Mistakes are there to be corrected! Right? Either way here's 5 more Spanish sentences

in spanish •  11 months ago 

In yesterdays post I made a mistake. Did you spot it?
Well it was in the comments, the third translation was in Spanish instead of English

¿Dónde está la habitación de juegos?
Means: Where is the gameroom?

Lets try 5 more sentences:
Seguid esta calle / carretera.
¿Cómo fue esto accidente?
Está cómo regalo.
Mi coche se he descompuesto.
Quisiera una mesa a lado de la ventana.

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And ofcourse the answers (hopefully without mistakes):

Follow this small / large road.
How did the accident happen?
It's for a present.
I have broken down. (my car)
I would like a table near to the window.