Central Nervous System Recalibration|Time Shift Blog

in spiritual •  6 years ago 

⭐️ Featuring ~ Lisa Renee ~ Having experienced a spontaneous kundalini event many years ago, which catalyzed a Starseed Awakening, Lisa is able to perceive multidimensional realities.

Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be able to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the blueprint layers of energy fields. She is a Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the consciousness shift of humanity towards Ascension.

🎨 Also featuring artwork by Patrick Goldenlotus - http://gaidinoni.deviantart.com

🎙️💓 Human voiced, this narration was produced independently and with love by Receiving Love - https://steemit.com/@receivinglove

💎 Helpful Resources*

Energetic Synthesis Ascension Glossary - http://ascensionglossary.com/

12D Shield Guided Meditation:

🦋 Article Excerpt:

Time Shift Blog|CNS Recalibration

If we do not deeply know ourselves, then we do not know of our Original Spirit. One cannot know the nature of God’s Spirit until deeply knowing themselves, through the process of becoming increasingly self-aware. Through meditation, prayer and heart focused inspiration, we can become conscious of our direct relationship with our original God Spirit. Our inner spirit is accessed directly through our heart complex, and comprises of an intricate filament like webbing of energetic transmitters and receivers that exist within the makeup of our entire central nervous system and brain. When we are monadically embodied, the consciousness body resides in the central seat of our being, seating directly in the hara complex that exists underneath our navel. The s__ ual misery programming directs extremely low frequency into the hara complex, in order to stop the monadic self from fully seating.

The balance and health of our Original Spirit in physical matter relies upon the entirety of the state of energetic balance that exists in the body’s vital essences and life force. One of the three sources of energy, the spirit, vital essence and life force, cannot exist in matter without the presence of the other. Our monadic spirit energies are an intelligence that comprises many complex levels that is connected into our multidimensional being, running through all stations of identity that exist simultaneously.

Our God Spirit energies descending into our physical body is ultimately the meaning of embodying higher consciousness and becoming spiritually awakened during the Ascension Cycle. The higher consciousness intelligence of our original spirit overrides the programs that exist in the lower ego mental body that projects false identities. We embody higher consciousness and awaken at the varying levels when we embody the layers of our spiritual body intelligence at the various levels. At this time, we have many diverse levels of spiritual awakening that is based upon the DNA history that exists within the many different tribal and star lineages on earth. The embodiment process of the Spirit's intelligence bodies into matter is the process of bio-spiritual energetic expansion and human evolution that is called Spiritual Ascension. This means our auric body and its multidimensional energies expand to encompass more layers of the Planetary, Galactic and Universal fields of multidimensional consciousness until achieving unity consciousness or Oneness. The process of Spiritual Ascension is the natural and organic process of biological evolution for every living thing. This opportunity has returned to this planet through Krystal Star Hosting and begins a longer term cycle of planetary and human bodily transmutation...

*Source - https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3314-cns-recalibration

💫Channel Links:

🔮 FaceBook- https://www.facebook.com/StarSeedMessages

⭐️ Minds - https://www.minds.com/DivineAlignment

💞 Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ReceivingLove

~ Thank You! ~

Audio voice-over is copyright © Receiving Love

Lisa Renee - Copyright notice: Creative Commons BY-SA

Intro Music is 'Crystal Caves in the Mountain'
*by TeknoAXE: Matthew Huffaker: CC by 4.0

🎆 Listen to the full version here:

Outro Music is 'The Bluest Star'
*by The 126ers: CC0

🌠 Listen to the full version here:

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