Language of the heart (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in spirituality •  5 years ago 

The language of silence

My mouth remained closed,
Our language sounded like raindrops,
I whispered my poems to you in the language of butterflies,
You sang in the melody of the birds
Your love songs.

My mouth was closed,
My feelings as fluid words flowed from the waves of the ocean to you.
My message hurries fast,
Blown by air and wind.
Read them under the dark night sky tent,
You sparkling star child.

Seemingly silent from the outside,
I whispered to you in the language of the heart,
In what is probably the most divine language,
Only this can hurt the soul so far.

Text Self written.


A linguagem do silêncio

A minha boca permaneceu fechada,
A nossa linguagem parecia gotas de chuva,
Eu sussurrei os meus poemas para ti na língua das borboletas,
Você cantou na melodia dos pássaros
As tuas canções de amor.

Minha boca estava fechada,
Os meus sentimentos como palavras fluidas fluem das ondas do oceano para ti.
A minha mensagem corre depressa,
Soprado pelo ar e pelo vento.
Leia-os debaixo da tenda escura do céu à noite,
Sua criança estrela cintilante.

Aparentemente silenciosa por fora,
Eu sussurrei-te na língua do coração,
No que é provavelmente a linguagem mais divina,
Só isto pode magoar a alma até agora.



Die Sprache des Schweigens

Mein Mund blieb verschlossen,
Unsere Sprache klang wie Regentropfen die dahin flossen,
Ich wisperte dir in der Sprache der Schmetterlinge meine Gedichte,
Du sangst in der Melodie der Vögel
Deine Liebeslieder.

Mein Mund war geschlossen,
Meine Gefühle als liquide Wörter von den Wellen des Ozeans zu dir geflossen.
Meine Nachricht eilt geschwind,
Wird angetrieben durch Zeit, Luft, Raum und Wind.
Lese sie unter dem Himmelszelt,
Du funkelndes Sternenkind.

Scheinbar Schweigend von außen,
flüsterte ich dir in der Sprache des Herzens,
In der wohl göttlichsten Sprache,
Nur diese kann der Seele zu gleich Liebe schenken, als auch schmerzen.

Text selbst verfasst.
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You rhyme in German, don't you? Spanish and English missed the meaning at the last sentence. I recommend deeply. com for a good starting point.

Sólo así se puede dar amor al alma al mismo tiempo que dolor.
Only this can give love to the soul at the same time as pain.

@tipu curate

Yeah, I always choose out one language to rhyme. This time it was german. Its wrong Portuguese? Ok. Thanks for the feedback.

You're welcome. Oh, bummer: I did not even noticed that it is Portuguese. Out of my Spanish, Deepl makes for Portugese.
Esta é a única maneira de dar amor à alma, bem como dor.