About Spenowr

in spenowr •  3 years ago  (edited)

Spenowr empowers artisans by promoting their portfolio, providing jobs, and enabling them to earn through direct sales and rewards.(1).png

Spenowr empowers artisans by promoting their portfolio, providing jobs, and enabling them to earn through direct sales and rewards.

There is a creative side within everybody and most are looking for ways to monetize that creative skill in different ways. In today’s world, every social platform is engaged in offering features to showcase photos, and videos and use that to entertain the general public and earn through Ads. But none are really focused on building an ecosystem that purely fulfills the needs of artisans and provides ways to build a professional portfolio that can help to earn or set up the business.

Spenowr is a first-of-its-kind social commerce platform that is a niche to creative artists or art businesses that offers an Amazon-like marketplace for creative home decor or interior designing products, LinkedIn-like professional network to collaborate with individual artists, art schools, and businesses, Fiverr-like model to offer services for training courses or custom orders and Upwork-like subscription model to apply for creative jobs. Spenowr’s vision is to bring in all creative personas under one umbrella and provide them opportunities to grow with name, fame, and revenue.

Spenowr’s software-as-a-service platform is accessible through its website www.spenowr.com and its mobile application is available on Google Play Store and Apple Store.

What makes Spenowr unique is:
Its uniquely designed professional page, where artists can showcase creative portfolio that includes an Art Craft gallery, Quotes/Poems/Stories/Blogs, Awards/Recognition, Products/Services, Events, Press Release, and many more.

Its lowest fee on the e-commerce marketplace compared to other vendors, which is 8% on sale and FREE for listing products or services.

Its rewards program and gamification of the whole platform, where users earn reward points through their contribution, contest participation, direct sales, and many more. The reward points help them rank higher in the community and they can also redeem points through the Spenowr marketplace or by availing of services of other creators.

Its job platform creates opportunities for artists and businesses where Spenowr takes a lead in creating jobs and hiring them for different creative projects.
Its regular contests or art competitions increase user engagement and recognize the skills of creators through certificates and reward distribution.
Its biography program for creators helps them get visibility and portrays their stories to the world.

The platform already has 10,000+ artists, 5,000+ artworks, 4000+ services, and 1000+ creative products. Spenowr is also getting started on its social media presence with 10K+ followers on Facebook and 2K+ followers on Instagram.

Spenowr was launched initially with a target of the Indian market and now they are spreading its presence to the United States and other parts of Europe. Please sign up for FREE, if you are looking for creative home decor or interior design products or if you are an artist looking to promote his/her portfolio and make money out of it.

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