I will let my video and drawings speak for me.

in special •  6 years ago 

This post is dedicated to @bleujay who is a friend of mine of Steemit.



I tried for DTube but it can't. upload

Here is my video on youtube

I have dreams to get a house in one year!



And this is for @bleujay for the comment. My friend to read with me.


Thank you. Congratulations. Gracias

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Buen dia......Juancito.

Lindo dia when one reads from the Word.

Wishing you all the best....God's best. ^__^

Muchas Gracias por the mention and this exciting news.


At present, the mention of @lvj is pride.
@bleujay is a good friend.

Hi @lvj

Thank you for posting

Nice to see that you dedicate this post to @bleujay

@lvj has also dedicated his writing to you @xpilar
@done and @sultan-aceh now he mentioned @bleujay
@lvj has many good and loyal friends.

@lvj it is nice that you are inspired to make such artwork for @bleujay and if it makes you feel good inside just do it and there is a platform for it and it is here at steemit where the community will help you with your support from @done and @nathanmars @xpilar and others.

You are a person who inspires, Mr. Juan, as the saying goes, difficulties prepare people for an extraordinary destiny. Juan Dios has a great purpose in your life, your angels take care of you, it is motivating to know your life in your publications, thank you for sharing.

I'm glad you introduced your friends to me, I wish you success

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hello John, I'll tell you that you draw better than me jajaja, your friend will be very honored with his drawing and with the fact that you have it present.
I am sure that your dream of having a house will come true, with your dedication and God's help will come true sooner than you imagine.

How good you look friend @lvj that new haircut makes you look much younger and healthy, keep up with your transformations. What a nice detail to draw for your friends, it seems a good gesture on your part. Of course you can get a house in a year, everything is in the desire that you have to go ahead and achieve your goals, pa lante force that here is supported.

Epa juanchin viste que te ves bien con ese nuevo look, que bueno que estes promoviendo a cada amigo y a cada persona que te haya acompañado en las malas y ahora disfrutan contigo las buenas nuevas.

Hola Juancito, te ves mucho mejor, se te quitaron unos años de encima, me alegra verte. Lindo dibujoque bueno que ya estes haciendo nuevos amigos por esta plataforma, así el camino al éxito, sera mucho mas fácil y seguro. Si tienes alguna duda sobre steemit, puedes preguntame sin problema. Saludos!

Hola Juan los sueños se cumplen si nos empeñamos en hacerlos realidad, ten fe y enfócate en él, así lograras tener tu casa. Bonito gesto del dibujo para tu amigo @bleujay Mucho éxito, sigue adelante.

that was a lovely memorable skitch art my friend @lvj

I'm sure your friend @bluejay would be happy to see that art!

Hola Juan, que estés bien, muy agradable tu dibujo y tus palabras.

Que bien por la dedicatoria a tu amigo. Te soy sincero algunas partes no las entendí. Sin embargo te puedo decir que tienes al lado un gran hombre con un buen corazón empeñado en poder ayudarte, eso es bueno, y es una bendición de Dios. solo debes saber aprovechar las oportunidades. Mi abuelo decía solo pide a Dios que te pueda tener las herramientas necesarias para poder lograr tus sueños y el se encargara del resto. Ya tienes dos cosas ganadas Un amigo incondicional y las herramientas para hacer un piso económico, así que adelante. Saludos mi pana desde Venezuela.

Tu casita pronto la tendrás el tiempo de dios es perfecto, seras muy muy feliz en ella te lo aseguro y gran abrazo desde el terruño venezolano 😊

Juan dibujas mejor que yo, que bueno estás haciendo amigos en la plataforma. Éxito.

You have a good dreams @lvj.
Good job.

Posted using Partiko Android

hahahahahaha saw that if you were able to draw, always remember this:

You can do everything in Christ who strengthens you.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ya entiendo cuando @done decía que no entendia mucho sobre lo que decia @lvj pues yo tampoco entendi mucho, me alegra seguir conociendo tus amistades, sin embargo me preocupa que solo pienses en cosas materiales. Una pregunta amigo mio, ¿te has conseguido a una persona en la situación en la que tu has estado? ¿que has hecho en caso de que si la has visto?.

Jajaja, muy cómicos tus dibujos Juan, realmente ese nuevo look, te queda muy bien, te felicito.
Espero que sigas bien y cuidate mucho.

I see you rejuvenated with your new look, great John. You are an example of struggle for this platform, I wish you much success, I love this presentation of your friends, thank you for sharing, I follow you and support you daily.

Hola Juan, no entendi nada de lo que dijiste en el video, porque no se nada de ingles... Pero Me alegro mucho tu cambio de imagen, es un buen progreso.
Pd... Dibujas mucho mejor que yo..

Esooo!! @lvj ya estas haciendo amigos nuevos, que lindo el gesto de hacerle esos dibujos a tu amigo. Ten mucha fe y trabaja para que tu sueño de tener una casa se cumpla mucho antes de lo que imaginas. un abrazo

Algo que sinceramente le ofrezcamos a un amigo sin duda lo hará feliz sin importar cuán valioso sea el regalo. Siento que tus amigos se alegrarán por ti.
Gracias @lvj

Usted ahora se ve como todo un señor, me sorprende saludos amigo..

Dibujos que hablan por si solos, para tus amigos, que bonito como te expresas por eso mereces lo mejor
Saludos juancito

learn from life that can inspire many people

Hi @lvj, hopefully you will get a beautiful house soon, I am happy to see you dedicate your blog to our best friend @bleujay
glad to see you grow

Hola amiguito, que bien te queda el nuevo look, muy chistoso dibujo jaja sigues evolucionando.

I hope you dream is come true for new house and better life

Posted using Partiko Android

wow..you also had a talent of making art @lvj that was cool!

Look at that how luck you are you had that kind of talent!

i hope you will be able to live this dream steemit will make it a reality :)

you dream of having a home in 1 year, hopefully your dream is achieved

Saludos galan, que bien te ves, woow tener una casa, es un sueño anhelado por todos, exitos para ti.

Keep doing such videos, just tell about everything what is happening around you, what bothers you, about your worries and concerns. I believe this is a chance to share this everything with this community, I am glad you have so many Spanish speaking people commenting for you, that is probably the easiest way to communicate for you.

Your picture is very cool, the smile is very wide.😀

I have never seen him as happy as he was after the hair cut (his new profile picture).

Yes the new profile picture is really cool, right as you say now it looks more handsome and neat I am happy to see it too.

Your video and drawing express so many mixed feelings that, seeing your publication motivates me on this platform, your life is a reason to inspire, I follow you and support each publication, greetings from #Venezuela

Me gusta más cuando haces videos en español, porque así puedo entenderlos.... Juan 3:16, es una de las citas más importantes... se refleja el amor de Dios para con nosotros... Me alegra que la reflejaras en tu dibujo! :)

Dios te bendiga.

great post my dear frend @lvj

and Very nice video and very nice draw

i like all your posts

Thanks for sharing your topics

you are great man

I wish you a happy and wonderful day

Un reflejo de lo feliz que se siente. Sigue sacando un buen animo y lo refleja con su arte, vieron el muñeco, esta feliz, encantador el dibujo.

Tienes un gran talento y buenas amistades. Con Dios todo es posible. En un año, quizás menos tendrás un hogar!

I wish your dream comes true .If the steem price goes high then you can buy a house easily.

Es genial que te apoyes en la lectura de la biblia para enriquecer tu alma y te ayude a llevar una mejor vida. Gracias por el mensaje, te ves mas joven y lleno de vida, tu foto de perfil esta mejor, pareces un actor de cine Juan jajaja. El dibujo parece un hombre de nieve. Cuentame xuales son tus deseos para estas navidades?

(Posted with Vapor, available for iOS and Android)

Awesome Dtube!

You look fresher with a happy smile. Of course it's fun, my friend.

Happy weekend!

You are very good at drawing and writing with your left hand and the results are full of art.😄

The way you thank your friend is incredible @lvj, simple but meaningful, and strong message is delivered very well. There lots of friend will support you. keep spirit and never give up. regard

@lvj, In my opinion your drawing and your video is speaking for you for sure and i really liked how you said and that is, Soul Has To Touch and in my opinion your soul is touching many souls for sure and i wish and i will pray to Almighty Father and wish that soon you will going to get your own house.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Hello @lvj, nice to meet you again. do you dream of having a home within 1 year?
I am sure that your dream will be achieved. we as your friends will always support.

You look handsome with a new hairstyle @lvj
I am happy to see your current appearance.
nice to see you dedicate this article to @bleujay

you look more handsome and better now, healthy always stays uplifted!

I hope your dreams and my dreams have 🏠 a home quickly materialized.

Thank you for sharing @lvj.
You have a good dreams to get a house in one year.

Haha this is so funny @lvj. I like it buddy.hope your friend will also get the fun of it.By the wsy @lvj u r looking dashing and this really suits on u.Hope u will find a home as soon as possible. Take care my friend.

You look great @lvj
Glad to see your happy and starting to discover your potential/passion.

Nice to see your art been dedicated to @bluejay you did what make you happy.

I am very much believe that soon you will archive your dream and goals on this platform and you will definitely get a house soon with support from kind and good guys from this platform.

Best of luck my friend..

I will soon contribute by writing about you to more people....

Thanks for share.


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Good dreams @lvj.
Good job for you.

Good dream @lvj.
I like your dream.

funny art work

Muy buen dibujo y muy buen video. Me gustan tus publicaciones, mi amigo @lvj.

hello @lvj how are you today, I hope you are always given health by God, @bleujay is a very meaningful person in your life, hopefully you can get through difficult times, keep on working so that you can achieve your desires going forward.

Hello Juan! God bless you! Unfortunately I can not understand what you say in the video because I do not speak English but once again I wish you the best in life. Beautiful drawing and your appearance is very nice. I sincerely hope that you will soon be able to acquire your home. I follow each one of your publications, greetings from Venezuela! :D

ooohhhh me encanta tu perspectiva de riqueza pero sobre todo tu creencia en Jesús. Yo también soy creyente y asi como tu creo que en la certeza del sacrificio de Jesús en la cruz. Dios te Bendiga siempre.

Mi ingles es muy malo, sin embargo creo entender que concuerdas conmigo, que es no es solo la riqueza de dinero lo importante, sino la riqueza del alma.
Que buen gesto de dibujarle a tu amigo.

Dios te bendiga, Juan. Un gran Abrazo,

Que bueno, ser agradecido trae bendiciones. Lindos dibujos, espero ver más por alli pronto. Un abrazo