How to Spiritual Practice in Education

in spiritual •  4 years ago 

Holistic education represents the new educational paradigm for the 21st century. In which highlights the journey through time that the author gives us about the history of education and the different paradigms that have been presented until today, which highlights how education has been evolving until our present time.

The school system in Western countries was born with a conception of education designed to provide answers to the industrial societies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The society of the 21st century, in which we find ourselves, represents a radically different intellectual, cultural and social scenario. Consequently, one of our responsibilities as educators, as administrative personnel and as members of a family, and as part of a society, it is of utmost importance to be aware of the needs, goals, and human priorities of our students.

It is therefore of utmost importance to make a guideline on the way and to know through the educational works the new integral educational model that societies and the world need.

To educate is not just to saturate the student with knowledge that will be of no use to him if there is no change inside him. To educate is to bring out the best of the human being from within, that spirit with which he will work to educate himself throughout life and for life, learning to live responsibly.

We conceive learning as a human improvement that leads us to the evolution of consciousness, so if there is internal order, we will have coherent and responsible solutions to the problems of life, but on the contrary, if in our conscience there is conflict what we will generate is a lack of control in our planet, because we must remember that our conscience is related to the whole consciousness of humanity.

Space, where meaningful or holistic learning takes place, is the one that is integrated or related to the classroom, the home, and the community; these three are closely related so that learning occurs spontaneously, permanently throughout life.

Holistic education is the path to follow from instrumental rationality to the evolution of consciousness. To know the process of the evolution of consciousness, the structure in which we can know how the human being develops his consciousness from birth until his death according to his behavior ranging from rudimentary behaviors to orderly behaviors;

The holistic paradigm integrates the knowledge of science, art, spirituality, and traditions to create a culture of wisdom, thus overcoming the fragmentation of knowledge which is divided into academic disciplines.

The Holistic has written about 25 books all focused on holistic education, as well as, has organized international conferences in which he has invited several countries to bring their experiences and know the work done in Mexico. Among his books, we have the trilogy of holistic dialogues in which the author makes a compendium of dialogues with educators in international meetings and visitors from different parts of the world who have visited him in Guadalajara. Of special importance is the dialogue "Sacred Love" with Vicky Damian, where it is pointed out that the basis of any activity, for it to have a future and succeed, is love, it is what makes us see everything in a different way, to seek to do good, to give ourselves to others without expecting anything, with this, we are entering a stage of evolution of consciousness and the creation of a new holistic paradigm.

Holistic education is an integral process to restructure education in all its aspects, considering the human being as a whole, and works in six dimensions: emotional, social, cognitive, aesthetic, corporal, and spiritual.

Although currently, we realize that there are many people who live in that darkness from which many when searching for the light, leave through false doors that lead them to a fragmented vision of reality and resulting in problems such as hedonism leading them to family violence, drugs, prostitution, sex, suicide, and thus form dysfunctional families. It is a vision that separates the individual from his environment and also internally separates us from our true essence, so the crisis we suffer is a crisis of meaning to life.

Another serious problems that we are suffering is the abuse that we make of our planet, so in these times we see so many disasters in our environment; since people have a very low level of consciousness and the only tool we can use to solve this problem is holistic education since our institutions are the human being, they are the spirit, with which we will work to discover their true nature, so that their spirit flourishes and their consciousness evolves.

For the above, we realize that reading the books leads us through his lines to realize that it is indeed possible to achieve that evolution we were talking about, that this change is feasible with holistic education and that the seed that he is sowing in each of his readers, is beginning to bear fruit, each in their own area of development and that little by little the vision will become a reality. For this reason, it will be a great challenge for all of us who find ourselves as educators, administrators, and parents of our institution.

The new holistic educators have the responsibility to put into practice the new educational model because we have passed the darkness and we are entering the light, but it is up to us that this great change that is required in education, that this educational proposal lands, that it is implemented little by little in the schools and institutions of the country, so that we form a new front of new human beings, those who will be committed to living, to interact responsibly with our fellows, with the environment and with our planet.

This educational proposal is applicable at all educational levels, this educational option consists of making internal changes, slowly but surely, it is applied little by little, through simple activities to develop awareness first in the educator and then in the children, then in their peers, the community, the country, the continent, and the planet.

Holistic education is the tool that we can use to get out of the current global problems, it is the only one that integrates the bases to find the answer to the inner emptiness of human beings.

My experience with holistic education has been very gratifying and moving since it planted in me that important seed that is holistic education, which I believe is the core of that great marrow that is education.

Self-knowledge has made me see life from different perspectives, and I feel that I can contribute even more by forming learning communities with a lot of synergies, both in my institution and in my family.

Not always being in front of a group of students, but nevertheless, they are always near me in my office, I feel that I have been compassionate, fair, and above all tolerant; that I help them as much as possible to enhance their spirits of struggle and perseverance in terms of their studies and why not sometimes in their lives; and all this makes me feel great spiritually, as it gives me great satisfaction and my heart is enlarged.

That is why I am deeply grateful for his teachings and knowledge imparted to this world that is so thirsty to survive and move forward, and for having had the opportunity to make the decision so wisely to enter this master's program.

I think that the experience and the knowledge acquired have made me be more reflective, I send to the whole holistic community, to the holistic change our Godbrothers verse and watch a course of miracles lesson 1

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