Trust the divine plan

in spirituality •  6 years ago  (edited)


Something astounding happens when we surrender to the flow of life.

Last week I took a few more deep breaths than usual. I was initiated into a fast speed of growth. Letting go of plans that no longer served my Soul. Tuning in with the present moment that was presenting itself to me. And truly listen to my hearts desires.

A few deep breathes later and I jumped.
A few moments later I felt peace and total surrender.
A few moments later I felt completely at peace because of the total support I could feel.

Surrender is what allows life to flow again and that’s when things start to unfold in so many magical ways. It's that guidance that comes straight from the Soul. That inner knowing that to stay in a comfortable bubble would eventually cause you more harm than good - Life will give you exactly what is needed in order for expansion and growth.

Growth is only painful if we go against the flow of life. To go against the whisperings of your own heart will eventually cause suffering and heartache. To go against - is to operate from a state of fear. And that state is becoming very 'normal' to operate from. Because as a society we have been so guided to disconnect from our own spiritual intuitive intelligence.

The more we follow our hearts and the intuitive guidance that come from our Souls. The more we will move closer to the truth of our own Divine Plan. Your intuition is buried underneath all mental noise of thoughts that keep us in a state of confusion or fear. While the whisperings of your heart and Soul give us clarity on this Soul shaking path of awakening.

Two years ago I jumped into the unknown. Without a refined plan, I journeyed to Asian countries. Ulgh, I can tell you that there were many times where I felt running home out of fear. That part of my journey was not always glorious and fun:

I hugged gravel a couple of times, by falling off my motorbike
O god, the humiliation, and to accept all the pains in my body. The biggest lesson from these experiences has led me to come to the understanding that we are all our own healers. Choosing our realities by the way we perceive our outer world. Which is merely a reflection of what is going on inside of us.

I felt lonely and lost on the journey so many times
I was becoming so fixated on receiving 'breadcrumbs' of messages and synchronicities. Wanting to know the next steps in my journey - That I blocked my intuitive nature from coming through. Every time when I got caught up with my old bullshit story of being lost (and all the thoughts kept on distracting me) - Something greater than I could ever imagine was happening. All of the miracles were happening when I changed my perception of my old story of being lost. And I accepted my reality just as it is.

We are all here to remember the truth of our intuitive nature. And it is through the heart we learn the truth. It's the source of human wisdom, giving us knowledge of the path that feels in alignment. Guidance is everywhere. The Universe/God is always in communication with us through messages, people and circumstances. We don't have to travel to other countries to find the truth of our own intuitive guidance system. We can start right here where we are.

That's why I seek to empower my Soul clients to gain confidence and trust their own wisdom and guidance. To live an empowered spiritual life in modern times. You don't have to be more or seek more. Let us journey together by unlocking your intuitive nature by removing the fears and limitations that prevent you from seeing your own power as an intuitive being on the path of awakening.

I am opening up 3 Intuitive Activation Reading Sessions (€60.-) for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

In this session we will create a safe space to explore consciousness:

Identify what is blocking you from your intuitive nature + Shift your vibrational state with energy medicine.
Activate your intuition - Tune in with the messages of your heart and Soul.

Receive €10,- by claiming your spot now. Use coupon code: intuitivehit

If you feel a calling to work together. Don't hesitate to send me an email. Or if you have any questions.

For the love of growth, experiences and life lessons. May we all rise above the limitations that keeping us small. May we all activate the power of wisdom and unconditional love within ourselves. So that love can flow to others. xoxo

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