These Meme Something

in spirituality •  7 years ago 

Practice Compassionate Detachment by Quieting the Mind and Responding Only When Necessary


Securing a quiet mind is like brushing your teeth, a daily spiritual practice will brighten all responses with an appropriate amount of silence. Take what resonates leaving the rest. Those with active and busy minds will respond to similar energy. Those who practice tranquility will respond in kind. Distractions rule those with busy active minds. Silence rules those with quiet minds. Peace is every where, we just have to tune it in by tuning out, compassionately detaching, from stimulus that does not resonate with what we intend to experience. Refining intentions by exacting proportions remove undue stress by limiting the body's collection of undesirable experiences.

Indeed, those looking to effect others negatively will find limited success when encountering those who practice a quieted mind.

Note: Daily Meditation practice isn't about quieting the mind alone but practicing personally developed tools to limit the activity in the mind. Meditation isn't about silencing the mind. On the contrary, it is about learning to listen while remaining detached from the experience that compel our minds into action; overact in most cases.

Practice daily. Everything and everyone will benefit from committed individuals who seek peace daily.


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