Kardec movie review

in spiritism •  5 years ago  (edited)


Human curiosity is endless. Questions are numerous. Some of them are:

  • What happens when human dies ?
  • Is it utter destruction and complete erasing from existence or is there something more ?
  • What is purpose of life ?
  • What is matter and is it only thing we should care about ?
  • What is Spirit ?
  • What are humans ? Are they only single mater only beings or dual mater and spiritual beings ?
  • How are Spirit and Matter bounded during incarnation time ?
  • Is there only one existence or are there many of them ?

There is noone who did not ask himself those questions. Many asked, but only one man has all answers. He received them from no less than invisible beings - Spirits which grecefully answered all his questions. At the beginning he was skeptic like you might be right now, but after a while he was completely convinced.

Welcome to Allan Kardec (2019) movie review.

Who was Allan Kardec ? He was gentleman and man of science who lived in 19th century. He was born in Lyon France in 1804 and lived until 1869. His real name was Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail and he was educator in France. As man of science he found stories about "turning tables", "rapping tables", talking tables", "communication with persons from other side of grave" fake and fraud and of course not true. However one day he received invitation from few fellow scientists to see one such real seance by real medium. After refusing few times he finally came to it and when medium who communicated with Spirits talked him about things she couldn't possibly know he become interested in all of this.

This is autobiography film about him. Later under influence of spirit who told him over medium that he was Gaul preist Alan Kardec in previous life and that he (Spirit) was his best friend at that time he decided to use that name - Allan Kardec. He published book "Spirits Book" which contains questions and answers received from spirits in various sessions. As man of science he sent his questions to various mediums which did not know each other and received answers from them and once a lot of them offer same answer on some questions he considers it like truth.

He had of course problems with personnel from Catholic Church who alerted authorities, got his books sized and forbidden as "Heretic" and burned on stake, but his ideas and teaching about Spiritism gained even more popularity because a lot of people could practice those seances and see they are truth and not fraud. Kardec wrote more books explaining various types of mediums, explaining his teaching, heavan and hell according to Spiritism, his dialogues with priest and sceptics and other matters.

I found this movie very interesting and exciting. His claim that you either believe in utter destruction and complete erasing from existence or in something after this material life found me supporting last choice. According to him "Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of spirits, and their relation with the corporeal world ". Material body is just envelope which bounds Spirit over fluid called perispirit. Spirit is intelligent principle of universe, while God is supreme intelligence and creator of all things. Purpose of life is advancing in moral and intellectual way, get rid of sins and gain virtues, purify yourself. Death is nothing more than releasing Spirit from material body which can't work anymore. Gods mercy and wisdom is infinite and every one who made sins will be punished according to degree of their sins (not in way of physical material eternal fire), but with another chance to purify in next incarnation where they will live under other circumstances than in previous. Earth is not only world, but just one of less advanced which can be seen as Purgatory. Those who are purified enough will be closest to God and infinite happiness.

I like end of movie when narrator said "Allan Kardec decarnated in year 1869 in age of 64". Ideas that there is no death but just releasing Spirit from matter (called decarnation) and putting Spirit in matter (incarnation), purpose of life moral and intellectual advance and remembering everything what happens during life after decarnation, possibility to see loved ones after death sounds much better than utter destruction or teaching of existing churches about only one existence and then eternal fires of hell in case on every little sin while only "chosen" will enjoy in heaven. Last is not compatible with infinite God's justice and wisdom.

However this movie which I feel was to short I (wanted more of it) just scratch surface of his teaching. It's good place to start exploring his complete teaching and books. I discovered him and his teaching recently before this movie by watching History channel. That reminded me that I once during childhood communicated with one Spirit by means of glass turned around, my finger on top of it and letters around it with yes and no in center when after repeating sentence "Spirit do you hear me" after 20-30 minutes I felt presence and glass (on which was my finger) moved to Yes. I got to excited and tried to ask questions like "Who were you during life ? What is your name ?" Just to receive moving glass towarad Yes on any question. I even tried to hold glass by pressing it harder with finger but it moved.... My mother said after it was auto hypnoses or some state of mind, but I know what I saw and deeply feel Allen Kardec's teaching is right. It was not good to announce it during that time of anti-religion Communist regime in my country.

I searched his books trying to get copy of them translated on Serbian, but founded just source on internet "Kardecopedia" here https://www.kardecpedia.com and started to carefully read what he wrote. I am reading it slowly and carefully every day.


Take a look there it could be very interesting and intriguing.

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