Quantum leap toward dream reality about to take place

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

Quantum leaping refers to the art of jumping onto higher vibrational alternative realities by means of sustaining enough energy into the visualization and feeling of a certain outcome.

The visualization and feeling of a certain outcome is connecting us to that alternate wished-for reality through a cosmic bridge on which every single step we take toward our desired outcome will allow us to transsurf all in-between realities until we finally end up in our dream reality.

When the Quantum leap is very close to becoming complete we will be indicated accordingly by suddenly sensing that no more visualization and feeling is necessary. It is as if enough information has been transpired and integrated from our "dream reality Self", hence enough energy has been invested toward our dream reality, that we feel like having "it" already. We transsurfed the cosmic bridge and are finally there, so no more visualization and feeling toward our dream reality is needed.

The feeling of having it already then is so natural and effortless that we want to be in the present moment, without attachment to past and future, even though the final physical reflection thereof has not yet taken place.

This is where I/we are at right now. My visualization and feeling work pertaining to the desired Quantum leap is complete, and the final physical reflection is very very close to reveal itself. I also received the dream message that Twin Flame relationships are the only types of relationships where a tiny action can have a huge and sudden transformative effect on the Collective Consciousness.

We are all constantly Quantum leaping, some more lofty, some less, some consciously, some unconsciously. But no matter how often we have experienced a Quantum leap, and no matter how savvy we think we are, the next one will always feel like the first one, so as to say: "The magic of the Universe will never lose its mystery."

Be ready!

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Muy bueno tu articulo sabia que en alguna parte se habla de esto normal mente . este es el siguiente paso evolutivo .
La gran verdad es que nunca hay un final siempre se esta iniciando algo nuevo, y el salto que damos en nuestra vida cotidiana lo demuestra por cada desicion que tomamos.

I am read your poem really nice word use

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