Find a man who has the depth and maturity to love a passionate woman.

in spirituality •  6 years ago 

I don't need a loud voice.
I need arms to hold me.
I don't need to be pushed through this. I need an ear to listen. I didn't ask you to fix this. I need a friend, a partner, a lover, a man.

When you yell at me I don't feel safe, I want to run away. When you abuse your power I take back the pieces of my heart I've given you, trusting you would keep them safe. When you use your anger or rage to 'motivate me' I can't trust you and I won't be in a relationship with a man I can't trust.

You tell me I'm too sensitive, call me irrational, call me moody. Tell me I'm to much too handle.

I don't accept that as my truth. My truth is I'm a woman with a heart that's too big for her body. I'm a woman who loves hard and deep and my passion is all consuming. I feel emotions with everything I am and each piece of my heart.

A man who needs to yell and be aggressive is still using his size, his strength, and what he views as his power to FEEL like a man.

Walk away from this man, let go of this man. He isn't ready for a passionate, sensitive women who's claimed her worth and her power. He will continue to feel threatened by you and feel the need to push you down. Put you in a place you don't belong. Don't go to that place.

You deserve to be loved for those parts of you that are sensitive, caring and beautifully feminine. Find a conscious man who finds those parts of you beautiful. Find a man who has the depth and maturity to love a passionate woman. A man who can meet you where you're at.

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A man that puts down a woman says more about his self-worth and self-esteem and does not belong with a woman who knows her truth...Peace.