Paranormal Event that happen to me a few decades ago!

in spirituality •  7 years ago 


Bunny Rabbit True Story!
This event took place in the mid 1980’s I was now married and was sitting in my very first house. It was a dark late summers evening and the light from the closed patio windows flooded across my back garden. I was sitting watching TV and to my right I could see my rabbit through the patio windows. We only had a small garden but it was completely fenced in so my rabbit could roam freely pruning our very expensive flowers. It was then that I noticed my rabbit charging about the garden as if it was being chased. This has happened before as the cat next door gets a bit too playful. Since the patio windows were locked I walked quickly to the kitchen door which also leads to the back garden. I open the kitchen door to see that my rabbit had already stopped in the middle of the lawn; though the garden was dark I could see no cat. Then suddenly for no reason at all the hairs on the back of my neck stood up (I was in danger) and I was told (inside my head) to close the door and go back to watch the TV.
So I did as I was told. Later on I told my wife who was upstairs at the time what had happen but did not think too much about it and the rabbit was put back in his hutch by my wife as I did not want to go in the garden. This happened on a Friday night and then on Saturday night we had arranged for the next door neighbours to come around for dinner. It was not long before they mentioned that they had ghosts in their house last night which kept them up all night! The radiators were banging and noises were heard around the house. I suggested that it might have been air locked in the pipes but they said definitely not it was ghosts! Though I mentioned what happened to me the night before this was ignored and the subject was changed.
In summary I felt like their where two ET’s albeit invisible in my garden having fun with my rabbit and then they moved onto the next doors house. The next doors had a son who was 4 at the time and he was very angry and physically violent to his mum. He was also very intelligent and could watch the news and debate what was being discussed. Alien abduction! Ghosts! Who knows but it was strange and it was my second paranormal experience in my life.

The first was just a memory of me as a baby in my cote. I saw a bright vertical rectangle light in the corner of the bedroom as I stood up in my cote. The next thing I remember was seeing myself asleep. I seemed to be out of body viewing myself. Recently in a psychic reading I ask if this event was true and what was it all about. I was told it was connected to Pythagoras and I had been somebody who worked with him as I could convey his very technical information into a more understandably earthy way. This actually makes sense to me as I have done this many times in this life.


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Hey Robert, thank you for sharing this kind of experiences,

Your first experience is conscious OBE. It is not as rear as people use to think, it just not public because people are usually afraid to be ridiculed if they speak about that. We go out of body every night, we just don't remember. Here is a book Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce that can help you to clarify that experience.

The second experience it is very interesting. The voice in your head is probably from the astral plane. Ghosts are the souls of deceased people who are so tied to the material plane to refuse to go into upper dimensions. There are invisible helpers who help them and try to separate them from the material level for their benefit. It's possible that they warned you telepathically so that you do not get upset. You can read more about this phenomenon in the book Invisible Helpers by Charles Leadbeater.

thank you for the great feedback and I look forward to reading the book

welcome! Glad to see a like minded person joining the platform. Live long and prosper!

Thank you, people speaking their truth is very much needed now

Welcome! We're all glad to have you :)

Its a great place to network, to learn and to share what you've learnt and I look forward to seeing your posts!

Give me a follow @cryptobroye. Im sure there's much we can learn from each other.