La UNESCO, las declaró Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1987.

La historia cuenta que al enterrar estas estatuas se creía que el Emperador seguiría teniendo tropas bajo su mando. El Ejército de Terracota fue enterrado en formación de batalla en tres fosos, un kilómetro y medio al este de la tumba del Emperador, que a su vez dista 33 km al este de Xi'an. Los tres fosos tienen entre 4 y 8 metros de profundidad. Han sido excavados y se ha construido un hangar en las ruinas, llamado Museo del Ejército de Guerreros.

Lo que me llama poderosamente la atención es descubrir cómo la Creatividad ha sido capaz de crear, gracias a la esclavitud de miles de seres humanos, estructuras tan extraordinarias, como los Guerreros de Terracota, solo para satisfacer el descomunal Ego de líderes y mandatarios de todos los tiempos. A pesar de eso, nos han dejado un legado enorme de construcciones maravillosas, que nos permiten estudiar el pensamiento, la cultura y el desarrollo técnico de cada momento histórico.

Desde aquí puedes acceder a la web que contiene la información sobre los Guerreros de Terracota


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Sin embargo, las de la FAVTachira,
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sí se actualizan constantemente.

If you liked this post, I thank you for leaving your kind comment and some recommendations to improve my work.

Remember, you can find me at

A big hug from Venezuela, a country full of Natural Wonders.

Si te gustó esta publicación, te agradezco dejar tu gentil comentario y algunas recomendaciones para mejorar mi trabajo.

Recuerda, puedes encontrarme en

Un gran abrazo desde Venezuela, un país lleno de Maravillas Naturales.


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I did see those terracotta warriors in a film some time ago - can't remember which one it was but those warriors were very impressive :)

Hello again friend @seadbeady

Yes, those Warriors are truly extraordinary. I would like to visit them, but I don't know if I can

Hola, de nuevo, amiga @seadbeady

Sí, esos Guerreros son realmente extraordinarios. Me gustaría visitarlos, pero no sé si pueda

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Thank you, people of @steemitboard

I am very happy with you

Hi @librepensadora. Thanks so much for your "bucket list" entry. Excellent choice of places to visit in the future. The Terracotta Warriors. What can I say. If ever I get the chance to visit such majestic figures. Yes, they built on the backs of slaves; but they have stood the test of time, and left us with wonders to imagine. Where did you find the information? It would be great to add it.

Thanks so much for sharing your well thought out bucket list blog. All the elements are there, including your sources for your pictures to make this a great example. One thought. there are several other tags you can utilize that fit the categories of information contained in your blog, i.e. history, the country, travelfeed. Look into those.

Take care, and have a great weekend.

Hi, my good friend @justclickindiva

I sincerely appreciate your kind comment. I have tried to present my publications with the greatest possible order, elegance and beauty, as I have seen in the examples that you propose.

I hope to become a good Steemit writer, so there is still a lot to learn.

Thank you very much for your recommendations on labels. The truth is that I am lost with that. I have to investigate further on the matter. When I entered Steemit, there was a list of Tags, but now it is gone and I don't know which ones to use.

I would like, if it is not too much to ask, that you present us with some recommendations, to that respect.

All the information was obtained from Wikipedia.

Thank you and thank you

Have a beauty day

Hi @librepensadora. Great you have the site where the historical information. You can edit your blog to add it maybe in the footer that will capture all the information you obtained from there.

Also, for the tags, generally, if you write about a certain subject to topic, such as food, you could use the #foodie tag. They have a Community. You may want to visit some of the Communities to see what type of posts are included there.

Finally, visit our SteemTerminal #list-tag room. There are numerous tag ideas to use.

Visit those first, then let us know in rally 500 chat. Thanks, and have a blessed weekend.

Thank you, @justclikindiva for your recommendations. I will do that next time for tagging.

Now I am going to add the url where I found the information about Terracotta Warriors.

Que bonito recorrido, alli vamos pegadas en esa mochila adquiriendo conocimiento, un abrazo y dando apoyo al reto @librepensadora

Hola, querida @sacra97

Poco a poco voy agarrando mayor destreza en el manejo de Steemit.

Bueno, cuando se termine el riesgo del Coronavirus, nos vamos de viaje jejeje

Thank you for your participation! 😉👍

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Good morning, my dear friend @iamraincrystal

It is a pleasure for me that you visit my work.

I have to thank you very much for the great support you give us all new to Steemit, to take us to a higher level of handling the platform.

Thank you very much to you and your efforts

Happy day


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Gracias, amigo @elsan.artes

Feliz día

Great entry. Best of luck dear rallier

Thank you, friend @insense

Have a happy day

Qué bueno post

Buen día, amigo @anthony2019

Muchas gracias por tu comentario
