Another Beginning

in spirituality •  2 years ago 


What began as a simple exploration into the concept of “self love” became a life transformative evolution of deep healing, de-conditioning, unlearning and relearning, spiritual awakening and reclaiming of my feminine power. Not a day goes by that I am not eternally grateful for the path that has led me to where I am today. And truth be told I still feel like I am very much at the beginning of my “awakening” and transformation. I feel that I have barely begun to scratch the surface when it comes to radical healing and upleveling. But rather than intimidate or scare me, that simple fact - that this is just the beginning - inspires and drives me.

My avoidance to writing has been something I’ve been aware of for years now, but I could never really pinpoint why I was avoiding writing. Sure, I wrote lovely motivational instagram captions and I journaled regularly. But for the past five-ish years I’ve diligently avoided sharing my inner world via long form writing. It’s something I’m still unpacking and these words are helping me do so, literally as I write them here and now.

I was aware of my avoidance, but I always told myself stories about why I “didn’t have time” or “didn’t have anything interesting to share”. Classic limiting beliefs such as, “no one cares what you have to say” or “you’re not good enough to be a writer” constantly swirled about in my mind. And so, cowardly, I took the path of least resistance and simply didn’t write and didn’t share my experiences. Something I’m only now realizing was necessary to my healing path, but also something I wish I could have been brave enough to change.

As it goes in life, one thing I have learned in the past six years of deep inner healing is that it’s useless to spend time regretting the past or even analyzing how it could have or should have been different. I do believe it’s important to honor the past and learn from it and ultimately grow through it, but regretting ones actions or in my case, non-actions has no place in our lives. This type of regretful feeling only holds us back from living more deeply in the present moment, which is genuinely the only thing that’s real anyway.

Regret is a beautiful and powerful emotion. It is crucial to radical change, but it is not something we need to wallow in. So rather than continue lamenting about how I should have and could have been writing about my journey over these past six years, I’m going to choose to start fresh today and share all that I can through my words. Because now is my time to share. Now is all of our time to share. We can only heal the world through healing ourselves and one of the most profound paths to healing is through vulnerability, openness and honesty.

So let’s begin anew. A fresh start. Another beginning.

Here in these words I promise to share who I am at my core, without filters, or judgement of others - simply me. I also promise that who I am will evolve and change and sometimes I’m going to change my mind or say contradicting things. I am a complex human with much learning still to do and deep healing still to be experienced. All I ask is for your patience, honesty and curiosity as we explore the world through my eyes. You can expect to find writings on health and wellness - mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and communal - nature, travel, spirituality, sexuality, love, consciousness, manifestation, other dimensions, energy, friendship, dreams, transformation, rest, work, play, plant medicine, family, living outside the “system”, inner child healing, death of self, past lives, letting go, surrendering and so much more than I have yet to discover.

This is where I am going to share without inhibitions, without worry and especially without expectations. Because expectations kill creativity and suffocate dreams - something I became all too familiar with in recent years and something I am no longer interested in entertaining. So please sit back, read with an open heart and an open mind and join me in the ever evolving process of our collective transformation.

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