Auragraph for A Sex Addict Porn Star

in spirituality •  4 years ago 


I am doing Free Auragraphs with a Readings and Oracle, plus a Talisman - this one was from Craigslist...*

The Oracle Cards I drew are:


Spiritual Burden


Wild Heart


Wake Up!


Winter- Death

The drawing of you, a woman, juggling hearts, there are a few snakes, one masquerades as love, and the other is a trickster making you believe you are in control – showing that it is not “love” at all it’s just sex and show – it’s all external –

The cards say you have a Spiritual Burden – childhood sexual abuse? Wild Heart – says you have a talent you were supposed to be pursuing but instead you are acting out your energy that you are supposed to be using for that, with sex addiction and manipulation. The Wake UP! Card says Wake Up – it’s like the Wheel of Fortune in a way - ‘If the thunder don’t get you then the lightning will” – you are waiting for an outside force to stop you – it will eventually stop you but it could be the last card – Winter – Death.

You, instead could surrender – get on your knees and beg the Creator for help or to surrender you before it is too late.

The drawing shows, You, the Querant, juggling hearts and sex – there are 2 snakes in the drawing which indicate Shadow Work to be done - Transformation because a snake sheds it’s skin – and you know that it is time. You know it has been time for a long time. And you are just putting it off. But it’s going to bite you – what you believe to be your own control of the situation is actually about to bite you and it might kill you – as say the cards.

Perhaps it is simply an ego death – none of us like that – but it is a requirement to get a new life. It sucks while you are going through it but you come out the other side, the child you were meant to be – and in your case – it is Wild Heart – the part of you that connects to Nature – so you stay away from Nature because you don’t want to feel this pain – but you have some amazing natural talent that you have been avoiding because it doesn’t go along with the negative ideas that you tell yourself.

The pain of the spiritual awakening is not really that bad – it actually is simply a toxic flush – and you are renewed on the other side. It is a lie to believe that you can’t handle it – look what you are handling right now? A spiritual awakening is never has horrible as the spiritual death of addiction.

Sex is given to us by the Creator, never to be used lightly, neither to be despised or loathed. You are using it “lightly” - but with you it’s an addiction. You know this – there is an eye open in the drawing – you know what’s going on - but knowledge is not going to fix this -

You need access to Spiritual Power – you are possessed by dark spirits that tell you you enjoy what you are doing – and they have been with you for so long that they seem comforting. They have been with you since childhood – they seemed to help you out of the situation – but really all they do is perpetuate it.

Only a Spiritual Experience is going to be able to blast these suckers out.

How to find that during this lockdown… PRAY – get on your knees and BEG GOD for help. Then look for the miracles – and look for the signs and the direction – and follow it in faith. To thine own Self be true. That is the Higher Self – not to the lower selfish self. Then you will find freedom.

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