The Biology of Light

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Dear Steemians,
These are some anthroposophical thoughts of mine on the objective and demonstrable existance of a Higher Power.
Take what you will from these thoughts, and most importantly, love yourself! Nothing here is true or untrue, these are just thoughts


In my now numerous experiences with psychedelic mushrooms, there's often been a recurring theme in many of my trips...

One of those themes is perceiving etheric or astral forms with my extrasensory organs, abilities that I assume could be accessed through deep and prolonged meditation, but that I've thus far only experienced the full-breadth off using externally-induced means, using exogenous neurotransmitters. The psychedelic or psychotropic compounds (namely psilocybin and mdma) enabled me to experiment with clairvoyance (hallucinations with a visual component).

I recall, seated on my bed from within the confines of my room, perceiving the higher astral realms as well as the lower astral realms. The higher astral realm being populated with billions of creatures of light, angels and souls, suspended on gas-cloud, and the lower astral realms being an incredibly dark and gloomy underworld ruled by fear and suffering (suffering defined as an inability and unwillingness to let go of the past... a mental affliction causing a constant state of reliving past pains, injuries and traumas in an attempt to resolve a karmic puzzle that will lead to spiritual maturation and growth of the soul).

The Higher Astral Realms of Tremendous Beauty and Vibrancy

Higher Astral Realm.jpg

An image something like this being firmly imprinted in my mind's eye, however the detail of which, something like I was able to perceive cohorts of angels, entire nations of individual light beings and associated creatures residing there

The Lower Astral Realms, Much Darker and Vibrating at a Much Lower Frequency

Lower Astral Realm.jpg

The Lower Astral, what is often thought of as the Underworld or Hell, being populated by lost souls, tormented by their own attachments to fear and trying to process and learn from the deadly sin that landed them there after death.

For those who are specifically technologists in this, this was after roughly 6g of psilocybin, my favourite dosage.

However, this article is about an insight that has made itself known to me in various sorts of experiences: psychedelically-induced hallucination, through literature, philosophy, art, and through contemplation in meditation.

Many people who seem to reject the premise of there being an overarching primordial and unitary force controlling and regulating the evolution of the Universe seem to do so on the basis that there is no observably verifiable evidence for the existence of such a force.

Atheists, and even-more so agnostics, seem to contend that if any evidence for such a being existed, they would whole-heartedly embrace it, but in the absence of such evidence, they must necessarily refute any propositions of such an entity's existence, and correspondingly shut their minds off to any discussion or inquiry relating to the topic.


As if atheists have ever been able to prove the non-existence of a Higher Power?

And although in recent years, it does seem that more and more people have indeed gravitated towards the atheist and nihilistic worldviews, especially among rather affluent, educated and often elitist circles...

This supposition that IF there was any evidence, atheists and agnostics would dutifully review and consider it; it just so happens to be that any such evidence, unfortunately, has either been lacking, or has not yet come to light...

And therefore all previous claims of such a Higher Power's existence, as well as such a Power's dominion over the Cosmos; have been made without a shred of supporting evidence to suggest that such a Power truly does objectivelly exist.

Intellectual Laziness

In my areligious opinion, this does seem somewhat disingenuous to me. For in my own investigations into the mysteries of the Universe, I've come across tons and tons of observable and verifiable phenomena that do point to the existence of such an entity.

It just require a little bit of logical and creative extrapolation, which is the foundation upon which the construction of scientific theory is based on anyway...

If somebody can please explain to me why atheists refuse to consider the existence of a Causal Being after reading the following thoughts, I would be very grateful!

In nature, we observe patterns, and through the study of such patterns, we construct scientific theories to try and explain why these patterns form, and what are the underlying mechanisms behind them.

Now I'm not saying that what I'm proposing is scientific. I'm not a 'trained' scientist, and I certainly do not agree with scientism, which is the belief that all the essential questions of man will be answered through the application of the modern scientific method.

I'm not claiming that this ''theory'' or belief, is in anyway falsifiable, and I do not yet know if it will ever be proven to be true through randomized scientific experiments conducted in some kind of Earth-built high-tech laboratory, using electron-microscopes and other such tools.

I don't think that this belief can be measured, because it is essentially describing something that we do not know how to quantify...

Indeed, the existence or lack thereof of an Eternal Buddha, of a Most-High Allah, a Benevolent God, a Jehovah, a Jah, there's all kinds of terminology... Is quite problematic to fit into the confines of our narrowly defined bounds of what constitutes scientific knowledge, though this does seem to be changing as we enter an era of pure potentiality in the quantum age.

But this is a pattern that I have noticed in Nature.
And I don't see why I would be alone in my ability to perceive it... Is it not quite obvious?

Everything Small is Just a Small Version of Something Big

Direct Link :

We can observe the same patterns across completely disparate scales of reality.

Take for instance the similarities between our diagrams of the solar system and an atom.

Atom Structure.gif

Both contain an incredibly dense center. However, what has been revealed through science is that the inside of an atom is made of 99,999... to infinity empty space.

Solar System.gif

Would the same not be true for the Sun? I invite you all to look up the Electric Sun Theory

In a state of Higher-Consciousness, such as induced by a successful psilocybin-triggered ego-death, it becomes quite apparent that the Sun is in fact an atom that constitutes a very, very large Causal Being.

One just needs to look at the way the human body works to understand how the Causal Being's body works.

Towards an Ecology of Light

The great poet Rumi wrote:

You are not a drop in the ocean

You are the entire ocean in a drop.

Think for a minute about the fact that all of the DNA that you are made of; is contained in its entirety within a single cell of your body.

This is known as The Hermetic Principle

''As Above, So Below''

Each unit from an electron to a galaxy is a single being united into larger beings.
Every planet is an organ in the solar being.
Together the sun and all the planets are one being.
Our Universe is a being made up of the whole system of smaller beings.
There are many universes and together they constitute a gigantic, titanic, colossal, CAUSAL-BEING.
In any of the atoms of the body, the electron is like a planet. Living beings on the third electron looking out from their home would view a human body as stars in the same way that people looking out from the earth see stars.
The macrocosm is always reflected in the microcosm.

Large to Small.gif

As above, so below.

The same physical and chemical laws affect both the human body and the planets.

As inhabitants of our solar system, we acknowledge the supremacy of the sun as our center. Though it is a minor star in the galaxy, it is our major star. It provides the light that sustains life on the Earth.

All along the life chain, living organisms ingest light.

Living creatures take in energy from food and oxygen.

The light ingested by humans has already been transformed into food by plants and animals.

The human brain transforms this energy from matter into ethereal energy.

In the process of perception we always have an emotional element.

The brain creates the emotion and the emotion is a state of energy.

Emotion is no longer matter. It is another form of energy.

Material energy is that which is detectable and provable by scientific methods.

Ethereal energy cannot be proved within the limits of the modern scientific energy.

We cannot prove that hate or love exist, but we experience their effect. Emotional energy is ethereal energy.

Aether or Ether, in Greek mythology, Aether, also known as Acmon, is one of the primordial deities, the first-born elementals.

Aether or Ether, in Greek mythology, Aether, also known as Acmon, is one of the primordial deities, the first-born elementals.

Aether Greek God.jpg

His name means "light" in ancient Greek.

Aether is the personification and elemental god of "the bright, glowing upper air of heaven - the substance of light".


Your Soul, from the latin Sol, literally from Proton-Indo-European Sawel; meaning Sun:
is Light that emanates from our Sun.

Heaven, from the earlier proto-germanic meaning 'to cover', where we get the meaning of the sky from. The ''Heavens'', the skies up above


The Bible actually describes three heavens.
  • The Heaven of the Sky (the realm of birds and such)
  • The Heavens of the Sun, Moon and Stars.
  • And the Heaven of God (The Afterlife)

The best description in the Bible comes from John, Revelation 21:10-27

22 I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.
23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.
25 On no day will its gates ever be shut, for there will be no night there.

This is just a Biblical account, but I assure you, every concept of an After-Life is always associated with Light.
Light is always described as in a Light Descended from Heaven.

So what can we make of this?

The After-Life is a place of Pure Light. It is constructed out of Light.

As beings incorporated in matter on this planet, we obviously emanate from the Sun.

Thus the only logical explanation is that human beings come from the Sun.

Can anybody then explain to me why we would not return to the Source from which we emanate?

Does water not evaporate and rise up to Heaven?
Does a seed not rot after germination, only to be reborn as a living plant?

Does anything in our world not return to where it came from?
To it's original state?

The Light.gif

Do people who are dying not report going towards the white light?
Do we not tell them: don't go towards the light!

The Sun is what we call Heaven/Afterlife.

What is an Angel?


Angels therefore connote the act of traveling from Heaven to the Earth.
What travels from the Sun to the Earth? Light.
If everything in the world emanates from light.
And our Souls are Light from the Sun.
And as we know, light and matter are the same. E=MC2
Then, human beings are beings of light in the flesh.
We're just densely compressed being of light, vibrating slowly enough to be material

What is the Sun? Really?

Causal Being.gif

It's a Being, but just like the Planet, it is made up of trillions of individual beings.

Souls are just like cells that make up the Solar Being.

And the Solar Being is like an Atom in the grand Causal Being.

Therefore, planets, stars, galaxies, universes... Are all different forms of causal beings. Organs within organs, organisms within organisms...

Causal Beings Male and Female.gif

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Mind expanding thoughts superbly elucidated! I speak to spirit and I do not think, for now, that we are meant to know much of what you discuss here. I have never touched drugs but know that much of which you write about is based in seemingly improbable, probably impossible to prove truth. I look forward to reading more from you and have followed you - I invite you to reciprocate. Happy ruminating, safe tripping :) xox

great posti love this post.jpg

Thanks @Jack!

Lol nice custom comment banner thing too :)))
Interesting character lol :)

Check back in for me or hit me up on discord @imp.unity#3467
Have a chat :))

My father insists that every soul really is a sun, so being a sol makes sense. I feel like I might just refer to myself as a sol when I speak to authorities now, rather then as just a person or individual. The sol embodies what I truely am!

I really like your post, I want to try writing when I am on mushrooms again. They are really a magical substance. I find it kinda redic that people deny that their are spirits, or other realms, that we cannot see or measure, when in fact throughout human history these have been at the center of our lives and as of yet we have really not disproved them. Any good scientist seeks to disprove himself.

Personally, I want to merge science and spirituality, but I think it may take a while. Maybe it is for the best, for now, that we do not understand these other realms, because the mystery is an integral part to our existance.

Also, what is a Casual Being?

One of the books from the Eragon series taught me something. The elves there can basically accomplish anything with magic, but many prefer the hard work of creating something by hand and without magic, because when you live so long and can accomplish anything easily, it becomes important to take the time to do something. I think that we should take our time to savour the mystery and the unknown, secrets of spirituality, because one day it may all make sense. We should enjoy the journey.



Thank you @crafter <3
Check back in later for more cosmowes-omeness! 😄

very impressive posting

Thanks @steemitjp 😁

I hope you were able to take something positive and beautiful from it!
Stay tuned for more impressive posting that challenges all of our beliefs and pushes us to ask those deep, meaningful questions that day by day change the very fabric of the world we live in

Much love <3

Nice work @imp-unity and in a moment of synchronicity I'm currently writing down some similar thoughts and musings. Indeed all in one but equally one in all ;) there is a grand pattern at play throughout a universe of profoundly beautiful mathematical equations. This all kind of ties back to the perceptions of the platonic solids and the building blocks of all life. Indeed it's amazing that these universal prcocesses are in play from the micro through to the vast macro cosmological scales. Great work @imp-unity I really enjoyed reading this!

Omg there's so much to get into when it comes to Sacred Geometry...

I've absolutely got to dig my teeth into that..

There was this book my friend who illustrates was reading, and I can't for the life of me remember its name... It had some weird name that ended in -on like the 'polygamatripmaton' or whatever the hell it was called...

It's from the Renaissance era and supposedly was like the must read of that era for any aspiring artists, engineers, architects, etc...

I gotta find the name back and get a chance to read it at some point

Really ...spritual..

Indeed :)

I still need to fix this post up, it doesn't flow very well, it's too chunky :/

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