How to be your light self

in spiritual •  7 years ago 

There is sooo much happening to me right now. I get massive downloads. The downloads i had previously seems pale in comparison. Then in felt like a faint energy coming into my energy system somehow, sent there by some other friendly being. Then stuff started to happen in my life, lessons came FAST AND HARD as fuck. Those lessons is one of the most schocking things i've ever gone trough. They shook the foundation of my life. But this is only the beginning, believe it or not.

The downloads i've gotten the last few days is more of an heavy stream of energy, imagine someone pouring a barrel of water over you, that sort of density. Uh oh?

I've noticed that the lessons come faster and tougher, but i also see that i have grown and i know that i am strong enough to rise again. If i can rise again from what i have already experienced, i know i am able to do it again.

How do i intuitively just know stuff nowdays? By making sure i have fun and enjoy life, by be appreciative for the things around me, toilet paper is a luxury! Put on some good music and enjoy it.

This is how to shift into 5d, or in other words, how to be your light self. This is enlightenment. It is a process as well as it is a state of being. It is a process for those who no longer need to redeem themselves, and those who are redeemed it is a state of being. I am not redeemed myself, i am still a little human student. But i can see the unterlying potential.

And - listen to this - makes purging fun. You might not think that purging is very fun, but when you then realize how much you grow and how much you now are capable of being and becoming, you just want to get on with it!

Today i was hit by a knockout punch energy. I was swept down like a leaf. Bringing up a lot of doubts, fears, pains, worries. I came to a point where i didnt want to suffer anymore, so i just went to meditate, stilled the mind. When the mind was still, i went back up again and the words came to me, "how to be your light self". Inst that ananda? Being immersed in bliss? 😋🤓

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