Unhealthy Westerners and the Spiritual Path

in spiritualhealth •  3 years ago 

Heavily Wind Blown Conifers Near Lake Tahoe.jpg

A lot of people are looking for magical solutions to very physical problems. That's not what we find as we dissolve the ego on the path to spiritual freedom.

What we find is that Westerners are extremely sick. Their air is polluted; water is polluted; nutrition is terrible; activity is unhealthy; and sleep is unnatural--almost none of us sleep on our natural Circadian rhythms.

Then you add in too much stress and stimulation in a society that is increasingly destroying a sense of community, and it's no wonder that there is so much dis-ease/disease.

I want to emphasize that the heart of the spiritual path is surrendering to what Is. So we don't find spiritual mantras and meditation techniques that fix all our physical problems; we just accept where we are at and do a lot of hard work to change the unhealthy situations that many of us have woken up to.

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