If a police car is following you, should you speed up, maintain speed, slow down, or pull over?

in speedingpolice •  4 months ago 

One night out, in a car in a 65 mph speed limit, left lane, cruise control set to 70, and zipping through a crowd of people. A sheriff zipped by behind me, probably going 85-90 mph, no lights on, the car looked like any other Dodge Durango.

I had my cruise at 65, trying to squeeze into the middle lane, and because of how cruise control works, the car brakes. The dude decided to give me a light for that.

I pulled over and he asked me why I slammed on the brakes because he was on his phone at the time. I explained to him that this is how my car's cruise control works, and I was just trying to get out of his way. He said he was going to give me a ticket because I did a brake check on him and he did have his lights on. I told him that not only did he not do that, but that I was going to show him the replay. I started downloading the last 5 minutes of dashcam video to my phone, and the video showed him zipping toward me, and I then asked him if he really wanted me to show that video in court as evidence against him.

"Good night, sir, and have a safe trip."

You too, Deputy Sheriff, you too.

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