Internal Spiritual Attacks - What Are They?

in spirituality •  5 years ago 

Internal Spiritual Attacks - What Are They.jpg

Have you ever had a good day only to be ruined by a thought that tumbled into another thought, which led into a series of thoughts that lowered your vibes?

Yea.. Me too.

But why is that? And how is this “attacking” your Spirituality?

The Minds Games

Over the years the mind has been programmed to internally attack as you raise in vibrations. And until you learn to deprogram and then reprogram your mind, you will always fall victim to its games.

You see, the test comes in when you’re turning up and vibing high to see if you can maintain that momentum you’ve been building up. It’s not just some random act, it is precise and deliberate.

And through that internal attack, you’ll see how if you allow it to - it will block up your Spiritual energy that you need in order to continue raising up on your path.

Observing The Programs

The mind will be running off of certain programs that you have allowed to be placed there.

And over the years, they’ve stacked up. So now your job is to observe these programs that are running within your mind.

In doing this, you can see that you’re not the programs running within your mind, as well as know what steps to take in order to reprogram your mind in the way that your higher self is calling for.

These programs can be from commercials, music, friends and pretty much anything that goes on in this reality.

You can even get programmed by your animals - if you allow it.

Reprogramming Your Mind

This will take you connecting with your spiritual flow so that you can see what it is you need to reprogram yourself with.

Because if you’re still running off of the ego’s scripts, you’re only going to continue to keep adding to that list of ego traits.

Which in turn leads you down a path of darkness.

But, when you follow your intuition, you can then clearly see what it is you need to work on and from there, you’ll be able to turn up that much more on your path!


The mind will try and deceive you into getting off of your path, but when you truly take responsibility for your life and actions, you can then make the change needed to turn up Spiritually, mentally and physically.

And not only that, but you’ll be able to maintain that connection on all levels - all the time.

My Gratitude for tuning in,

Ya Boy Solar :D

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