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Alrighty My Maties,
Now-a-days it's become quite Common for Everyone to be talking about Spirituality in General.
Everyone wants the Highest Possible Experience i.e. ENLIGHTENMENT and SAMADHI in the Shortest Possible Time.
But very few are ACTUALLY willing to Commit to Mastering the Principles and Process of the "SPIRITUALITY" i.e. The Spiritual Process that help you Arrive at Your Enlightenment, Samadhi & Salvation.
So in this Post I'm going to help you Lovely People's Understand 3 Fundamental Principles before YOU begin the Practice of YOGA so that you can be Ready for further Practice when it comes to Spirituality and the Spiritual Process.
The 3 Fundamental Principles for YOUR Practice of the SPIRITUAL PROCESS:
1). You're a Mortal Human-Being and You'll Die One Day. This Human-Body is just a Temporary Happening in the Vast and Dark Nothingness of the Cosmos. Accept this Much and keep on Reminding Yourself this Fundamental Principle on a Daily Basis to be available to the Magic of LIFE which is ALWAYS PRESENT RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW. BUT the Only Way to be Available to it is VIA stepping back into Abandon.
Because that's how it works.
2). You're LIFE is YOUR KARMA. This means it's entirely your Making from within Yourself.
The Sense-Perceptions may be Tricking and Treating YOU to the Delicacy of the Illusion that the Experience of your LIFE is happening Outside of You. But it has/is & will always be happening within YOU.
Now Society DUMPS in a couple of Beliefs, Philosophies and Ideologies, Etc in your MIND and then these become Concretized Conclusions in Communities and Make your Life's Expression a Constipated Expression instead of a Full-blown, Full-Fledged Experience.
Now just A Trick and A Treat to the Delusion of Sense-Perceptions and Concretized Conclusions in the form of Beliefs is ENOUGH to DISTORT your PERCEPTION about THE EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE.
It's this Delusion that leads YOU towards this Downward Spiral of Delusion-Distortion-Distraction-Destruction-Deception and Death which are based on Your Moralities, Ethics, Beliefs, Philosophies and Ideologies, Etc and become a Miserable Dumb Problem instead of Pleasant Sensible Solution in the Process.
"So what you need to Remember is that the Experience of Your LIFE is happening within Yourself."
You may be Receiving Stimulus and Assistance from the Outside to Fuel your BELOVED Non-Sense but ULTIMATELY the Experience is happening within Yourself. Therefore, what happens within Yourself should be happening 100% the WAY you want it to happen.
Otherwise, if nothing happens your WAY on the Inside and Outside then you'll get Bored, Sick and Tired of Repeating the Same Mundane and Mediocre Non-Sense that Binds you via Restrictions that SOCIETY imposes on YOU and then you become a Repetitive and Rigid Experience of LIFE within YOURSELF which only Leads to Suffocation and hence the Phrase, "Let It Go" instead of Let's Take Responsibility and See/Analyse/Examine/Investigate what the Hell are you doing in a Wrong Manner within Yourself and then make the Necessary Tweaks to Correct it.
It makes YOU "LITERALLY BURST OUT" into all sorts of Non-Sense which you Regret later on (When you Apply your Common-Sense into Common-Practice with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY) but in the Spur of the Moment when the Emotions are Smoking Hot you just Lash out and React without taking a Step Back and giving it a second thought.
So take charge of your OWN INTERIORITY and then whateevvvverrrr happens with your Exteriority doesn't CREATE UNNECESSARY FRICTION AND MORE IMPORTANTLY DOESN'T FREAK YOU OUT because you know how to stay Balanced and Blissed Out within Yourself because you possess the Necessary Clarity of PERCEPTION and the Competence and Capabilities to Struggle-Strive-Commit and Arrive wherever you want to GO.
3). What I Know I Know and What I Don't Know I Don't Know and it's Okay.
Can't I make up Assumptions and Believe them
and become a Prejudiced Form/Expression of LIFE a.k.a. Too Full of Myself.
Yes you can but that won't help you Realize/Witness anything within Yourself. You'll just be roaming around in Circles like a Bull who's been Blindfolded to Plough the Land and Made to Believe that he is Actually Getting Somewhere. But in EXISTENTIAL REALITY he's just Roaming Around in Circles in the Same Spot.
So if you start Believing Stuff that YOU DON'T KNOW then You'll look for Company. Now in this Company you'll want to Confirm whether or Not whateevvvverrrr YOU BELIEVE is Existentially Relevant or Not which is kind of STUPID (if you apply your Common-Sense and put it into Common-Practice.) but for some Reason you still want it. So if you get a Confirmation from your Community a.k.a. Friends and Family then you'll become A Concretized, Conclusive, Confident DUMBASS.
However, if you don't get your Cues for Confirmations then Getting Frustrated, Irritated and Agitated is all that will happen to YOU as a Natural Consequence.
So should I Disbelief anything??
Neither Belief or Disbelief. Both are rowing the Same DAMN BOAT of One Step Forward and the Next Step Back in the Same Spot in a Repetitive Manner and getting no where like the Blindfolded Bull which I discussed about Earlier.
So what the Hell do I do??
Just See what you know YOU KNOW and what you don't know YOU DON'T KNOW. Now being Absolutely and Intensely Involved with your I DON'T KNOW is the Starting Point towards becoming a BUDDHA.
If you begin to Wonder about just anything and everything then you'll most likely Develop an INTENSE LONGING to Know because that's How Human-Beings are you know. They can't live with an I DON'T KNOW for long. The Reason being it's Against their Human Nature and Intelligence.
So Wonder leads to an Intense Longing provided that you're ABSOLUTELY AND INTENSELY INVOLVED with your I DON'T KNOWS and then Comes seeking via PERCEPTION (Point of View. The Ability to Look at Life the Way it's Without any Prejudices, Assumptions and Conclusions about anything), and ACCEPTANCE (This is whatever it's in Front of Me and This is what I CAN DO and this is what I CAN'T DO. So the Common-Sense of Common-Women and Men says give everything you've got to your I CAN DO'S so that you can do whatever is POSSIBLE for doing whatever is NEEDED and that's all YOU NEED TO DO in the First Place.) instead of PREJUDICES AND ASSUMPTIONS.
Now if you're Genuinely Committed to your SEEKING then knowing could be POSSIBLE for YOU at the very Next Moment of your LIFE.
But if you Bullshit Yourself then you'll be Standing Against Yourself, Fight Yourself and Winning against Yourself.
So Wonder-Intense Longing(You need to be Hungry and Committed)-Seeking (via PERCEPTION and ACCEPTANCE instead of PREJUDICES and ASSUMPTIONS)-Knowing is the Sequential Order for You Hungry Seekers/Skeptics to Follow.
Alright, Now if that was Lengthy for You. Then here's the Take Away:
[ You're a Mortal Human-Being and You'll Die One Day. The Sooner You Realize this the Better it will be for the Progress of Your Practice towards Self-Realization.
Your Life's Story is 100% your Making. You can use the Stimulus and Assistance from Outside to Fuel Your Non-Sense but it's Still your Experience and it's happening within YOU. The Sooner You Realize this the Better it will be for the Progress of Your Practice towards Self-Realization.
What I Know,"I Know", What I Don't Know,"I Don't Know." It's as Simple as That. No need to Believe or Disbelieve Anything. All you Need is just need this Method to Transition from I Don't Know to I Know: Wonder-Intense Longing(You need to be Hungry and Committed)-Seeking (via PERCEPTION and ACCEPTANCE instead of PREJUDICES and ASSUMPTIONS)-Knowing is the Way for You Hungry Seekers/Skeptics to Quench Your Thirst.
That's Enough for You to Consume for this Post.
REMEMBER Confusion Leads to Clarity (NOT CONCLUSIONS and BLOODY CONFIDENCE good for No Reason.) Only if you can See Things Clearly you can Navigate the Scenario where you're Currently Existing and Involved to be able to Make Fast and Accurate Process-Oriented Decisions to Arrive wherever YOU want to ARRIVE.
Confidence just doesn't aid/float your Boat in those Circumstances. It has Never really helped me but that's a Topic for another day.
The Link Below is An Inspiration for This Post. You Guys should check it out if You Really want To Be Involved with The SPIRITUAL PROCESS with ABSOLUTE INVOLVEMENT AND INTENSITY IN A RELAXED AND A COMMITTED MANNER.