Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences: Vivid Dreams, Stories from Imbalanced People or, Something Else?

in spirituality •  7 years ago  (edited)

Image by Tamas Kooning Lansbergen

I happen to believe there is some kind of spiritual energy within us that can leave our body and then return. Some people study, practice and intend for this to happen---they intend to experience astral projection. Other people have unintended out of body experiences.

I don't have an ironclad belief in this phenomena but do believe in it nevertheless. Some say that these are not real; that these are vivid dreams. Others say the claimant is making up a tall tale while others believe the claimant is mentally imbalanced.

Let's Go Back in Time to 1988. At this time, I was really into Eastern mysticism. I studied TIbetan Mahayana Buddhism in depth, traveled to India, Nepal and Tibet, met the Dalai Lama, etc. So, I was REALLY into this kind of stuff. I read many books on spiritual matters at the time including the Bhagavad Gita, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and, so many others.

I practiced some meditation but I didn't like it; I found it boring and it made me sleepy. I had tried to astrally project but could not---I was not able or practiced enough to get to the point of being able to experience it. I could always hear little sounds around me and was thus not able to fully relax or concentrate. My mind would wander too; I was not able to stay focused on the matter at hand.

However, one late night in March of 1988, during the Spring semester at college, I did have the following experience.

I had been studying very hard and went to bed exhausted. I awoke in the middle of the night with no apparent reason for waking. I did not feel tired or sleepy at all. I sat up in my loft and looked around my room and saw it exactly as it was. I looked across the room and saw my roommate, Ted, asleep in his loft.

There did seem to be a bit of an illuminated hue around the room--I could see better than you would have thought. I was keenly aware of my material surroundings yet sensed they were permeable. I sensed I was as free to leave through the ceiling of the room as I was free to leave through an opened door.

It was then that my self looked down at my body and realized that my body was separate from my self. From the waist up, my self was out of my body and my real body was lying flat in bed. This experience at first seemed soothing and wonderful but then conscious thoughts of rationality (from somewhere) began to register, and consequently I grew frightened. At the inception of this fright, my self began to slowly lie down and re-merge with my body.

As my self got closer to re-merging with my body, I was aware of an increasing pitch of a sound (or maybe it was a vibration) which was accompanied by an increase in frequency. Upon full merging, these sensations halted abruptly and I jerked awake as if I had been hit.

This is kinda what it was like when I was merging back into my body.

I later thought to myself this same separation of body and soul must also happen at death, except on a permanent basis.

As the weeks and months rolled by, I began to attribute my experience to a powerful dream or perhaps to my desire to experience such a phenomenon. I began to try to rationally and logically formulate arguments to convince myself the experience had not been real. While going through this process, I couldn't help recalling the vividness and power of my experience.

I had never had an experience like that before or any since. I am a very different person today than I was then.

I believe what happened to me was a bonafide, partial, out of body experience.

Assuming for the sake of argument that we have a soul or spirit within us; do you believe it can leave our body and then return?

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