Jesus explains to us that beatitude is the logical aspect of God, it is the ordering principle of all creation. This is so because beatitude establishes rewards (Luke 6:20-23), and punishments or curses (Luke 6:24-26). Awards for the progressive, uplifting and compassionate; and on the other hand punishments for the chaotic, involutive, regressive. The law of return is present in the beatitudes as a law of balance, all the beatitudes have a "for". An example: Blessed are you who are poor, "for" yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6:20
It is true that wisdom does not pay money, but for people who do not act for money but for ideas and for a vision, this is essential. The potency of the kingdom of God must be understood: it begins with the smallest of seeds, the mustard seed. And then this seed turns into a tree that shelters the birds. Our decisions have progressive and incremental effects in time.
The wise perceive the beatitude and investigates the mysteries of eternal life. Spiritual people are devoted to wisdom, and this devotion becomes the contemplative life, the meditation focused on the divine attributes of God.
Worship for wisdom (eternal life) is not simply a passive activity, it is also a very precise intellectual life:
"He seeks the wisdom of the ancients, and is concerned with prophecies": all prophecy is a form of wisdom, some prophecies seek to correct, to point out the error; but others show us the passing of time, they show us the mysteries of destiny. This is why the spiritual gift of discernment is so important, discern what is hidden, investigate the future. Some wonder how the wise can be so calm or meek in situations of great tension, this is so because the wise discern in the occult. As in the case of Pharaoh and Joseph (Genesis 41), the Pharaoh is very worried about a dream but Joseph resolves the hidden meaning, discerns and gives him God's judgment.
"He seeks out the hidden meanings of proverbs and is at home with the obscurities of parables". The bible is a sealed book because it requires the use of progressive intelligence (spiritual gift of knowledge); the parables reveal to us in a metaphorical sense qualities and characteristics of the kingdom of God, the spiritual gifts are "infused virtues".
The universe is like an iceberg, we only see what sticks out of the water, spiritual gifts allow us to perceive the depth of the superficial.
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