Opening the seven Chakras

in spirituality •  8 years ago 


❤ Namaste Steemians ❤

According to the Hindu or Buddhist beliefs, Chakras are far-reaching (but still limited) energy centers in our bodies that determine our psychological levels. It is assumed that there are a total of seven main Chakras; Four in the upper part of our body that affect our mental state, and three in the lower part that control our instinctive action. Our instincts must become one with our feelings and thoughts. Some of our Chakras are usually not fully open (that is, their present condition is the same as at the time of your birth), but some are over-active or almost completely closed. If the Chakras are not in balance, we can not find inner peace.


  • Root Chakra (last bone in spinal cord coccyx)
    The Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) sits at the end of your spine and should be kept open by you if you want to balance your energy with the world. The color of the Root Chakra is red, symbolizing the interior of the earth. This chakra is also inextricably linked to the earth. If you are a very grounded, grounded person, this Chakra is strongly developed with you. In the Root Chakra, however, one of your urine stinks is also one: the urge to survive. This natural instinct is blocked by your fear. So that you can open this gate to the light, you have to look at your fears. What are you most afraid of? Recognize all your fears and realize that they exist because you care for your survival. Take a deep interest in your fear and learn to let it go. Open the first gate.

Health issues: Joint pain, lower backache, elimination problems, obesity, constipation, anorexia, and poor immune system function.

  • Sacral Chakra (ovaries/prostate)
    The Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana Chakra) is below the navel. In this Chakra is your self-esteem, tenderness, body awareness and also your desire. The element of Sacral Chakra is water - everything flows, everything is in flux. The blood circulation, the body-borne juices leave us alive and let new life arise. The gate of this Chakra is mostly blocked by feelings of guilt. What guilty do you think you took? For what do you punish yourself? Be aware that you are a human being and no one lives without errors. The guilt that you are carrying will block your Lust Chakra. Forgive everything, and you will realize that mistakes are human and really do not happen to anyone. Do not take the burden of guilt on you, but free yourself from it. Forgive and forgive, and free yourself from this cramped feeling. Open the second gate.

Health issues: Uterine or bladder problems, sexual difficulties, impotence, lack of flexibility, sciatica, lower back pain, and problems with large intestines.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra (navel area)
    The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura chakra) is located in the stomach region. There sits your strength, your power and your so-called abdominal feeling. You can feel the power of the Solar Plexus Chakra when a freshly budding love of butterflies dance through your belly. This energy is often blocked by the shame. Find out what you are ashamed of! Look closely at what actions you have done have been so serious for you that you are ashamed of them. What have you done, what has so disappointed you that your shame blocks this Chakra? Forgive the shame and make your peace with that feeling. Open the third gate

Health issues: Diabetes, hypoglycemia, gallstones, nervousness, low energy, muscle cramps, stomach problems, lumbar spine, liver disorders.

  • Heart Chakra (heart area)
    The Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) is in the area of your heart. The heart stands for love and so is it with this Chakra. You know if your Heart Chakra is balanced, if you love yourself and have no trouble loving other people. Love is often blocked by grief. If we lose something important in our life, whether it be the love of our own mother, which has never been given to us, or if it is the death of a person close to us, then grief ensues in us. Losses can be manifold and are not always identifiable. Look closely at your grief and let them go. All love is never lost, she dwells in your heart all the time. You can let go of grief and feel love. So you will also solve this blockade. Open the fourth gate.

Health issues: High blood pressure, breathing difficulties, circulation problems, shortness of breath, chest pains, disorders of the heart, tension between the shoulders.

  • Throat Chakra (throat and neck area)
    The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha Chakra) sits in your neck. It is the Chakra of pure truth. This gate closes when you are blocked by lies. It is not the lies of other people who block you, but your own lies. The lies you tell yourself. Everything you pretend to yourself strengthens the gate and keeps it tightly locked. You know your true nature, you know exactly who you are. Drop everything and look at your naked soul, see who you are and be who you are. Build a loving relationship with you. Accept everything on you and deny it no longer, and so will the fifth gate open.

Health issues: Fever, ear infections, weariness, thyroid problems, disorders in the throat, ears, voice, neck, cervical spine, hypothalamus and esophagus problems.

  • Third Eye Chakra (pineal gland or third eye)
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    The Third Eye Chakra (ajina chakra) lies in the front of your head. There flows the energy of perception, of knowledge, and of your intuition. This so-called seventh sense is blocked by your own illusions. The most powerful illusion of life is that we stand for ourselves and are all alone in the midst of everything. This illusion is powerful and powerful. Know how everything in the world is connected to each other. Look at the cycle of nature. Everything is inextricably interwoven and you are part of it. You are separated from the world by nothing but your own illusion. Your sixth gate will open when you realize that everything is the same, because everything is connected.

Health issues: Headaches, eye problems, pituitary and pineal glands, neurological problems.

  • Crown Chakra (Top of head)
    The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) is the most difficult to open. It's just over your head. We move around our aura. The connection of the worldly is here dissolved and transferred into the cosmic. The Crown Chakra contains cosmic energy and is blocked by clinging to worldly events. You feel attached to the world and strongly bound to it. The Crown Chakra is opened upwards. Your consciousness connects your human parts with the Great Whole. It is deliberately outside the coarse body, since a connection with the divine, better expressed above-secular, is to be established. If you are able to submit to the cosmic energy, the last gate to the spiritual world will open.

Health issues: Migraines, brain tumors, coma, amnesia, nervous system and muscular system disorders, mental issues, and skin disorders.


When working with the Chakras, it is essential in our eyes to understand that Chakra work is actually consciousness work: opening the Chakras actually means opening the consciousness. In addition to supporting purposes, one does not work directly with the Chakras, but rather with the consciousness content, which affects one or more Chakras in their function.

Since every Chakra fulfills a specific function, it is just for this reason that it is so excellent for an "energetic diagnosis" of consciousness, since the condition of a Chakra usually gives clear indications as to what kinds of consciousness in the life of a person need healing care.

In order to open Chakras, therefore, work on consciousness is necessary. The Chakras offer us a unique, systematic and comprehensive map of human consciousness, which makes it easy to recognize deeper causes and connections by self-diagnosis.



Yoga, mantras, aromatherapy and the work with precious stones are referred to as Chakras, or to the services of an energy or spiritual healer.

All these techniques and healing approaches have a strong impact on the Chakras and humans as a whole, but should be viewed as a supporting part of a holistic approach to healing.

Also, by invasive energetic healing methods, e.g. Reiki is possible to energize and harmonize the Chakras - but this will usually not be of lasting duration. It is about the cause of a blockade to dissolve and to prevent that this manifests again, as soon as the corresponding consciousness content is activated.

One should keep in mind that a complete and permanent opening of the Chakras is equivalent with a complete spiritual-spiritual healing and a deep energetic and spiritual transformation! This is probably not to be done by fingers alone - and they are still so dignified.



One of the main effects of energetic work with the Chakras is a mental-spiritual "memory", or better, resonance with or with the healed primordial state. During many forms of meditation and energy work a temporary harmonization of the chakras can be achieved - the system "remembers" its actual divine condition and thus initiates a self healing process.

In many cases, the energetic system has become so accustomed to its tense state that it can no longer perceive it, so that this contrast is urgently needed as a healing pulse.



In order to understand how consciousness work can help open the Chakras, here is a brief discussion of the subtle connections.

In the understanding of the teachings of the Chakras, the majority of our consciousness content lies in the fine-grained energy bodies of our aura. The Chakras function, so to speak, as translators, who make these contents experience as a physical-spiritual experience.

Conversely, physical-spiritual experiences have an influence on the fine-material areas - even up to the soul. Especially intensively experienced experiences, both positive and negative, leave a strong energetic impression, which is called Samskara in the yogic tradition.

Such an energetic impression in our energy field now leads to different effects at all levels below - one of these is an impairment of the coherent Chakra, another the formation of different behaviors and ways of thinking on the physical-spiritual level.

Thus the Samskara of a birth trauma can lead to a convulsively closed root Chakra, thus becoming a general perception filter, which makes the physical existence appear as a painful and uncertain, and thereby to a whole range of disturbed behaviors resulting from this world view.

Both the behavior and the disorder of the root Chakra can only be sustained if the experience of the Samskaras is deliberately processed. A conscious recollection of the original situation is not necessarily necessary for this purpose.

The Chakras provide the most energetic, direct access to the underlying consciousness. The Samskaras are formed as energetic tensions in the Chakras and through the detection of these tensions, one can quickly and directly reach the deeper causes and heal them.



Chakras are therefore blocked or "closed" (in reality they are never really closed), because they are impaired by spiritual-psychological issues.

Our approach to the opening up of the Chakras therefore has two essential aspects:

  • Spiritual-spiritual healing work on our personal themes (blockages, trauma, beliefs and work with karma)
  • to energize and supporting the Chakras

In light of this understanding, the possibilities and limits of different techniques for the opening up of the chakras should also be easier to recognize and to judge: A pure energizing of the Chakras does not automatically eliminate the causes for a blockade, but a purely therapeutic work in the sense of the psychotherapy attacks Work with the energetic system of the Chakras may also be too short.



How the individual walks through his personal path of healing, and the techniques he or she uses to be most helpful, is a very individual matter. There are, however, numerous methods that have been tried and tested many times and are very useful.

The probably underestimated aspect of the work with the Chakras is, however, the examination of the challenges of everyday life. Here, we are mostly confronted directly with our subjects and a salutary examination of the emotions and emotions of our daily life often provide important hints and keys To a deeper energetic transformation.



  1. Find out which Chakras are currently the main themes
    For example, Through: Chakra basic meditation, topics of daily life, physical tensions and discomfort, self-analysis based on the Chakra themes
    Aim: Understanding of the current state, meaningful design of the further healing path

  2. Observing these Chakra themes in daily life
    For example, By: experiencing tension / anxiety in certain situations, observation of thoughts and feelings, conscious involvement in feelings.
    Aim: To come into contact with unconscious emotions, anxieties, trauma, wounds, behavior and beliefs

  3. Chakra Meditations and Chakra Energy Work
    For example, Through: Chakra basic meditation, Chakra meditations, Chakra compensation, Pranayama
    Aim: To build an intimate relationship with the affected Chakras, Energetic support of the Chakras,

  4. Suitable body work
    For example, Through: yoga, Tai Chi, dance, fitness, massages, body therapy, respiratory therapy
    Aim: support healing from the physical plane, awareness and dissolution of physical blockages.

  5. Support at the vibration level
    For example, Through: sound shells, colors, healing stones and possibly also energy workers and spiritual healers
    Objective: Subtle support for stabilization and excitation according to the resonance principle

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Working with the Chakras is not only a fast and systematic way of spiritual evolution. The understanding of the Chakras also provides a map of the qualities of a healing person, expressed in the spiritual themes of the Chakras and thus also a deeper understanding of ourselves - in a very practical way. For the opening up of the Chakras is above all a practical, experience-based path, which can quickly lead to clearly recognizable inner and outer progress.


I could go much deeper into the details and write a lot more about this topic, but I guess this is enough information about the seven Chakras and how to open them.
I hope that all the information above will be useful for you, and if you have more please leave it in the comments.

Lovely regards
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this is really good. deff alot of info but its really good info look forward to seeing more post from you.

Thank you very much :)))

This is sooo good! A lot of info :)

Thank you very much! Yes it is a lot info but not all about this topic because there is so much more just wanted to give a little bit for someone who has no idea about the chakras.

@danyelk got you a $2.32 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@danyelk got you a $2.32 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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Nice, one bro. I see that you are a spiritual person. Good, you have to teach me the systematic path of spiritual evolution.

Thanks bro yes I am but a bit different to all this pseudo wanna be spiritual hipster. When we meet I tell you ;)

Great Content!! Thank you for the enlightenment for all!!

You are very welcome!