in spirituality •  6 years ago  (edited)

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In my third year of secondary education, I read the answer to the question "Who is God?" in a book. It read:

"God is the creator of heaven and earth. He is the author and the sustainer of all things. God is the supreme being. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He created man in His own image. He has no beginning nor end. He is the one protecting us annd providing for us daily. God is everywhere. He is our heavenly father"

However long that seems, I put it in my head as it was a determinant whether I was going to have an excellent grade in Christian Religious Knowledge. Recently, I have taken time to learn how God is called in various Nigerian languages and I have come to realize that different people have given him different names, but in the end they acknowledge His supremacy.

I will like to share some of these names by which God is called by different Nigerian tribes with #steemians

Language __________________ Name of God _____________ Meaning

Yoruba _____________________ Olodumare __________God - The supreme being
                                         Aterere Kaye  ~~ One who spreads all over the world
                                        Eleda   ~~~~~~~   The maker of all creatures 
                                        Oludari   ~~~~~    He who directs the affairs of the world

Ibibio_____________________ Abasi _________________He who lives forever

Igbo ______________________ Chineke, Chukwu _______He who know all things

Hausa______________________Allah, Ubangiji __________Supreme Being

Ijaw (Uzo)___________________Temerau_______________She who creates.

The Ijaw (Uzo) people often refer to God in feminine terms

Edo Benin__________________ Osanobva _____________Absolute controller of the world

Tiv ________________________ Ugheghekeke__________The God who surpasses all

Ishan______________________ Ose Ivu_______________ He who never dies

Urhobo_____________________Ore Ovwure - re _______ He who has no end

Igala_______________________ Ojoma _______________He who knows

In summary, several people choose to call God by how they perceive Him. However, what is most important is acknowledging Him as the Almighty So, what do you call called in your dialet? Perhaps you have a name you call Him personally, kindly share.

Yours truly,

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