An Unconditional Love: The Dog Love...

in spanish •  5 years ago 

Today I want to share one of the most beautiful experiences after having had my two fruits of human love... And you will ask yourselves: What else could compare to that beautiful feeling? To the astonishment of many, I will tell you that it is “Dog Love". And how can we explain it? Well, I'm going to try to do it in the simplest way... Everything begins when I did my Doctorate in Granada, Spain, at the request of my son and my scarce resources product of an established exchange control, the promise arose "when you return to Venezuela you will have your pet". But I must tell you that I never imagined that this memory would remain so well engraved in the mind of my little one, so that after our return last 4 years the promise resurfaced which I could not avoid.

After many meetings with my two little sprouts, we decided that we were ready to receive our pet. Their joy was immense, I was still getting used to the idea; as I remember when when I arrived home I was unable to take off my shoes for the sole reason of avoiding the approach, since I was going back to childhood when I was bitten by a dog....

“Abacus", as we decided to call him, a Schnauzer born of a mixture of black schnauzer and salt and pepper, had his perfect plan: he would initially sleep in the bathroom and as he grew up he would sleep on the balcony where a little house had been built, his needs would be the responsibility of the children and in times of vacation he would stay in houses dedicated to that end... ah and never include the great-grandmother who while we were making plans is heard murmuring "don't put me in that.... I don't like animals.
Months passed and surprisingly I can tell you that little by little that ball of hair was occupying my heart, to the point that today after 12 years is my third great love, to whom I provide and assist, who accompanies me every day of my life without asking anything in return, grateful and only showing unconditional love. Díaz Videla in his book of Anthrozoology indicates that "in the human-dog bond, pets come first". 96% of those interviewed consider that in case of an emergency they would take their dog with them, even if it affected their own integrity and 70% say that if they had to choose between saving their dog's life or that of an unknown man, they would save their dog.

This author does not use the term owner or masters, he prefers to use the word "custodians", since the first implies possession, while the second implies familiarity and responsibility towards the animal. On the matter, I would dare to assure that it goes much beyond being custodians, the relation with these beings becomes so near in what to affective aspects refers that practically they become our children, considering them fundamental part of our family and incorporating them to the activities of routine and of special moments: familiar meetings and until the celebration by its birthday. And as it very well indicates it "it is not to humanize them, it is only an affective connotation".
.... 96.9% of porteños consider their dog to be a "member of their family" and 64% say it is "like a son". In addition, 36% of people like to celebrate their pet's birthday, a rather questioned custom that, for this psychologist, has nothing wrong with it. It is said that humanizing animals hurts them. Well, literally yes, but in general it has an affective connotation.
This psychologist ends indicating that this human-dog affective bond is not linked either to human pathology, or to animal abuse, much less as a substitute in cases of lack of a partner and children. It has to do rather with a behavior of affection, of love".
"Until you love an animal, a part of your soul is asleep, you don't know the purest and most grateful love".

For me, "Abacus" represents unconditional love, love to all intents and purposes, "Dog Love".

To finish my post I want to introduce you to "Abacus"

...Ah and I forgot to tell you what was left of all that perfect plan of which I told you and which was designed for him: he never slept on the balcony, he never went to any lodging and is the pampered of the house up to his grandmother, as she says herself.

Text and image font.
Vanessa Lopez. The human-dog bond, according to the psychologist who is "custodian" of Dalma and Gianinna. Periodico el Clarin Society 29-04-18. Available at:
Image of my authorship. 16 megapixel camera with LED flash and Ultra HD video capture.
Footprint of dogs.

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