Cheap speed or effiecancy Hobbyking Style

in speed •  8 years ago 

So you have a car that you want go as fast as possible run a long time on a charge with as little coin as you can . Well the first thing you need is voltage so a 4s pack is a good place to start. Then you need a motor that can handle 14.8 volts of raw power so something in the 3000kv range sounds good . Then you need a esc that can handle 4s voltage and a good deal of amperage. pretty standard recipe.How about all that for $76.00 + shipping now theres somthing special . Now the motor I have listed is not available i the USA warehouse yet but I'm sure it will be eventually and the battery I have listed is normally out of stock "didn't say this would be easy just cheap".

Turnigy 5000mAh 4S1P 14.8v 20C hardcase pack (USA Warehouse)$24.19
HobbyKing Brushless Car ESC 60A w/ Reverse$27.99
Turnigy Trackstar 1/10 13.0T3000KV Brushless Motor $23.00

So how fast will this make your car I can't say for sure but according it should be fast and run forever on a charge.

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